1979 Sacred Seeds Ancestral / Grandfather Skunk F2 project

Nice , healthy looking plants! :green_heart::v:

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Week 4


No skunk smells from any of the females, unfortunately. More like neutral, hashy, resin-type aromas. They seem sensitive to organic top dressing, or maybe I gave them a little too much sulfur. Not sure. The other clones are all fine. These might be interesting crosses I’m making, we will see.


Looking great even if you have not got the smell your looking for


I’m late with the pictures this week. Week 5.

I pulled the male and sprayed the tent with water to try and neutralize any left over pollen. Now they all look like a mess, but they are still trucking. I see deficiencies in the old clones (TK, Chem 91) and the Skunk females, but the Tahoe, Slurricane and Sour Diesel look fine so I’m not going to worry about it too much.


I bet that smells nice!


If I wasn’t using a carbon filter, it would be overwhelming.

Mostly hashy/resin type smells from the Skunk females. The smells are quite neutral. Not sweet, not sour, just neutral.


:thinking: Hmm.

That’s a looooot better & different that the seeds I grew. Mine were the Sebring variety & I can’t say they really have any use except maybe the autoflowering trait. No smell, no thc, just well kinda useless except for incense maybe? :joy: No criticism of Sebring.

:evergreen_tree: :man_shrugging: :skunk:

Well, this project turned into a bust. I started seeing male preflowers on two of the Skunks and it doesn’t make any sense to make crosses with bad genetics. Also, the TK, Chem91 and Diesel really needed supplemental nutrients beyond what I could give them with top dressing. I have purchased some micronized soluable amendments from Sensational Solutions in Humboldt Co to try and get on top of it next go round.

I am not happy with this one so sorry for getting anyone’s hopes up. These are not the skunks we are looking for. They were starting to smell sweet like I have heard Skunk #1 described. Combined with the hermi traits and the questionable back story is pushing me to quit early on this one. No pics because they are looking like crap now, and I need a better photo setup.


Sorry your run didn’t go as you hoped man. Was a ton of work you put in there and it’s always tough when it doesn’t work out. I may have some skunk stuff you would like if you want to go skunk hunting again :wink:


Head up amigo. Only way we find out is to try. On to the next!


My favourite quote from the movie, The Gumball Rally

And now my friend, the first-a rule of Italian driving.
[Franco rips off his rear-view mirror and throws it out of the car]
What’s-a behind me is not important.

:laughing: :+1:



Those were / are looking nice .

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