1979 Sacred Seeds Ancestral / Grandfather Skunk F2 project

Would love some seeds! Plz sign me up sir.

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That’s a Skunk #1 for sure. The stance says it all

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Very cool, can’t wait to see what you come up with ! Your gardens looking great :slight_smile:

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Pollen has been dropping the last couple of days. Everything moving along smoothly.

I’m starting to get interesting smells from the skunk females but it’s too soon to tell exactly what.

LEDs are both at 95% now, temps top out at 81 or 82 but I think that they are doing ok with it. It’s a lot cooler under the canopy and I’ve got the fans dialed up.


Good pics and good stuff man!

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Lol… I love you morphology experts. Literally every Cannabis plant grows the same aside from bud formation. Alot of y’alls morphological identifiers are malnutrition symptoms of a plant crying for its chemical profile to be preserved through proper nutrition. It’s funny that old strains that aren’t the same can only be identified by the symptom indicating the health issue that congenitally changed them.


Wow look at that!!! Way to breed and grow man :sunglasses: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :fire: :peace_symbol:

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Bruce Bugbee and Harley Smith should team up and explain where double serrations come from. Nah, growers will always ignore nutrition and focus on everything else.

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This is a real problem, and I don’t think a lot of growers pay enough attention. I have to work hard to provide a truly organic, living soil environment that can work with water only. I end up supplementing with a little Blue Planet liquid AN kelp, some LAB (or EM-1), neem meal and malted barley. I also like to topdress with small amounts of Aurora Roots organic dry mix, and Bu’s compost/EWC. I start with Build-a-soil because it is awesome enough to run water only. I re-amend/cycle soil with the same ingredients.

I like to have super healthy plants to clone from, and definitely to propagate through seed production.


My outdoor beds are horse/chicken/goat manure, alfalfa, leaf litter, Roots organic (3 way dry mix), and the best compost I can put out there too. It is hard to make good compost where I am with such a short season, but I’ve worked with Bokashi in the past, and that sort of thing.

The outdoor beds are probably better than anything I can do indoors at this point. I pull up huge worms in the Spring, and they are pretty unusual to be that size up here in the forest/mountain. I am above 8000 feet. It stays cold/frozen half of the year.


Well, I’m not sure about the origin story of this skunk, unfortunately. In the interest of full disclosure, I’ll link to the other thread where I detailed what I found out from Todd McCormick. He’s known Skunkman Dave for almost 30 years.

I don’t think I was scammed or anything because these seeds were a gift in the first place, with no strings attached, so I don’t know what to think. They are still interesting and I’m too deep in it to quit now so we will see where it goes. I just wanted to be clear about what I learned because I am on the skunk journey just like everyone else.


very interested in this one!

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Another quick update. Massive pollen clouds form when I shake the screen, and the buds are beginning to take off.

The Sour Diesel and Tahoe OG are greater in size than the rest so far. Chem91 and TK lagging a bit.

I’m getting somewhat acrid smells from the skunks but it’s still early. I’m definitely not smelling the same kind of funk I get from my Shoreline x Deadhead OG cut though.

I am going to mix up a sulfur and malted barley top dress mix and water that in soon.

Sour Diesel Albany

Tahoe OG


Where did your Chem91 cut come from out of interest?

Am trying to track down some original seed stock myself but all of the best locations seem out of stock.

Farmer Joe on IG. He came recommended by multiple people and ships clean stuff. This is the first time growing them out for me though.

He got it from SkunkVA I believe.

The Chem91 and TK came from him but the Tahoe and SD did not. I selected the Slurricane last Winter.


That TK cut from Farmer Joe traces back to Nspecta and is as legit as they come.


Try Shoreline Genetics if you haven’t already. You can hit him up directly in email. He has a Chem 91 BX


Week 3 update.


Week 3 looking great.

Is your dog barking at the tent yet ? :slightly_smiling_face:


My phone categorized this as bonsai :rofl:
