1st Grow 1st Post - Seed Found in Homegrow Bag of Maui Wowie

Watered 2000mL with just a touch of the Q20 and BuildABloom (2-10-5).

there are orange hairs!!! I feel like I’m getting my first video game console. (Fine, I’ll admit which one – it was a Super Nintendo. Good times.)


What does this mean? Is there a timeline from here? I was expecting a few weeks into October.

In any case…the plant, the hairs, the top down, the undershot, the tent (with stickers!). I’m excited.


She lookin perrty!! :heart_eyes:


Looking good brother.


Did you eat some of your shrooms before you posted this? Haha.

That plant isn’t even close to being done. An orange hair here or there isn’t unusual around week five, it happens all the time on my plants (and every time it does, I go,”OMG, DID SOMETHING HERM???” haha), but honestly, those pistils don’t even look all that orange. I think your timeline is right on cue. Or whatever haha. Early October seems reasonable.

If your soil mix is all good, you don’t need to be adding shit every time you water. Or at all, really. You can take it easy on the plants, they’ll be fine.


I keep the shrooms to a general minimum, lol.

Dually noted on the watering! I don’t want to overdo things — and the soil is already amended.

Glad my October estimate is still on track! It’s fun to see all the things happening in front of me for the first time.

The advice is always welcome :). Time to call it for the night. Hope all of your smoke is just what you called for!


PPFD 395
DLI 18.3
Leaf Temp 77F
Tent Temp/RH 78F / 37% RH
Lung Room Temp 74F / 35% RH
Moisture Meter (top/mid/deep) 2/3/6

No water today. Going to experiment with a bit more light in there. 100W doesn’t quite seem to be enough — it’s not doing poorly by any means, but I’ve seen recommendations of anywhere from 600 to 1500 µmol per square meter.


How far away do you have your light from the plant right now? You could probably just lower it. I mean, it’s only one plant, you don’t need to “spread” the light out for total tent coverage or anything.


They’re pretty close already, within a foot I’d say. I’ll measure when lights come on.

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Oh, really? No need to measure it; if it looks like it’s a foot-away, it probably is.

I do think that you’re getting into that classic “newb mindset” haha, though, of,”What can I do to make this better? What can I do to make this better?” The plants are gonna do what they’re gonna do. Your soil mix is good, the light’s close enough, you’re not fucking shit up by dumping a bunch of “nutes” on them…

Just let her grow. LITFA and all that.


I am a solid fan of leaving it TFA — advice taken! Thank you :).


Good looking plant :potted_plant:

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I think this is for your light. You should be smooth sailing at 1’ according to the mfg chart


Me too. I struggle with the practice though. :wink:


That is the correct map! The 2.7x2.7 has one of these AeroLight-A100SE lights in it.

I’m doing my homework now and just trying to understand what makes the $1000 HLG lights, or the California Light Works lights that much better.

I will say the VivoSun light does seem to be working — although the middle fan in it could use to be quite a bit more powerful so I’m mixed on my feelings there.

The HLG Diablo (and the rest of their line) seem top notch — as do the California Light Works. I can’t afford either right now but maybe one day down the line — for now though I’m just trying to learn. Why the deep red options for some, why the UVB at the very end possibly — but really I’m just happy the plant is growing along and I’m having fun :). Can’t wait to smoke!


I don’t know anything about those lights but I’d assume they’re high wattage, possibly with the commercial grower in mind.
Ac infinity has been excellent for me.
The migro array 3 is good as well, just bad driver.

You could spend a lifetime going down all the rabbit holes.

Expensive stuff isn’t usually better. Everything is coming from china in some form.


Expensive is definitely not always better. Sometimes, yes — but I’m not too concerned where I’m at right now.

Got home and popped in the tent. Gave her 1000mL water. Light is about a foot away.


The Apaches I use seem to be pretty fucking great lights and they’re made here in the US. Whether or not all the parts they use are, I don’t know, nor do I really care haha. I mean, I care, but they seem to grow really good plants and that’s all that matters to me, ultimately.

I disagree. Have you ever played a cheap guitar vs a well-made one? Or listened to music through shitty speakers as opposed to good ones? There’s a noticeable difference.

The only thing (or one of the only things, anyway) that I don’t think there’s a difference between cheap and expensive is seeds haha. Bodhi’s stuff has always been some of the cheapest gear you can get and I’m never disappointed when I plant them. I have, however, read tons of bad stuff about those $500-a-pack “breeders.”

I wouldn’t scrimp on lights, though. People have asked me on my grow logs multiple times,”Why do your plants look like that? What’re you doing?” and I always say,”I dunno. Nothing.” haha. I think it’s because of the lights.


What kind are you speaking of?

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I hear ya, brother. I used to work in a recording studio so you are speaking my language.
Although I have seen inexpensive gear perform just as well if not better. Always a bigger fan of the Mexican made Fenders over the American, but then again my acoustic ran about $3k, haha. Lots of variables.
I agree you get what you pay for in most cases.



Watered 1800mL.