1st Grow 1st Post - Seed Found in Homegrow Bag of Maui Wowie

I’ve always done the 16/8 veg thing, just because I really do think that plants wanna be treated the same way humans do (not that I’ve gotten a solid eight hours of sleep in the last, like… ever haha). Still, anything longer than eighteen hours has always seemed like overkill, unless you’re trying a re-veg. Sixteen seems good to me.

I feel you on growing in the summer, though. After many years of running the AC 24/7 and five humidifiers, too (because the AC dries out the air; plus, it’s just super-dry here in general), just to keep my temps at 91 and my humidity levels at 34%, I said,”No more!” haha. It’s been nice taking a little break, but I’m starting the next grow in the next few days haha. It’s only been like six weeks, but it feels like it’s been forever…

Plant looks good, too, Coff haha.


Dude I’m on the same exact page with you on this. I always laughed when people mentioned 24hrs. Everything living and breathing needs a rest cycle. I concur with you big time on this. Also the fact that I’ve not slept 8 hours in years. haha

This is exactly where I’m at now. Funny thing is… I’m starting back up in a few days just squaring my space up a bit and we’re back in business!


I’m rebelling with my 20/4, lol. I know I’m new but also it seemed to make sense to let them rest — but not so much that they start flowering. Y’all have the experience though! I’m just popping seeds and ripping through dispensary weed.

Got my med card renewed so am looking forward to getting back to some slightly better smoke but really can’t wait for my own. I had a dream where I crossed S1 Maui Wowie seeds with Frankenstein or something of the like. Dreams might come true one day!

I feel lucky with my temps — its been working out with conditions temp wise in my closet that houses the 2.7x2.7 and then there’s a bathroom “lung room” and attached to that is my main lung room with right now one 4x4 but soon another. It also houses a dehumidifier and a window portable air conditioner that has been working well.

@Rhai88 I hope the space is coming together well! Looking forward to seeing your adventures.

@minitiger I felt funny going into the grow shop and asking about humidifiers — they said they normally get folks asking about dehumidifiers — I’ve found in my space I can have a humidifier in the tent and keep the lung room around 40RH if I run a dehumidifier. Otherwise it creeps up to around 50RH. Temps stay between 68F to 80F with full lighting in the hottest part of the closet. I can see though how quickly managing the environment can be a pain in the ass. Or a costly pain in the ass it sounded like for you! Oof! Hope your new grow is coming along well even if just in planning!

A few pics:


Why would you go to a grow shop to buy a humidifier? Avoid those places at all costs. You can find cheaper (and usually more effective) solutions anywhere else, whether it be a humidifier or “nutrients” or IPM ingredients or whatever.


I use one of my regular humidifiers in my largest tent to keep humidity up which us my 5’x5’. It’s typically my one I use for flowering buy when you got 8 in early Vegg they all would be a little cramped in my other 4’x4’ tents.

I agree with @minitiger , I like to support my local small businesses but when the price is literally doubled compared to other places I need to go with the best price. I usually go to them when I to get supplies immediately.


@minitiger well you can support local businesses and fellow growers or cheap out and give that money to Jeff Bezos. I just bought an ACI Humidifier from my local grow store. Cash discount and I supported a local family trying to make the dream a reality. Keep Growing!


I’ve 100% got some things from a few different grow shops – but feel lucky to be close to several good local businesses (like Build A Soil). The two humidifiers I have are small and I ended up getting them from VivoSun – they work well and the full tank lasts a few days which is nice. The dehumidifier I might move up onto a counter and let drain into a sink to just let it crank – it fills up it’s tray every day.

Shopping around is good! I actually ended up getting a better deal through the grow shop on the dehumidifier than I would have from source with a discount. Never pay retail!


Plant is looking great, brother!
Glad to find your thread.

Stocked to see how big this lady gets :heart_eyes:

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Happy to have you along! Not as impressive as hauling rocks and building amazing stuff – but the more the merrier! I have one more thread for my 4x4 tent that I started as well ( Coffweed Attempts x4 GDP, 2 KSS, 1 Frankenstein, and 3 DoMeFast Autos in a 4x4 ).

Otherwise I’m just reading and learning from people like you :). Glad you got some rest!

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Wrong person, pal. I’m all over this site saying,”Fuck Amazon. Support your local businesses.” Other than the COVID quarantining months when there wasn’t any other choice, I haven’t used Amazon in yeeeaarrrsss. But when grow stores charge an arm and a leg for something I can get at my local nursery for half the price, yeah, I’m also gonna say,”Fuck grow stores.”

I think it’s funny how people online just make assumptions when they really don’t know who the fuck they’re talking to. Where in my post did I even imply that people should order shit from Amazon?

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Definitely a difference between “cheaping out” and trying to find the highest quality product at the best price.

@minitiger everything you said makes sense — seeking the best deal, I too would say “fuck any” source that is charging twice as much as they should.

@WilliamTell no mention of bezos was made but I see your intent — and I’m sure we would all like to support local businesses but surely not at double the cost. If it’s a good deal, woohoo!

I’m all for supporting good folks but as @minitiger said, if a cheaper and more effective solution can be found elsewhere, why not?

Time to smoke some dispensary Runtz — annoyingly dry but so it goes.

Also time to set up a cheap printer (oh joy!). The weed will help.


It’s the idea that everything is some sort of binary choice that pissed me off, as if there are always only two options; in this case, a grow store or Amazon. People are always like that, where if you say,”I don’t like (insert whatever example here),” they immediately jump to,”Oh, so you think (insert another option here) is so great??? Huh?? Is that what you think?!?”


Anyway… Have fun setting up that printer haha.

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I’m glad we all get nice and stoned – I’m all for that relaxing! :slight_smile:

Even with a computer science degree the printers are scary, lol. Got it though! --and my med card came back around so off to grab some hopefully half way decent flower!

Ended up with some Jet Fuel Gelato x Triangle Kush (and a few others). Time to test!

Edit (after test):
Damn. Fkn delicious. Can’t wait to try the Gastro Pop and the Mr. Nasty.

Edit: next test — Mr. Nasty

Edit edit edit: next — last but not least, Gastro Pop

Actual grow updates soon.


Decided to wait to water until tomorrow when the sun comes up quote unquote — at noon. This tent ended up on a schedule that isn’t ideal as far as temps and power go but by the time I realized my mistake it was too late — so it has sun up at noon and down at midnight. At least my other tent is running lights during the night.

Anywho, seems to be coming along! Staying tuned for the next episode.

A few seeds have landed from an auction I won here recently and I’m mostly waiting for everything to come in before thanking folks publicly — but @Bobgrows sent some stickers alongside some awesome seeds (thank you!) that made their way into my 2.7ftx2.7ft tent. My first ever tent stickers. Woot!


Your so welcome! I collect them myself, so I thought everyone else would love them too! :face_with_hand_over_mouth::v::green_heart:


Greetings @Coffweed,

I just wanted to thank you for an enjoyable thread and offer congratulations on what looks to be a fine harvest to come!

As you’ve seen, Overgrow is a veritable Grad School of Canna Cultivation. We all catch a happy vibe over the enthusiasm of newcomers, especially when they are energetic in seeking out best practices and asking for advice when needed.

You’ll be a great addition to the community.

-Grouchy :v: :green_heart:
PS, I’m going to treat myself to your second grow log with the morning coffee tomorrow! :+1:



Thank you for the kind words! I’m just seeking coffee myself at the moment. Happy to be here!

Edit: plant updates
Watered just about 1000mL for now. Took a few pictures. Thought about trellis use and if I did this remotely correctly, lol. Trying!

Is 100W LED (VivoSun lights with the fan in the middle) enough for this 2.7x2.7?


Watered a bit more with some coconut water powder and a little BuildABloom added — a very light addition of both. Mostly just water.


Watered just now with a half gallon. Added a little coconut powder, BuildABloom, and a little Big Six.

Going to let it go another few days before watering again.


Probably going to water today — but will see. Yesterday was still moist.

Set some new HVAC temps and we’ll see how it goes. I don’t think it’ll hit them so much as it will increase airflow — depends on lung room temps.

Is it October and time to harvest yet? lol