1st Grow 1st Post - Seed Found in Homegrow Bag of Maui Wowie

Boy oh boy does she look sticky! My fingers are sticking to my phone just looking at her.
Beautiful work so far, brother :purple_heart:


Thank you @CaptainRon — I’m just fumbling my way along! Trying to learn from folks like yourself!

This plant seems to be really taking off. I’m excited to smoke some (sad that I’ll have to leave a few small branches on to re-veg it for clones to self). Still every day feels like Christmas.

Also… did yall know we were growing more than weed in there??? I had put some spawn jars that were a little bacterial and a little (very) old. A Giant Short Fat Maketi clone I run sometimes — and well, one decided it wanted to grow in the jar :nerd_face::

Can’t wait but will wait to do anything to this Maui bagseed until tomorrow.

I can’t help myself, just two bud shots:

…and some fun leaf colors!


A day closer. Watered a bit over a half gallon.

Little USB microscope coming so I’ll try to take and share some shots from that.


I was (am) struggling to take a good macro shot with this new cheap usb microscope thing. Got a few.

Passing out here. Good night OG.


Those macro shots look great to me!!!


Thanks. It was with a less than $30 USB microscope. Super hard to get it still. The thing has all of the focus adjustments on the device so it was:
-Try to set the focus holding the thing with your hands to get it close
-Set it on the trellis
-Wait for the trellis to stop bouncing
-Take a few shots and hope one comes out

If the thing were on a more solid surface it would be much easier. I feel like it does its job though helping figure out where the trichomes are at in their journey.

I figure this plant still has a few weeks but am staying tuned.


Yeah, dude, that plant still has at least three weeks to go. Look at all the white pistils. And just look at the flowers, you don’t need a scope for that. They aren’t even looking all “calyx-y” yet, still just look (mostly) like a mass of pistils.

You want them to look like the weed you smoke haha, you know?


I agree few more weeks. Keep an eye out as some cultivars dont change trichome colors and the pistils/stigmas are a good indicator when they change to a darker color you are getting close.


Right. I’ve tried to use loupes before and camera things and even a gigantic magnifying glass haha, but all the trichs just look silvery and shiny to me, no matter how far along the plants are. I just go by,”Does this weed look done to me?” The pistils are a good indicator, for sure.

If you know the genetics of the stuff you’re growing, you have some sort of idea, a baseline, of how long things should take, but you never really know. Things’ll surprise you.

So it’s unfortunate that Coff’s plant is a bag seed haha! Who knows what he’s really growing…? That plant still has a few weeks to go, though.

I think… haha.


Ended up moving this discussion over here:

Think I’ve got a hermie and figuring out next steps. Not terribly surprised as this is a bag seed but don’t want to hurt the other plants.


If it’s the one I have, it really is difficult to hold it steady, especially when trying to see trichs. Do you also have the app on your phone that allows you to see what you’re taking a picture of?

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Yep! It would definitely be easier with a mounted thing — but those are more expensive and it would be hard to mount on an active grow I imagine. The little one takes some finesse but I think is not terrible for under $30.


Get as close as you can with your camera phone without the bud getting blurry, and then crop photo. Usually you can get some good visuals.

Then just zoom in to see trichomes :face_with_monocle: