1st grow ever

My best guess is you have bugs causing your leaves to look like that. Maybe not, but I’d think so.

But I checked the leafs stocks soil with jeweler loupe at 90 didn’t see bugs

I have some gnats not much of em oh ya I do got sugar ants lil black ones

Not a lot of ants but I see them on my catch trays n bucket some on soil but not on the plant itself think the molasses attracts them

Did you check everywhere? They can be sneaky.

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Ants farm aphid, just an fyi

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I checked leafs on each branch top bottom an main cola no I did not look at majority of them should I go back in n spend a while checkin leafs

That miraclegro soil plus Schultz feed could cause N toxicity. Just water the big plants for now.

Sometimes having ants means there are aphids on the leaves. Not sure bout the big ones but that new plant should be sprayed every 3 days for 2-3 weeks. Thats IPM


I’m googling that I won’t ask u what that is lol THANK U wait aphids a bad i remember reading it somewhere correct

I would, you have some issue causing the leaves to look the way they do, while not implimenting ipm, and an open door. It’s my best guess.

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Have you seen any webs from spiders?

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Ok thank u

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No absolutely none

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Ok I definitely will an I’m sure the bugs can get past the screendoor also

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Honestly no not everywhere I got 2 loupes so I’ll have wife or someone help me look thank u

I am looking into a Bluetooth microscope instead of the loupes

IPM is spraying or getting predatory critters BEFORE we see a problem. Problems multiply inside. Get something safe to use on veggies right up to harvest and spray immediately. Not seeing something you’ve never seen before doesnt mean its not there. I haven’t seen evidence of pests but theres an open door so please spray. They wanna finish. Help em.


PS We gravy baby


Whatever it is they look great, nice job.

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Gnats u say?? Are they fungus gnats? I just battled them myself… if you have fungus gnats they are feeding on your roots… and u must get rid of them


Oh and yeah… bugs can get through a screen door lmao… alot of them can start out almost microscopic… i imagine your screen door isnt keeping microscopic size bugs and germs out…

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