1st grow ever

What would u recommend spraying that’s safe for my flower do u use a specific brand thank u so much for advice today greatly appreciated

Thank u bud I really appreciate the help n advice I will be looking everywhere tonight

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They look like lil fruit flies

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Yup likely fungus gnats

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I bet anything its fungus gnats and i bet you have a ton in the bottoms of your pots… try slapping the sides of the pots… do they start coming out the bottoms?

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Well thank u @nick131740 i appreciate the kind words they aren’t perfect far from it an I got a lot of growing to do myself I’m far behind in this game as im running dinosaur equipment etc etc but i will get there someday hopefully lol THANK U AGAIN

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No actually nothing comes up I even scrape the dirt away I grab the stock halfway up an pull it back to watch it sway an no bugs fly ???

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No at the bottom of the pot itself… not the bottom of plant

These live in soil itself… not on the plant up top

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So you want to check rootzone… they feed on the roots and lay eggs in soil…

Ya as I said I scrape the dirt the soil nothing flies out bud

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Mine werent on top of soil… they were living in the holes water drains out of at the bottom

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If not fungus gnats… im curious as to what it is youre seeing flying around

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Oh dang in ur drain holes ya I don’t have no bugs coming out my drain holes thankfully

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Ok good man… well i wonder if its another type of critter

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I’ll try catching one tonight an take pic n show u k n than we can identify the bug

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Yeah those little bastards are a pain in the ass… i battled them for about 3 weeks then finally eradicated

I have no idea I will catch

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Yes that will help amazingly!! When you take the pic you can even google lens it

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Ok I will do that n share it here THANK U Terp appreciate it greatly appreciate it

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