1st grow ever

Well good luck man… stay positive… youre gonna have flower and nice flower too… who cares about the leaves anyway? Lol

My 1st grow was a fail… 2nd fail… 3rd fail… 4th fail… 5th fail… 6th slightly better 7th even better 8th made it to flower 9th… just posted and is ugly but buds are nice… next grow is 9 clones from those females… and im gonna do much better im sure of it…


We all see imperfection in the beginning no matter what… its what makes us good at it in the long run

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Dont mention it buddy… its what we all do here… come in… get help… learn… then turn around and help others etc… a sweet cycle of togetherness and care for each other… true care for each other


Oh shit man I’m sorry about ya I commend u though I probably would a gave up but look at u now bud an yes that’s the attitude to have I think ur gonna have a blessed grow next time around nice big buds I’ll definitely go check out ur thread

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That’s what I’m hoping to do after I been on OG that’s all I see others helping others an that makes it great lol well it was great chatting with u an hopefully we can keep chatting n helping each other n others

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It was a battle this last grow… high humidity… leaf septoria… fungus gnats OH MY!

94 degree days ac went out… just on and on lol

But this next 1… oh man… i am confident this time…

I used to freak out every time i saw something unsavory going on with the plants… i have since learned more patience… and litfa better now

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In case you dont know…


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Oh ya I forgot to tell u rest of my routine I go out in morning few minutes before lights come on an switch the plants spots than 6 hr in light I rotate them a 180 degrees well that was before I unplugged a light now I don’t switch em spots lol

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No I did not know that lol thank u

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I always wondered if that evened things out… i assume it does… my led is a little more uniform until you get to the corners etc…
I still try to stay closer to center for sure when only a few plants etc

Lol fuck ya man I have high hopes for ur next run u got this bud what strain u run or u got couple

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This time its london pound cake x bubblegum

And black and blue skunk

So the clones are more lpc x bbg and a few black n blue skunk also

My next seed run im even more excited for…

Ill be doing that blue tara and another strain… most likely chunky junky bigmike55 made

What are you planning next?

Im sending goodies for him to play with


I have no idea as Bay said he’d send me seeds I told him to surprise me so ya I’m pretty fuckin stoked about that man lol


Sweet man… thats awesome… its always easier to not be paying… and its always nice to know the genetics as well

Im sure it will be something good

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I’m excited to see what ur surprising me with lol THANK U @Bayarealivingsoil I’m like a kid waiting foor their parents to wake up an open presents up lol

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Now i cant wait to see what you sent… lol…

Like Christmas :christmas_tree:

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An I’m outa likes when I re-up with likes I’ll get u guys

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