1st grow ever

It happens… likes are rationed for some reason

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That’s really the only thing I dislike on OG lol

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I think its funny haha…its like “hey… you liked too much shit today… you need to chill out” :rofl:

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284 posts in 2 days. Gotta be a record.

Great gear available for a great cause. Check OG out


Lol ya it actually ain’t to bad

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Alright I’m off for lil bit dinners about done I eat later than most it’s 730 here I’ll hopefully chat with u guys later have a good one

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Oh WOW what’s this I will definitely check this out THANK U


Damn it I wish I was able to help as I’m strapped right now I get 16th an were trying to save up cause we’re in process of getting a loan to buy a house I seen his posts he’s a great dude I totally wish I could

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All things in time.
@Terpsnpurps you see this gear? Man listen.

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U should definitely pick some of this up if u can my wife would kill me right now if I ask for anything else LMFAO

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You talking about @JohnnyPotseed ?

Hell yeah i saw his gear! Already bidded :laughing:

Hes an incredible individual and anyone here at all i suggest go put some bids in… its live and running… sweet stuff in there for sure!


Heck ya hopefully u win what u bidded on

GOODMORNING OG hope everyone has a GREAT day I’ll take couple pics this morning hopefully they turn out good lol oh an when counting how many days in flower I added an extra week on accident I’m actually on day 38 of flower I was wondering why I was saying day 42-44 the other day lol I’m a retard anywho lights come soon so ill try taking few good pics


Its fungus gnats but I don’t have very many but I probably will once eggs hatch huh I’m looking into remedies this morning anywho have a great day man

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Oh an I got my 1,000W HPS yesterday so I’m taking out my 1,000w light replacing it with new one my cousin gave me hps light bulb an he used for his grows i should of changed it before i started but oh well learn from ur mistakes lol

anybody got some recommendations for getting rid of fungus gnats before they get too OUTA hand I’d greatly appreciate it anyway have good one

Alright it’s about time I finish my coffee an head to the shed to check out the ladies lol be back in hr or so with pics hopefully :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Do this… its what i did … advice from a grow ninja i learned from just recently

Get mosquito dunks or mosquito bits… put them in water youre watering with… let them sit…

After suggested sitting time (i go longer) ph water and water plants with it…

Put sand on tops of all pots… and create a barrier… and tape all holes at the bottoms

This ensures all larvae will die and adults wont escape…

Repeat this for about 2 weeks…

Get fly ribbon and put it everywhere!!!

I know it seems soil will become anaerobic… but i just did this… and my plants are fine… and no fungus gnats at all now…

I removed sand by tipping pot over to top water… and replacing after… do not water with sand in pot!

Either bottom feed them or do what i did.

Any questions? @Cummings420

I used aquarium sand as its guaranteed clean and safe…

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Still got sand and tape on mine im keeping it until harvest because harvest is exteemely close

No questions an yes I’ll follow this recipe that’s a pretty cool way dealing with these bastards lol

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