1st grow ever

So many amazing people on here bro for real… it’s awesome to get to have so many supportive friends… i love OG so much

The last place i found mosquito dunks… or bits … was walmart… but ace hardware or other stores may have it all… buy extra… theyre seasonal but us as growers… are not seasonal so much lol

Ya definitely do that till ur done harvesting I’m gonna look at trichomes see if they clear still which I’m sure they will be only on day 38 lol crazy I had added a week when I scrolled from August to September lol

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Right on… yeah i was looking at mine today.

Still waiting for amber to show .
Looks like 2 weeks maybe for me? Somewhere in there… trichomes will tell…

How long you ripening? Im going 50 percent amber typically… but this london pound cake x bubblegum is going to 60 percent 65 percent…

Awesome I’ll check out Walmart first if not there down to ace hardware/toziers lol an ya this OG site is fuckin awesome :+1::+1:

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I’m not really sure maybe like when 70-80 percent triches amber I’m thinking cause I have no idea the strain I got lol is that a lil longer than ideal

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I got a couple of these I just don’t know if I can leave them on in the dark lol bug zappers my daughter has pet rat n hamsters these work good for eliminating gnats flies around their cages

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Yes! You dont usually want to go past 50 percent.once ripeness happens the plants get really shitty really fast and trichomes all shrink and start degrading extremely fast…

Make sure you DO NOT make that mistake!! Youll have tears in your eyes!

Id put those outside the tent… you dont want light pollution during lights out… especially in flower… it can cause a plant to reveg… or herm… total darkness during lights out times :+1:

Trichomes are all clear still I turned on my MH for pictures this morning i actually let it run for an hr lol

Day 38 in flower how long do u usually go in flower


I’m seeing a few of these spots. What are they?


I have no idea lol Im not easy with them when I switch them spots in morning they’ve crashed into each alot over the last month not sure if that would do that I’m gonna go look at those spots with the loupe real quick

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Not sure gonna go look real quick thanks for that

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It kind of looks like thirps or white flies but hard to tell from a pic.

I know someone before said who cares, they are leaves. That’s a silly way to look at it, leaves tell us about the overall health of the plant and they are what drives photosynthesis and transpiration amongst other things.

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Exactly right if we didn’t need leaves they wouldn’t be there correctly an THANK U pointing these spots out

I just went in scoped my bad leafs that looked like that no bugs no eggs I’ll be checking those daily now THANK @JustANobody greatly appreciated man

I smash them in to each other hit the fan with em an dehumidifier lol probably not the greatest way to handle the ladies lol I’ll be gentler with them now

That doesn’t look like that sort of damage tbh, looks like actual bugs


I dont know what else to say I checked for bugs on leafs for like 30 minutes I didn’t see 1 bugs except a few gnats flying around but I got my fan on high so the really can’t fly is that to windy

Looks like whiteflies. They look further than 38 days to me. More plant pics please.

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