1st grow ever

August 5th when I put em in 12/12 I just had em in the shed no tent yet Aug 8th when tent went up an ya I’ll get more pics tonight the HPS is on

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August 5th

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I’m telling u guys I only have gnats an it’s only a few gnats like maybe 5-10 if that really not a problem

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You have a door open to the outside. And you aren’t doing ipm. It’s easy money that you have bugs, especially looking at the leaves.


I was thinking a stray nanner causing some pollination.

July 23rd

Carpet in the grow room… Oh no. Make it stop.


Told u I’m a newbie an yes doors open than u got a screendoor the door swings in the screen door swings out I can have 1 door open with the screen door shut it’s not just like a wide open door lol

… It’s wide open to bugs. That’s why we have told you to look with a loop.

Oh I figured you’ve been growing for awhile with how sure you are.

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Dude I’ll go take leafs on right now an look under the scope there’s no eggs bugs bug shit etc so

I have a loupe bud no bugs no bugs no bugs just some gnats

Here I’ll go pluck like 10 leafs that all faded spots etc etc no bugs

You got it bud.

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Going to get leafs one sec

So there’s these I just cut off are they damaged enough n should be bugs ok checking with loupe now

Nothing on those leaves bud no no bug shit no eggs no bugs should want me to go cut 10 more leafs to check

I don’t know what to tell u guys I don’t have bugs as u just seen I went cut bunch leaves off ladies I didn’t see no black bug shit no white eggs an no bugs I can go back out there an cut 10 more leafs off if u want me too

An no nanners I especially keep an eye out for those things I’ve heard plenty about those ANYWHO thank u guys have a great day


It’ll be easier to figure out what genetics you’re working with once you smoke the finished product. Once you get more familiar with training and genetics you’ll be able to sort of ‘read’ where things lean. It’s really hard to say what you’ve got there now due to a whole lot of factors. The smoke will help

Edited to say: I think more than anything the effects are the best way to tell what variety you’re working with.


I wonder what they are… or where they are… something is creating the poop :poop:

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