1st grow ever

My room is 16x8 my total canopy is 16x4. I have 3 1000’s and 600w led. All in cool tubes with a dedicated fan just for the lights and another filter/exhaust fan. If I turn off my ac for 5 min it starts going to dangerous temps. Just try using the 1000 for now until you get more space/ more cooling


Explain the lighting?


This is where the N toxicity came from 5-1-1 is strong N

Depending on what side of the world you are on, I’d also suggest a more balanced fertilizer. I like maxibloom.

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I have it in a shed I have the screen door shut with AC running through screen door lol it’s been in the high 80s all week since got a in there but yes next room will be way bigger n way more exhaust fans cause I gonna do 15 maybe 20 not sure yet lol thank u for ur suggestions ill justvrun the HPS

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Did the 1000w bulb arrive? The 600w bulb in the 1000w ballast is not safe. Youll be good with 600w till it comes. The plants will thank you.

You have a fire in you. We dont need no water let that mfer burn. Burn muddafukka burn. That can translate into a successful garden. In time. With a bit o humility.

Id suggest coco and Jack’s for your next run. And ductable hoods.



Ohh he doesn’t have the 1000w. I misunderstood. I thought there was 2 600’s and 1000w open hoods in a 5x5


I only gave them the Alaskan stuff once to those plants though in pics

Yes yes yes


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I think its 1600w in 5x5 open hoods. Lights look about 2ft apart. He agreed to tirn the 600 off so things will cool down.


Yes my next run will be 2 600 MH an 2 1,000 HPS what size should my room be

Yes just 1-1.5 teaspoons.

The Alaska fish mix shouldn’t be the issue in my opinion. I use to run that pretty heavy in veg and didn’t have many issues. I think it’s just a bit heavy on the bloom feed. 1-1.5 teaspoon/gallon. Stop feeding around day 55ish-60 and then run plenty of fresh water through. Not everyone flushes but I think you should with that food especially. I’d expect those to maybe be done around day 70-75 but it’s hard to tell.


Ok do you have unlimted space?
I only have experience with 1000s in flower B4 LED
1000w = 4×4
600w = 3x3
This is not a hard and fast rule more of a general guide. Maybe a more experienced builder can chime in.


AWESOME thank u a lot for everything really appreciate it hope u have an awesome grow as well


Thank u for everything I really appreciate it man seriously thank u


Its all OG. We also gotta get you clear on whats growing next time. Let us know if you need seeds.

PS Dont let me catch you yelling bout no Hawks on here again foo. Haha


Yea I was confused about the lighting as well… Thinking he’s got 2500+ watts going for 2 plants… for all the light I thought he had going, the temps sounded good.


Looking really good for your first grow… The “N” toxicity you got going on can sometimes happen if the soil is to moist or doesn’t get a good dry back between waterings. Also if p.h is out of wack could be causing more N uptake to the detriment of other “nutrients”. But really they are looking very good… If your not familiar with good drying and curing I recommend you read around on here a bit. You can ruin a perfect plant with bad drying/curing. Like completely ruin unsmokeable… So definitely wanna have an idea of what that entails.


Lol awesome thank u really appreciate it an ya of course I’ll take some seeds so I actually know what hell I’m growing lol I just took these pics


2200 of lighting I had lol 1600 HPS 600 MH turning em off after tonight


PM your info. What are you growing?