1st grow ever

Oh dang ok I’ll look on Amazon for it what’s it called just a Bluetooth digital microscope


Wait for cloudy trichs accompanied by amber trichs. I aim for 65-70 days of flower time


Yes sir heres the link to the one i got

Just a heads up dont drop it lol


Thank u man I really really appreciate it ALOT have great day

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You as well!

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How’s it going bud I was just wondering if u got my message hopefully I sent it an did it correctly lol ANYWHO have a great day friend

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Yup I got it. What kinda smoke do you enjoy? Are you down to 1000 or still rocking 16?


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I’m not picky anything with a name is better than no name lol an yes I did not turn on MH today as u say give em a break for few days look dim in there lol

surprise me I’m down with whatever I get beggers can’t be choosers what my momma always told me lol anywho thank u friend have a great day

Got a question should I hook this 600 hps up instead of the 1000 I got in there now

Just wondering if this will do better than the 1,000 HPS in there now

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Nope. 1000w is good. Share plant pics after 2-3 days of only 1000.



Will do for sure thanks for responding so fast


I think I could be over watering honestly not letting the soil dry out :pensive::pensive::pensive::pensive: damn it that sucks hopefully no root rot

Litfa litfa LITFA


should I flush like this ??? U don’t have to join just hit the watch on u tube

Yeah, I don’t think you got root rot… plants look too good too healthy for that. Maybe try letting them go an extra 12-24 hrs between waterings and see how that goes. I forget what size pots u got em in but they are big plants right in the middle of flower so they will still drink a lot. I would try that as opposed to less quantity of water, especially at this point. Your getting close to the home stretch, less is more at this point.


Awesome an I’m in a 5 gallon bucket an plants are like 42 inches tall from the dirt to top of plants an I watered Sunday morning I was gonna water em today as I usually would but I think I’ll wait 1 more day maybe 2 ??? That sounds ok to u or should I water on day 3 without water tomorrow

Our 1st indoor grow was in a 3x7 closet with a 7ft ceiling… we had to use tube-fluorescent shop lights–so we had 6 double tubes above the plants and several on all sides of the grow… one mini oscillating fan… grown in regular old potting soil and fed with Espoma Bloom tone and FTD Blossom booster… they were pretty impressive all things considered- and yielded near 4oz each on 3 plants…
We did that in 2002–So considering the products and equipment at your disposal- if you really tweak this-- you can get a decent yield of quality bud from this grow!
Just be open to suggestions!! :wink: :green_heart:


Try waiting an extra day. How much water are they getting at a time when you do water.?

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Oh WOW ya that’s awesome ya I’ll be happy with just ounce from each plant just because I grew it myself lol an I’m always up for suggestions as I stated before I’m newbie i need all the advice i can get but if ur gonna be an asshole about it I don’t need that nor want that advice kick rocks lol u know treat others how u want to be treated I would of talked to him but seemed right after I answered the problems he thought I had it went SOUTH but N could be problem ANYWHO I thank u for ur feedback I seriously appreciate it ALOT so again THANK U

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