2 days darkness before harvest really work?

Why not get a regulator and tank??

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Oh no, the blast is with a tank of co2, we make our own Dry Ice for Bubble hash and have it around.


My sentiments exactly!!

I am not trying to pump co2 in my tents with tanks etc, I am WAY too cheap to do that heh. If I was going to do that, I am sure I would not have all the cheap grow equipment I use heh. I would be rocking Fohse lighting and CO2 etc if I had the money to go all out heh.


Aah gotcha, that makes more since.

I seeā€¦ my bad didnā€™t realize u were going El cheapoā€¦ not my way lol

Ya all 4 of my tents are set up as cheap as I could. I should go add up the $ thatā€™s in each setup, pretty proud how cheap they are lol!

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There is a thread where BOG and others tried to establish some science to the
use of dehydrators, it was done with Ronco, dehydrator. The results were debated, but those who needed there smoke ready faster, used them and today the dehydrator market is huge, although it has switched to Vac decompression/dehydrators.


I bought 2 co2 tanks just in case It takes too long to refillā€¦ Iā€™m an all in kind of personā€¦ want superior bud and to top anyone else around hereā€¦ takes investmentā€¦ but worth it later. Sounds like playing w bags and all that crap seems like it would cost more in the long run ā€¦ just my opinion


I say as cheap as I could, but it could have been WAY cheaper. I just cut corners where I could and still get some good meds going on.

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This here makes sense. I put something different in her butt during pregnancy and ended up with a daughter :rofl::v:

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Agreed but the cannatrol can cure for very long periodsā€¦ doesnā€™t have to be fastā€¦ and can be stored that wayā€¦ after seeing the terp profiles be higher and trich growth improveā€¦ no Mason jars in my future for the cure process ā€¦ it can do it fast or you can make it take timeā€¦ my way would be a very ridiculously long cureā€¦ patience is the key here for the quality that stands apart


Take the shittiest buds you get, toss them in on fast cure, 48 hrs, take pictures before and after of triches, tell me what you see, It will stone and amaze you. But by all means the long cure is the best cure, hands down. Smoothest smoke.


Right on I didnā€™t know friggin awesome bro

I recently read an article on that. During night time, the plants retrieve sugars and nitrates from the flowers and leafs, while terpenes increase.


Frikkin Scienceā€¦

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Actually the microbes still alive consume the sugars do they not? And improve trich growth and terp retention? Or the bacteria?

So just my .2 cents worth if it even has that value. From what I understand plants only store starches in the root zone during the dark cycle so if you chop before lights on you avoid some of those starches in the plant. Does that make it better, I cannot say, but since it is no extra work for me I try to chop before lights on or at least turn the lights off until I get to chopping. Not an extended dark cycle but rather just chop prior to lights on when the plant will start photosynthesizing again.

Also during the day in the heat terpenes can evaporate to a degree or so I have read. By chopping before lights on you get the highest terpene count since they have not started to evaporate yet.

Not this is how I understand it but I could be wrong. Just thought I would share. Do with the info what you will.


wait guys good evening then the 48 hours of darkness before cutting are used to accumulate resin to the plant by stimulating the glands indeed I will tell you more do a search I apply it beyond the dark in these two days I put 6 ice cubes on the ground because the thermal shock increases the resin more

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Iā€™ve heard of that but havenā€™t seen true side by side proof or anything