2 days darkness before harvest really work?

I have given 48 hours dark on two occasions and chopped before lights on on two occasions and the two with the 48 hr darkness were wetter and took longer to dry/cure.
Apart from that no difference.


Ahhhh thank you @Jango … we need some real facts here haha… truth is always something we have to seek out

hahaha i remember this!

1600 + shipping

wooo, you buy ill try.

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When mine are done I water with plain water and throw in the dark cool dry room.
My reasons;

  1. It doesn’t hurt anything.
    2)It makes room in the flower tent

:green_heart: :seedling:


i dont see how it can hurt so why not do it? saves electricity gets the medium to dry out bit more and might work. even if it doesnt there is no downside i can think of…

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You guys have it all wrong.
Get 2 friends encircle the plant and join hands.
Then chant Ummma Loooma grow that Boooma for 4 hours straight.
It won’t do shit for the plant but that smoke session afterwards will be great……

Seriously though 48 hrs of dark before harvest will not increase a thing. And yes I have tried it!


It was 1500 plus shipping btw… not 1600… idk where u looked…

Really wish I had either screenshot or saved the info but it was on an instagram post from way back and cant search it for shit. A largish commercial grow op did a test with a variety of strains and kept them in the dark for 12, 24, 36 and 48 hours of darkness. They then had all the strains tested in a lab for thc / terps.

What they found with the lab tests was that the longer the plant was in the dark the higher the THC went but terpenes would degrade. From the strains they had run they surmised that 24 hours of darkness before harvest was a sweetspot for best THC vs terpene loss.

This however was to get better lab test results, they mentioned nothing about how this effected the actual smoking or consumption of the buds. Would be interesting to see more testing and data on it too see if it is of any benefit for a small home grower


I tried 3 days of darkness myself. I really wanted to notice a difference but can’t say i did. I feel like I would have needed a clone of the same plant under different conditions to know for sure if there was.
If you have any type of mold on your plants going into the dark cycle it will probably spread.


What @vernal said. Once again sir great advice!


Me too, but only a first experience counts to say something about it!? Doubt it!
Won’t hesitate in doing it again, unless someone shows up and clearly proves it to be nothing to nothing!! Like others said, how would it hurt them? And besides, compared to what these plants would have to face in the great outdoors, it’s gotta be peanuts, a scratch on their lives’ surfaces!! Guess we need case studies!! :thinking: :upside_down_face: :flushed: :hugs:


How about it!?

Here it is, coming from google!! Hope it helps us!!! :flushed: :ghost: :rofl: :hugs: :innocent: :astonished: :thinking:

Hey @Shadey remember we talked a bit about it!? Enjoy!

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Three of us on a different site tried it. All of us came to the same conclusion.
But you are right it hurts nothing to try so have at it…….

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I would be curious on their sampling methods and the margin of error in the testing.

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Hi @anon98152597 could it be this one!? Thanks!@!!

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So many things wrong with this “test”. First off, the sample size is very small for the total harvested. Second off, the difference is pretty close to the margin of error.


@ReikoX it puzzled me from 48 to 72 the thc drop! Wouldn’t still be signaling to be positive after all! Thanks!

True, only one plant would also mean homogeneity, if not uniformity!! Micro at least!! :flushed:


Not sure if that’s the same one but looks similar. As Reiko pointed out though the “test” is a bit suspect and the differences being within the margin for error. Most likely boils down to it having an effect but not being so great as to require the use of the technique in your harvesting / curing process.


Qualified growers don’t need to slow growth to accumulate sugars in the buds.

Whole lot of newbs in Cannabis. Newbs who stay newbs for decades…

Chop before lights come on. Let the plants photosynthesize one last day. If your weed doesn’t get better every day for the next 6 months, you were growing trash and will be until you completely scrap everything and start over. Most pot growers need to. Most pot growers think weed gets worse with time instead of better. That’s how backwards most people are, uneducated inexperienced incapable people who laugh at “bro science”

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terpene profiles degrade by 5% per month unless properly stored. Vacuum packed in mylar at -25C the thc will last indefinitely. It’s easy to “get the results you want” in any poorly conducted experiment. The hallmark of success is you can repeat the results with any plant and always achieve higher results across multitudes of tests.