2 days darkness before harvest really work?

I do this on hot summer days about 30 minutes before feeding to cool roots down. Otherwise the plants suck up nutes too fast and burn. :hot_face:



@oleskool830 I did with the intention to stress them out before they wait a week to get chopped!! I love to have such opportunity!! :rofl:

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My generator was simply burning propane to increase CO2. I didnā€™t notice much difference in yield but my ladies liked the heat in the winter in the cold basement. Between the lamps and the CO2 gas burner, my room was between 75 and 80. That worked. Today I have a small electric thermostatically controlled heater. The propane made my wife nervous.

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Years ago, on the day before turkey hunting season, I realized, late in the day, that my hidden plants were in an area that was well hunted. I went out well before dawn with the intention of harvesting all before morning. There were about 6 different locations over a twenty acre area. There was no moon and it was dark. I did OK with a flashlight until hunters showed up just before sunup. There were several individuals or groups, I couldnā€™t tell, moving towards me from different directions. They had lights, I thought they could be the man? But this was a good year outdoors and I put in a big effort. I wasnā€™t leaving them behind! I struggled to find the last two plots in the dark, walking into trees, etc. When I finally had them bagged up in large black contractor bags, about 6 of them, I loaded them into my Volkswagen Beetle and drove out of the woods. I never looked back. They may not have seen me but they certainly heard me drive out of the woods on the logging road. But it turned out to be a very good year.


So whatā€™s with this information? They seem to say 72 in the dark was effective? Iā€™ve done it on and off for years. Didnā€™t notice anything dramatic either way. Iā€™ve done two days and three. It did seem to allow me more time to harvest. Iā€™d pull one at a time out of the darkness and then hang them in the same room. I have a dry location and always make sure they go into the dark dry.


@PilgrimProgress Hey bud! Iā€™ve only done it twice, so not much experience to be able to say something. There are inconsistencies such as, the study was done with only one plant, and other details which would not really guarantee it doesā€¦ So, guess weā€™re still in the dark, pun intended! :flushed: :laughing:

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In my ongoing search to maximize terpene production, Iā€™ve decided to test this theory as I have been told denying the plant the last light cycle will force terpene production. I separated one of my three plants to see what shakes out.


Twenty years ago, BOG was on the original OG talking about putting his plants into darkness for 48 hours before trimming. Back then, I mirrored everything BOG did, from the dirt to the CO2 to the nutes to the trimming - and everything in betweenā€¦

There are many people who will tell you that itā€™s pointless. A old wivesā€™ tale. Yada, yada. And maybe it is pointless. However, itā€™s free and simple - so why not try?!

If you have a good loupe or lighted microscope, or even better - a microscope camera, you might be able to see a difference between your test subjects - if there is one.

BTW - years later, I started growing in hydro, and often have 3 separate grows going in the flowering room at the same time. Taking the plants from their hydro set-up and placing them into darkness for 48 hours was not really feasible any longer - and I never really noticed a difference.


Grew some BOG lifesaver many many years ago.


I donā€™t water
My plants a week before harvest. Let the plants and the pots get bone dry makes drying lot quicker


If you catch it at the right time in the watering cycle like just when they are about to droop and time the 2 days of darkness in that time it dries a little quicker and stays pretty loud.I did it by accident this year and it had pretty good results.Had to be plain old less water less water to evaporate I guess.


I personally do not. I have tried it. I do not believe in it. Other people might and thats fine.
For me its a waste of time.


The other batch I didnā€™t do that to came out pretty good just took me 2 days longer to get into the paper bag.


I think the idea is to use up the water. Plants still use water at night but there is no danger of frying them with your lights.


I let them sit for 2 days in the dark. Somewhere online, there was a study that showed the terpene levels after x number of dark days and the conclusion was that 2 days was best. I will see if I can find it to post here.


Dj short says he does his for two days and to not quote him on it because he is more of an artist rather than a botanist.My side by side comparison of the two day did have a slight more noticeable sticky factor than the other stuff and the smell was more sweeter that had a more linger around effect like the taste of a red twizzler.Depends on if you have the time for the extra two days too in some circumstances.My wife is ready by day 4 of dry to kick my ass because the house smells like Skunks and champagne grape earth funk.I donā€™t mind it though :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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About 20 years ago I grew a white widow I remember reading notes from the breeder that white widow needed to be put into the dark for up to a week to increase trichomes production at finish
Well it was more of a PIA then anything and I saw no difference

Also people believe they should put your plants in The dark for 48 hours before flipping them to 1212

Iā€™ve never seen any difference


A buddy and mine tried this about 20 years ago. Dark up for 72 before going to the CHOPPA. Didnt see much difference in quality or yield. If it doesnt up your yield or quality, I donā€™t see the point.

With that being said, every grower has their rituals before chopping. I dress up as willie wonka and dance around my tent while singing ā€œWho can take a sunrise, Sprinkle it in dew, Cover it in chocolate, and a miracle or two?ā€


Well I talk to the garden ferries :fairy:ā€ā™€I ask them to guard my ladies and take good care of them when Iā€™m now around

Works for me :rofl:


I need to talk to the Ferries too I guess around week 6-7. I am gonna give them spears to do battle with the evil mitesā€¦

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