Next round and breeding project

So it has begun I am back after a 6 month break from growing. This line up is sure to produce some fire. Also will be breeding this round too. I am going to be working on the farmers wedding and hopefully finding one of the 3 phenos I like and a male to go with it. Also if I find a solid male I am probably going to chuck a few clones of him in a light dep hoop house with one of each of these females as long as they look and grow good. Should have farmers weddings f2 and a few cross. Super excited for this year. I’ll also be running some indoors too at some point later in the season. The strains are 2 blue dream x magenta hashplant, 2 Hudsonvalley hashplant, 2 pineapple skunk, 3 sour diesel haze, 2 arcata Trainwreck, by Ripple Organics, also got a csi purple urkel. 1 Afghan skunk, 1 northern lights, and the strain my buddy and I made 12 farmers wedding.


So most of them have sprouted and the rest are not far behind. From left to right. First row from front to back have two Arcata trainwrecks behind them I have two blue dream Santa Cruz cut x magenta hash plant, next row front have one hemp plant my wife’s waiting on more seeds to sprout. Behind that have 2 Hudson valley hashplants. Behind that have 2 pineapple skunks. Next row front is one of the 9 farmers wedding strain my buddy and I made. Behind that is 1 Afghan skunk followed by 1 csi purp Urkle s1, then a northern lights and another farmers wedding. Next row all farmers wedding. Next row the first 3 are farmers wedding doing a pheno hunt and breeding sesh with them. Last in that row is one of the two Kandahar landrace x heirloom afghan. Last row is 3 sour diesel hazes then the second Kandahar landrace x heirloom afghan. Going to be funky working with them all. Should be able to clone within a month. Going to be doing a breeding project in a light dep hoop house. Also at another location too.



Oh how well I can relate to that… lol

Good luck on your run!


Oh the Hover lol
Been there for sure
Good luck


@Rhai88 thank you man

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@Toker1 thank you man yeah 16 years of multiple grows a year and I still hover even knowing it’s not going to make them grow any faster lol.

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So 3 days ago I fed them my secret tea I brew the pics are a before and after. I have 2 arcata trainwrecks, 2 pineapple skunks, 2 blue dream Santa Cruz cut x magenta hashplant, 2 Kandahar landrace x heirloom afghan, some sour diesel x haze, 1 diesel x kush x chemy og. By Ripple Organics. Then 1 Afghan skunk, 1 northern lights and a few of the strain my buddy and my mom and I made. Farmers wedding. Getting them ready to go outside in a hoop house for a breeding project some point here after cloning and testing faze.


Update on the hoop house breeding project. Probably today or tomorrow I am going to take the last Bach of clones from each one. Then get the hoop house up and veg them for another week maybe two and start the light deprivation process aka tarping the hoop house and force budding them. By tarping at 5 or 6 at night and removing the tarp as soon as it’s dark. They have been out sence the 12th and have had two different sets of clones taken off each so far this will be the last. Ps I have an isolated chamber for the clones I take with ipm.


The first picture was my seed collection before adding some new ones and ones to replace a few that I have grown out. In 16 years of growing going on 17 my passion for the plant hasn’t changed a lot it use to be growing the best I could and getting the best and cleanest bud out to people and myself. The other was just to learn everything I could about this amazing plant. I have developed an amazing soil recipe that works perfectly. I have grown as little as 1 plant to hundreds of plants. I feel like have a good grasp on growing and understanding and studying the growth of the plant and soil. So now on to the next goal which has been there sence the first time i planted a seed. I just wanted to have the knowledge before starting this stage. I always wanted to breed my own strain and win a cup or two with it sence the beginning. I still plan on doing that. But my eyes are on a bigger prize the prize of preservation I now buy seed so that I have them to hunt and if they are fems to self them so that I can have more fem seeds to store them. I also buy to breed so that I can make new strains but also so I can cube and backcross to pull out parent gentics and isolate them and stabilize them so they don’t get lost in time. My goal is to have a full size freezer stacked with thousands of seeds of each strains wich I acquire or will acquire as I do it I will do give aways on here so that everyone can be blessed to have them to grow and hand out cuttings and seeds so they don’t get lost in time. So may times have we grown something amazing an have lost them or had to kill them off for many reasons space, moving, situation so on. I have always felt this is my calling aside form getting the best bud and medicine to the people. So I have already started taking action on this. Preservation is key to this whole community. Much love to all of you.


Keep this engine, whatever are thinking people. It’s a solid reminder that you should consider a hard competition while you’re gauging your flowers ;o) It can give also a sense to the most complicated rounds, you know why you sweat blood. Best vibes for your projects.


@Fuel thank you man

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Update on the outdoor breeding patch. I decided to let them go till fall. Didn’t have the time to tarp them every night. Definitely got some crazy phenos in there. Of each strain. The giant leaves are on the farmers wedding a strain that my buddy and my mom and I made. They are all about 4 1/2 feet tall to 5 foot they have been getting topped and cloned about once every week and half to two weeks.


The first picture is before I trained them a bit everything is now in pre flower and the stretch stage. I got rid of 2 males sour diesel x haze. Was hard decision to make but I keep the stud farmers wedding male. His terp profile is on point, very vigorous growth, I can start to see trichomes on the inner stems and on the pollen sacks. I also kept him to make f2 of the farmers wedding. Because I was lucky enough have gotten two of the one pheno that changes purple to almost jet black no matter the temperature the terp profile on them is earthy hashy with grape soda lemon lime. And a sweet smells that’s hard to pin point. So looking to isolate that pheno see last 4 pictures. If all goes well I will be letting go 5 to 10. 10 packs of them this fall you can add me on instagram . Just pay homage to me on the farmers wedding seeds if you get them from me and don’t steal my work. Along with other crosses. One of the arcata trainwrecks is deep in to budding smells like that signature trainwreck From back in the day if you know you know. the other is just starting. So what’s left in the breeding batch outdoors is 2 are arcata trainwrecks, 2 Kandahar landrace x royal afghan. 3 female and 1 male farmers wedding strain my buddy and mom and I made. 4 sour diesel x haze, 2 blue dream x magenta hashplant. 1 pineapple skunk, 1 csi purple urkle, 1 afghan skunk, and 2 diesel x kush x chemy og. I will be keeping a good amount of seeds of each but i definitely will be letting packs go also probably do a give away or two one here. Yeah so i will keep you all posted as this project goes on. I am also making fems indoors and cross and stabilizing genetics while also working on preservation of strains and genetics too.


Forgot to put it but here’s my ig