2020 Cannabis with Meesh

So few days into the cure and the Cackleberry has zero berry smell. Oddly enough, it smells like cookies. UFS still heavy on the Sprite scent. Skunk 1 starting to get the same smell as last year, but not strong smelling. Cheese, not as strong as I would think it would smell by now. Some of the earlier branches I snapped off reeked. Maybe it was taken down a bit late as I had to hold off for drying room.


Yeah about the Orange Goji - it seems to happen. Was actually pretty surprised with this one because it has a pretty loud stem rub and a nice smell, just not super loud and overpowering… some kind of orangepeel thing going on. The high is nice - nice and clear, didn’t feel like couchlock or anything and able to keep getting things done… Think the high coming from the goji end from my limited experience.

I like it, but I like the Space Monkey grown with it a lot more, but I am looking forward to popping more orange goji because that is just a very limited view with one female and I know 50 made a great cross here.

Its so rough with dogs… Even though it wasn’t “my” dog per se, it had been in my life and living with me for close to 8 years. Such a heartbreak after she passed away on my porch after coming back from the vet :frowning: . Hard to get one, knowing the feeling of losing one of your best friends in the world, and the high probability you will feel that way again but I guess the immense joy and happiness, and relief they bring is what makes that so worth it as well.


Glad your girl is ok!! It’s sux they can’t tell us what’s wrong… if any of my dogs seem vaguely off it’s straight inside for the day. If they still seem off later that evening it’s off to the vet. Lost a few dogs to billary and tick fever over the years. Fits too in the older dogs… I have however learnt how they react to eating my rosin and hash :joy::joy: I shouldn’t laugh but I do now cos each ones learnt the hard way. They legit jack my rosin off the table, sneak off with it and sit and lick it till 10minutes later They’re all off balance and twitching for a couple hours … then sleep like the dead for like a day. Lol


Oh man, her pain shot wore off early this morning. Horrible. I’ve got her dosed now, hope it kicks in quick


O no poor thing hope she feeling better soon


Prayers and vibes for your puppy. Man, I love dogs and it does hurt when they hurt. I think most people feel the same way.


have you tried or are you trying the cbd route with her? I have a friend who just put his Alsatian on a cbd course for her hip dysplasia and says she is reacting really well to it.


I spent many years with many different German Shepherd Dogs. I’ve also lived in a few different countries so my ears always perk up when I hear the term “Alsatian”. I think most folks in the US would not recognize it. Such amazing dogs!

Sorry to hear about the health issues of loved ones. Pets are family so we suffer when they suffer. Best of luck for a return to comfort!


My boyfriend’s friend just opened a cbd shop for animals recently and we are def gonna see about some treats and supplements since I am terrible about making things outta my bud. We just discussed this 2 days before Jezzy started having problems.

I had a bunch of organic bone broth that I fed her for awhile too. All that glucosamine was magical for her joint pain too. Unfortunately it was a really fancy kind and cost a small fortune. Too bad they don’t give bones away at the butcher anymore. They wised up and charge for them now. Remember the old days when grandma would get them for free to make soup stock? The good ole days


I forgot to mention that after I left to my client’s this morning all worried that her pain meds weren’t gonna kick in… Jezebel apparently had visitors. Her grandpa aka “Dad” came by to see her and my man came by. Here I am all worried, rushing home and she’s good laying in the sun with my boyfriend rolling around on the grass. Then my man tells me her grandpa came by too! Haha! She’s very popular. She has been straight velcro since yesterday. She won’t leave my side. She is sleeping with her head on my lap as I type this… Spoiled dog!


That’s awesome. Hey, I know it isn’t the same as the natural food stores but you can get organic beef and chicken bone broth at Walmart. I love that stuff. It seems to be a better product than many Ive bought at a grocery store.

Sometimes you can find locals through your local health food store that make and sell bone broth from home. That might be the best but more expensive.


:warning: :biohazard: :stew:

my cousin’s neighbor killed himself this way. :astonished:

Mad Cow Disease :cow2: :coffin:

buy the storebought!!!

Very happy to hear of the rebound. :relieved: :dog2:

Hmmm. :thinking:

With all that trimming going on, there’s a probability that she got a bit of weed, based on the description of hiding & trembling. :man_shrugging:



i hope that’s a joke or something? how exactly if true? Deca Durabolin

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Damn…! No beef broth for me. I only use it for stew and such but I like the chicken broth.

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No joking – he evidently didn’t manage food safety & hygiene, probably obtained some contaminated bones & was making broth.

There’s something called a ‘prion’ or protein chunk that carries this & other pathogens, & can’t be composted.

:evergreen_tree: :jack_o_lantern: perfect timing! :zombie:


Unfortunately, I don’t think its excruciating pain that Jezebel is in making her shake and hide. I am now pretty certain that it is dementia. After her vet visit, she has been on pain meds and yesterday in the day time she was her normal dog self. When I woke her last night and gave her meds, she immediately went and hid in the bathroom (mind you, she doesn’t know I gave her pills, she just swallows them in treats) and started shaking like a leaf and panting. Then the neighborhood decided to pop off fireworks cuz the Dodger’s won and she got in the bathtub and wouldn’t leave still shaking and panting for literally hours after it had stopped. I honestly thought she was gonna give herself a heart attack. So the night before we went to the vet, she was doing the same thing, but after I turned off all the lights and tv etc… she jumped into bed with me. Anyway, I figured I would try this last night after I couldn’t calm her down or get her out of the tub. Again, turned everything off, laid down and she came on her own, but trembling the whole night. This morning, after I got out of the shower she was laying by the bathroom door and suddenly was her normal self again. Perky, tail wagging wanted to go outside to pee and roll around in the grass, eat have water etc…

From what I read on the internet dogs like people will have more issues with their dementia at night, sort of like Sundowners. It has to do with some sort of sleep patterns and she’s a dog, she’ll sleep in the daytime. I talked to the vet I took her to on Monday and he said that he does believe she has some sort of chronic pain from the cancer and ACL injury, but just can’t do anything over the phone if it is the dementia I believe it is. In the meantime, he says to try not giving her the nighttime meds and see if it is a reaction to the medication and call him tomorrow. In the meantime, I am just beside myself because I can’t do anything to help my dog. She’ll need some bloodwork and xrays at minimum to see what’s up. I do agree that she has chronic pain, but more like the arthritis we all have as old folks etc and she compensates for the knee injury by not bending it and certain things, but all in all it hasn’t been excruciating to the point of shaking, hiding and panting. If she’s on pain meds now, why is she a normal dog in the daytime and not at night? The more I read about doggy dementia the more it makes sense. Hopefully, I can get an appt soon to have her checked out again. Don’t know what’s up with this Covid time, but all the vets are being hit hard. Maybe since people can’t really do anything social, they are just taking there dogs out more and then things happen or they are more in tune with them and taking care of all the things they put off. Don’t know, but it’s weird as hell. I’m a nervous wreck, I needed a xanax after talking to the Vet. I feel so fucking useless and helpless.

@cannabissequoia she doesn’t touch, lick at or even smell the dried buds, so I know she didn’t get into that. Only time she ever got dosed with weed was when my ex dropped some olive oil infused cannabis on the floor and she licked it once. He took her for a run after that and I honestly think that burned it through her system like it was nothing because she never got high off of it. She’s a pretty trained dog and not prone to snatching things like weed or anything else off tables and I don’t have any edibles or edible makings lying around. Honestly after last night, I almost wished I had some cannabis butter, I would have gotten her high AF if I thought it would calm her down.


My heart is just broken. Broken. The thought of putting her down makes me want to lose my mind, especially as she is so normal and perky during the day. I really was only prepared to put her down if it is the cancer, as for me, I just don’t feel it’s humane to give an 11 year old dog chemo just to make me feel better. I know it won’t give her a good quality of life and that’s all I really care about. Keeping her comfortable until she’s not and I just don’t think it’s spread inside as she still eats, poops and rolls in the grass. Why universe? Why can’t dogs give us at least 40 or 50 years? I feel like I’m gonna lose my mind as I just don’t think that she is gonna be around very much longer. I just can’t take it. I love her like she is my child. I can’t stand the thought of losing her. I’m lost.


Hi @Meesh, man, I’m so sorry for your pain. Maybe you’ll just have to watch her for a few days or a week. My dog would go really weird around fireworks but not a friend’s gun. My first thought was if she had recently heard fireworks at night, like before last night.

My dog lived to 13. He started suffering different things, but the total was becoming a burden for him. I was confused and asked the vet doc how I would know when it was time to think about putting my dog down. He explained that once the dog’s quality of life has gone below 50% it’s time to begin thinking about it.

So, maybe just hold on a see it out for a week. maybe she has something from the dark that is freaking her out, or maybe the cancer is causing the shaking. That’s the other thing the vet told me. He said he though my dog had a couple of specific things going on and said he could maybe be successful in surgery only to have him dies from liver failure a month later because of his age.

I feel you on the pain you feel. I never even got another dog since then but think I’m finally going to. They aint cheap, but I have a great place in the country and we have a shelter that finds homes for them.

Seriously, the wait and see thing is about all you can do atm. It may be hard but it may be some damn thing that just passes and the vet will never be able to tell you what it was.

Just watch her for alertness, and you should know soon if it’s a problem or clearing up. I really wish you the best. Prayers and vibes. Man, my dog was like a people. I really know how you feel. peace


I’m gonna go get her some cbd tomorrow after the plumber comes. Maybe it will help. It seems like the tv and any noise really bothers her and confuses her now. She’s been doing much smaller versions of hiding and shaking in the last year. I thought it was from fireworks. She also forgets to bark at the mailman. It’s been some time now. She started wandering and forgetting rules and she’s trained. Other things that I was in denial about. Dad and my sweetie have been saying things like “She’s getting senile etc…” and I would just get mad and just wouldn’t hear it. I’m pretty sure it’s dementia and admittedly has chronic pain from her knee and cancer. For now, if I can just calm her at night somehow, she still has a good quality of life. It’s excruciating and quite frankly I like being somewhat in denial. It protected me from inevitable pain.


CBD!!! Sux you have to go through this and sux that our pets have to get old… I’m pretty sure the CBD will help her