2020 Cannabis with Meesh

It’s really baffling. It is always possible my test was contaminated or it was a bad test. The soil guy didn’t want to say that exactly, but that was what he implied. My zinc was too high last year and we didn’t add any, However it wasn’t at a toxic level and has risen. I really don’t know. The big boss is supposed to call me tomorrow. I may need a different test. He couldn’t figure out why my P and K are so fucken high either. I didn’t add anything to the soil except their stuff. With Phosphorous levels so high plants won’t uptake calcium properly.

Dad says, I’m not above hiring someone to dig up the top foot of soil and replacing it. That would cost a fortune. I’m kind of freaked as I gave away massive amounts of veggies last year to friends and family. Did I give them toxic stuff?


Have you found any more information about this Zinc toxicity from plants? I know plants can suck up extra heavy metals and hence is why a lot of vegan protein shakes have apparently been tested to be a lot higher in heavy metals than say whey protein sources.

I have a feeling that everyone is most likely just fine! Unless you actually had some people with acute zinc toxicity symptoms or can think back on how you felt after eating a large amount of your veggies. I doubt that you or they ate enough to actually cause any real long term problems… but I am no expert.

Yes that sounds like a hell of a lot of work! Ugh


Looked up some things on the www. I don’t know what to make of it. I’m assuming the big main boss at the lab is a scientist, so he can probably tell me more tomorrow if and when he calls back. I could live without growing veggies back there for a few years, but dammit the cannabis. Aside from my cannabis, my flowers don’t seem to give a shit and I don’t eat them so… Large container cannabis grows it may have to be… I’m really trying not to freak out too much about it right now. It is however hard as if that shit is that high on top of my soil, it’s dangerous to breathe it in, touch it etc… just not good to be around it. So far I have not experienced any toxicity symptoms which they say will pass within a day or two if I had them.


I have fucking arsenic in my soil


Hi Meesh! Can I ask, is that a standard soil test? If so, have you ever had a saturated paste test done? Just b/c the copper is in the soil, doesn’t mean it is available to the plants. I would also be curious what type of soil testing method they are using. Maybe I missed that. How you collect samples is also very important. I’m high and skimming your thread sorry if this has been discussed. :v:

Pretty sure arsenic is common in soil. How much is in there?

Edit: Also, I don’t see a TCEC. Is that somewhere and I missed it?


The test is compatible with High Brix Gardening. Can’t remember the test they use… starts with an M.

According to the interwebs, Zinc toxicity is arsenic in the soil.


Meesh, do you use the same tool to collect soil samples each time? Mehlich 3 is probably what they are using.


I just used a garden spade. Pulled from 4 different spots at 6 inches down as they suggested


I’m asking b/c it is possible when pulling soil samples you could be getting some metals from the tool you are using.

Edit: I might be missing somehting/high but I thought Arsenic was Arsenic and Zinc was Zinc? They’re elements if I’m not mistaken?


You are probably more correct than I. I probably read something wrong as I was frantically skimming shit about zinc toxicity. I don’t know shit from shinola about chemistry or the elemental table


@PlantShepherd just looked at website. Morgan extract test


I was reading if the zinc is really bad it will actually have an effect on the plants themselves - at least this isn’t happening!


No. Right now, my bulbs of spring are popping. Got flowers. No weird mutant growths or discoloration. Says it messes up the worm life as well. I have lots of worms


Zinc is a common coating on many tool including shovels and other steel garden tools…if It was a new tool it might have some residue that rubbed off or if an old tool it could be loosing it’s coating …just a thought


An example


I used the tool pictured in post 11. It was new. I’ll ask the guy when he calls me back, I can’t remember what that tool is made from and I’m too girly to know by looking at it. lol


:battery: …she’s been planting duracells :joy_cat: :sweat_drops:

:thinking: Makin me feel better about still waiting on my own test.



No jokes, Man! I’ve got myself worked up into a tizzy already. :sob:


It’s steel I don’t know if it’s what the coating is on it but that’s definitely coated with something


Right? & you had plenty O’ Weed :four_leaf_clover: so I wouldn’t sweat it & maybe just add nothing aka “LITFA” ???

It’s cheaper too! :smile:
