2023 Black Friday/holidays sales and codes roundup

Where are all the good Thanksgiving giveaways this year? Seems like the companies have dropped the ball on this one.


Looks like my hash machine!
I highly recommend replacing the corrugated drain hose with something that’s smooth inside.
I used an old CPAP hose, and the rubber connector fits perfect. Doesn’t need glue or anything.


Why touche’ and thanks for the share man.

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Also Spider Farmer is doing Black Friday giveaways on all the forums they’re on: THCFarmer, Rollitup, different contests and prizes on each if you’re on any of those forums too:



Giveaways are usually just a way to get you to give them all of your information voluntarily.

Now they get double the information :expressionless:


It’s true, I don’t really do them myself except here on forums for that reason, same reason I don’t want the discount code a lot of places offer now if you give them your email AND phone number for texts. Gmail does a fine job of spam filtering but I do not need any more advertising texts than I already get.


Thanks for the promotional code for the Viparspectra.

I bought one and am going to purchase another. Aluminum construction of the heatsink backing is nice. Construction is solid. The dimmer does not dim all the way down to off, though. Power supply is not Meanwell unlike some of their other fixtures. Would have been nice if they had made the supply removable for remote mounting. I do not believe these to be IP rated though it appears nominally sealed.

The value proposition is quite good though. I’ll use a couple of these to replace AC-Infinity fixtures that had failed. Let’s see if they can take some abuse.


It’s not, but I’ve been looking at these Sosen drivers and they seem pretty darn nice- IP67, fully potted, etc, including that they support all three dimmer standards, so that was a choice VS made here and I’ve seen them on other forums where they have given out review samples taking that criticism that it shouldn’t have been 5-100% but 0-100, and the driver supports it. So it seems like that’s hackable at the moment and might change from the factory in the future? Also it’s a $50 driver at the lowest price I can find, so it makes a $80 light seem even crazier


Viparspectra has marketing images here and there that implies Meanwell, the reason I pointed that out. Sosen may be just fine.


Plus 50$ off

I have the 4000 older one. It works great. Here in about another month they will be a lot cheaper. Every light will be on sale.

Part of what’s so confusing about it is that they have a 150w XS1500 that has Samsung LM301B diodes and a Meanwell driver but no lenses, this XS1500 Pro with anonymous diodes in a different layout and count, lenses, and a Sosen driver. And I think I’ve seen a reviewer with an XS1500 Pro and the manual said Samsung LM301B on the cover. Very unclear marketing and product line names from them, fortunately it seems like their CS is better than their marketing department


I went with the lenses the videos from YouTube helped me pick the xs1500. Since my money is funny at the moment this would be the best bang for my buck. And when I do get a better light these can still be used in my 2x2 for veg & clone. Just do what works for you I think they will work fine I’ll let you guys know once I flower them.


It’s time! FDM BTGO just dropped:


I got the light a few months ago, again on the rec of @Dirt_Wizard.

The light is a lil warmer than i expected and i dont think it has a 3 x 3 capability. That being said, it is slightly greater than 2 x 2 coverage and right now it is the soul light in my 3x3 tent and plants seem happy.

Its a good light and i am happy that i got it.


Agreed on both of those points, IME I’m still getting better seed/clone growth under my BSpec panel I put together from one of their kits as my second light once I realized the RSpec was all wrong for that stage of growth. The XS1500 is definitely more toward the warm side of a “universal” spectrum and I would have preferred some blue enhancement replacing some of the reds they used, something with a dual spike in spectrum like HLG is doing now instead of R/B Specs. If I get another light for specifically using at the earliest life stages, it’ll be another neutral white with blue enhancement. But honestly I expect to use this lil HLG forever basically, it’s the single panel QB288 BSpec DIY kit, took five minutes to assemble for real. The Meanwell driver clocks at the wall more like 120-130w maxed out, which does a fine job of covering my 2x4 seedling tent until plants are big enough to shift over to the VS lights for mid-life, then the RSpec for flowering. At least that’s the system that’s been working for me as I integrate these VS lights into my growing, I still have to try flowering an unseeded crop with them before I could comment on finished bud quality. But like @Northern_Loki said, the overall equation is very good with these when it comes to “good enough and cheap enough to beat around and not worry about”. I particularly like that they have the lens covers protecting the diodes and the heatsink covering the wiring, my HLG is great for being able to repair or upgrade because it’s all industrial and exposed and so large I don’t reach over it. But these smaller lights that get moved around more take a lot more of a beating so I think this design is superior in terms of everyday wear and tear. We’re all going to find out!

Also agree it’s not a 3x3 light for flower, my 3x4 Vortex seedrun tent is definitely more scraggly under two of these (so each covering a 3x2 with plenty of overlap) than I would be happy with for a sinsemilla crop. I wouldn’t endorse flowering in anything bigger than a 2x2 or like you said, maybe 30x30”.


i think there are 3 versions of the xs1500, the old one with the meanwell drivers and 301b with a continuous dial for the power, the new xs1500 with 3 power settings the meanwell and 301b, and the pro with the lens the other driver and the odd diodes. i have the first two with the older meanwells.


I have the older with the full dimmer I love this light. My first grow 3 plants 11 oz total under one with the meanwell and no lense.


i was checking these out and was wondering are they used to prevent a bud from being pollinate or used to collect the pollen?