2023, new year new start....... sourdough start 😉

O have I got plans! Also need to get to baking some baking soda :laughing:.


I feed once a week; put in fridge after it rises completely. IMO you don’t need to feed every day unless you bake every day, or are getting your starter started. I just fed mine, and will probably bake some bread in a couple days. I mix, proof, and shape one day, and bake the next. I always bake 2 loaves, and give 1 away. Gonna give a loaf to my fishing buddy next. He has a great boat and lives on a lake. I anticipate an invite to fish soon. :wink:


I tend to make pizza dough for personal pizzas throughout the week. Also a loaf every few days. I just made three batches of pretzel dough for the family. And I’m going to be baking some baking powder for my pretzels. We feed every day. A lot of the time, we make a huge batch of start and make five or so things. My family appreciates the baking

we also don’t buy much bread anymore…win


Another big batch! Bursting sourness!!! Going to make some awesome dough…! :bread:

Edit so far one loaf had been made with this hefty amount of starter. As well as a loaf of pizza dough.



For all of you wanting to get ahold of a sourdough start made in 1847 on the journey across the Oregon trail here’s a link on how to!!!. http://carlsfriends.net/


Sourdough :pizza: :pizza: :pizza: :pizza: :pizza: :pizza: :pizza:


That looks so fire.
I just got permission from my super to put in a wood fire oven in the backyard!
Boutta be some legit bread and pizza at my house.


That’s something I might do now that you mention it. It would be pretty epic.
Maybe someday…not enough cash for that job lol


This guy I know bought a house, and the previous owners were a couple: a structural engineer, and a baker.
They left the oven that he built, and it’s on skids, so I just need a pallet jack, and a flatbed!


That’s way awesome and lucky as heck!

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Wife had a hankerin for Italian bread. I went to Kings Flour, looked up a reciep, but I swapped out the yeast for my sprouted wheat flour starter, I made back when this great thread started.
It gave us a slightly sour dough taste in the loaf. Wife loves it!


Looks beautiful. I bet it tasted great too!!!. I just got done folding a loaf I made with the Oregon trail sourdough start. Getting ready to bake hoping for a nice second rise.

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Made with 1847 Oregon trail start, @tejas I’ll let you know how it tastes!!!.


@tejas the bread was immensely less sour. Much nicer rise. It was really good, the crumb was nice as well. Very good staple bread. Although the start I have going is wicked sour and packed with flavor. I favor this so far will update.

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Before I use it, I starve the starter for a week, doing so will amp up the sour. I made sour dough biscuits last weekend and they had a pronounced sour flavor. It does get better :grin:.


Nice thanks for the tip. It’s good bread definitely.


Well, in a effort to reduce inflammation, on the advice of my rheumatologist, I am off sugar and gluten for 3 months. I’ll still make a pizza once a week, and keep my starter going, but I am taking a hiatus from making bread for a while. I’ll still make it for friends and family as requested, but I can’t have it around - I am undisciplined, and will-power challenged. I know there are alternative flours, but I am not going to fool with them. Just bought a big Costco bag of Thai jasmine rice. Potatoes are out as they are nightshade. I’ll still grow tomatoes and peppers - I cannot give those nightshades up. Pray you never get rheumatoid arthritis, especially if you are a working guitarist like me.


Just started another loaf the other is long gone. Going to try the Oregon start again. I’ll be baking tomorrow. :yum:


Oregon trail start sourdough loaf. Turned out wonderful. I love it, its more sour this time, no clue why. Awesome bread.