Thing to pick you up when your feeling down

Well today’s one of those days. And I wish I knew a better way of picking myself up when I’m feeling down and out. So I figured I’d pick everyone’s brains and see what it is that would work for them as a pick me up on a bad day.

I appreciate it for sure. Been in quite a spot lately and the same old funk don’t seem to be doing the trick lately


Just know that everyone here cares about you. If you ever want to talk or vent you can shoot me a PM.


Sorry to hear you’re feeling down. Yoga and breathing exercises have helped me a lot when I’ve been down. Just getting out and doing an activity you enjoy doing can help. Eating healthy. Being active/working out. Getting good sleep every night. If you start noticing nothing is enjoyable to you that usually is, schedule an appointment with a therapist. Preferably an actual psychiatrist. I truly hope you overcome your funk and find the joy of life again as soon as possible.


You mean, like besides weed? :wink::rofl::fire:

Sorry, man :man_shrugging:. “It be like that sometimes” <---- sometimes just reminding myself this, helps

Honestly it’s days like this when sometimes, I just love to take a drive. I’m a big supporter of “Love the car you drive, and drive the car you love” :heart:


Tbh been in a perpetual funk and lost in the static since I got Covid last year and a bunch changed in my life, so I’ll be sticking around to see what people say.


Ugh. Sorry to hear it man. I had one of those big days this past weekend. Everything was “what’s the point?” or “Nothings ever going to work out again.” I let myself wallow in it for a day at most then I remind myself of who the fuck I am and all the major accomplishments I’ve had up to this point. Some times it works, sometimes I just want to sleep it away. I probably need professional help.


Shit that sucks man, hopefully things turn around for ya. I know that I’ve been seeing a therapist for a while so I’m feeling ok. But definitely need ways of keeping my head away from all the stuff it can stew in. Ive been keeping on in the same way, by trying to remember who I am, just seems who I am has changed a bit since I last checked in on myself lol


Hope you find a way out the funk also. I know when I get an illness I can feel it through out myself and it definitely takes a toll. So I hope you start to recover more, and that something catches your eye and helps


I appreciate it. It feels like something permanently broke inside of me about a year and a half ago. @Sodapop it was also shortly after I recovered from covid. It was super bad dispare for a couple of days. I was really like “yo. What the fuck is this?” Not sure if it’s gone or it has mellowed out to the point where I’m just used to it now and it doesn’t really bother me 🤷


I’ve struggled with depression and anxiety for a long time(20+ years now). When I’m having a bad day I start out by telling someone close to me how I’m feeling. Then I set out to do something for someone else. It can be anything; making a really nice dinner for my wife, help a neighbor with some yard work, buy a meal for a homeless person, etc. It keeps me from thinking about myself for awhile and making someone else’s day better is a nice feeling.


Anyone out there truly struggling, please go see a therapist. Being able to speak to someone is an amazing help. Also, there are many many more options available these days to be able to do that than not long ago. Don’t be scared or embarrassed to take SSRIs for as long as needed if need be. If you have a decent job or work for a good company, talk to HR. Many companies will provide you better therapists than you could afford/see on your own and it’s not the old days where HR is going to fire you and send you to Bellevue. Also, my own personal opinion and all, but see a psychiatrist if possible. They have MDs for a reason. Many other types of therapist can be great, but some working off their hours or something can do more harm than good. Seeking help is a sign of strength of character. Not seeking help is weakness. Best of luck to all!!


Nature oriented activities always help improve my mood.


I agree with this one for sure; being in nature always helps me and even more so - working up a good sweat out in nature like on a hike or jog.

You get some tension out, a little endorphin release, and youre left knowing that you did something healthy for yourself that day like a sense of accomplishment. Even if that’s all you do, at least you did that and it’s better than nothing.

Anyway keep your head up and good for you to reach out and ask. Lots of great advise here and good people too.


Everyone goes through it. It’s talked about a lot more with the fairer sex than it is with us knuckle draggers, but I can tell you that I go through it and it’s real.

I grew up poor. My father worked very hard, but he was uneducated and hard work will only get you so far financially. I still can’t look at a pancake to this day because we ate them so much when times were tough. I always believed I would be happier with money and material things.

Fast forward, I have an education, material things, a fantastic job and guess what, I still have days where I overthink everything and wonder “what is this all for?” It’s just life.

If you’re clinically depressed, get some help. I’ve never been to a therapist because my own arrogance has convinced me that there is nothing that they can tell me that I don’t already know.

Take a break from cannabis. When I’m stuck in a rut, cannabis makes it worse for me. I’m sure it helps some people, but not me.

Take a break from the board. I love this place, but all it takes is one negative interaction with another member and it impacts my mood for the whole day. It’s not worth it. Social media in general is a roller coaster of highs and lows and I just can’t let it dictate my mood.

My mood lifter is a small accomplishment. It’s easy to lay around on the couch all day and wish I was cleaning out that spare room that’s piled to the ceiling with junk, but when I force myself to get off the couch and accomplish something, I get a different kind of high that lasts for a couple of days.

Depression and anxiety tend to get worse with age, but you have to face it head on and not let it control you. Easier said than done, I know, but I refuse to let it dictate who I am.

Pat is right. Exercise is a great mood lifter and can help motivate you to do more. Get out of the house. Even if it’s only a trip to the supermarket. Get out and interact with other people.

Last but not least, remember that no matter how bad it seems for you, many have it a lot worse. Empathy for others can give you a real appreciation for what you have and what’s important.


Not sure how to quote but needs more emphasis on the new therapists working off hours or still in school causing more damage. I made this mistake and it almost cost me my marriage.


Truly, one of the greatest reasons to go see a good psychiatrist. Ask me how I know. Haha


I’m super sorry to hear that. It’s a really big problem that not enough people are aware of.


Definitely gotta get some “D” in ya :wink::+1::+1: lol. Vitamin D, that is

Unless you’re truly photosensitive, slap on some lightweight SPF like some 15 or 30, and get out in the sun. I personally love sunbathing, to a fault, and it always seems to help me decompress.


I agree.

I can’t stand to be stuck in the house. Getting outside, even to blow the leaves off the concrete, keeps my mind occupied and gives me a sense of accomplishment.


Absolutely!! Go for a jog/run/brisk walk whatever you’re physically capable of.