2023, new year new start....... sourdough start 😉

This guy knows…!

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Hey you ever get ahold of that San Fran start?? :drooling_face:

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No, not yet. Now that you mentioned it, I should do a search for it.

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I’ve found it online. Just looking for the real deal. Tons of it out there. Don’t know how to navigate it…

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I know. I just got busy and spaced out.
Oh the shame…

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I found it, but a quick read said the earliest version of sour dough starter in SF was at Boudin and that was 1849, two years older than the Oregon Trail starter.

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Historical sourdough is the new Roadkill Skunk


No kidding man, it’s fun I tell ya!

I think I scored some of the rks of sourdough starts :wink:

I just measured out all the stuff to make a honey wheat sour dough slicing loaf.
340 g’s ap flour
160 g’s sprouted wheat flour
150 g’s winter wheat (self made) starter.
325 g’s water
25 g’s butter
40 g’s honey
10 g’s salt
Now for the all day folds, coils, proofing, rest, bake.


Sounds good how did it come out?

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Hey Pawsfodocaws, Thanks for asking!
We are very happy with it. I can slice it thin, as I want to.
The sour dough taste, comes through the honey, but also some of the sprouted wheat flour, leaves a hint of yogurt, sour taste?
I really wish I started to bake bread sooner in my life.


I really enjoy it myself. It’s fun. And just great and healthy. I’m glad you are able to slice it like that, I like big thick slices of bread. So good.

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penal colony crumb


The penal colony loaf, sliced, looks much better than the OT loaf, like during the final rise it developed some sizable gas pockets.


Yes this time it did a lot better. Although the OT was more sour this time than the penal. I haven’t revived the Bodie but the Montana is kicking hard,. The ot smells like champagne. The penal like moonshine. And the Montana like malt liquor. So wicked. Ones pale ones slightly tinged brown. One is milky. So different!!!. And the tastes on them are so crazy different, the rise too. I have the black death, the Bodie, and the Alaskan in powder form. @tejas I’ll have to come up with some funds. Money has been tight, but once I have the San Fran going I’ll send you both of the ones you asked for friend.


No rush brother. I’m amazed there is that much difference in aromas between them. Over bake the world! :grin:

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It’s truly intriguing. I love it. The ot has the best smell in my opinion. Over bake the world!!! :rofl:

Montana dough start.


How’s the taste compared to your other starters?