2023 OverGrow Picture of the year contest. Prizes: 850+ seeds, 3D printed Bong, OG T-shirt, OG Poster, Stickers and more!

Some amazing pics guys!!

Bee overgrowing the garden

Freakshow soaking up the morning sun


Ok, this one is for Bobbi…


Love it @CanuckistanPete !
I Also love “Pizza”!


Just some cool pictures.
I grew the peppers and the pumpkins.


Is that top one the Amazon?


Am I too late to the party?

If not, here’s my offering. There’s just something about this one that grabs me, down low.

Click to Zoom.

-Grouchy :v: :green_heart:


I love that picture, too bad the garage next door can’t be used better for perspective. They are beasts.


You don’t need perspective with those gargantuans.


Two cats & a plant is all i got


It is a trap.

This should not be allowed… You play with advantage. You upload a photo with the two things more loved by most overgrowers: cats and weed

Good luck!.


That’s a nice bush :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Dope pictures everyone!


Just back from the post office…

@Rhai88 It’s been an excellent year of events with stickers and seeds, Thank you for all you do for OverGrow my friend.
@OnePassionateGrower First thru the door, Thank you.
@BeTheLight Rock on Heavy metal head!
@HighTilliDie Sent a 7 years of OverGrow Anniversary with your 2023 OG POTY sticker.
@Mohawk-meds Beautiful Picture!!!
@JerBear Sent a 7 years of OverGrow Anniversary Sticker with your 2023 OG POTY sticker.
@OhNo555 Thank you for the stamps and the cool sticker.

@420noob Thank you for the stamps, you are awesome!
@CocoaCoir Thank you for letting me know your 7 years of OverGrow sticker and magnet didn’t make it, sent you a sticker from that event and one from this one with a pack of…

@Tracker sent me the Kristi Kush, you can find out more about the strain here:

@JohnnyPotseed I sent two stickers, one for you and one for @MoBilly :smiley:
@SHSC-1 Thank for sharing your Coastal blueberry with OverGrow, all your strains are awesome
@buckaroobonsai Thank you for all your support and sharing the love of BOG seeds
@DougDawson Thank you for years of being there for everyone, you are a part of the backbone that makes this community awesome!
@Bobgrows OverGrow has been your home for years, it wouldn’t be the same without you. Thank you for your support, ideas and 3D printed growers gear. Your art is amazing.
@CanuckistanPete Thank you for supporting this event and all the others this year.
@blowdout2269 You have been a incredible OG all year, Thank you for supporting all the events this year.
@Wizdom Thank you for your support and providing your seeds for this event and sharing your seeds.
@THCeed It is a honor to OverGrow with you, Thank your support and being an awesome OG!
@Pigeonman Time and time again you have proven yourself to be one of the most incredible OG’s I’ve ever known. Thank you for all the support this year.
@HomegrownVABudz Thank you for supporting OG’s and this event, looking forward to another year of growing with you.

All of your packages have shipped!

That big red envelope is for @I.am.human What’s inside? It’s a secret from Santa. :smiley:

Congratulations @Natea Your have won a 2023 Picture of the year sticker, please send me your addy. Your sticker will ship Monday

@Pawsfodocaws your shirt has arrived, will ship Monday

Have a Great Day OverGrow!


Thanks very much @Heliosphear

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I don’t understand here… why would you send me a sticker for @MoBilly ?
You want me to forward it to him? lol Why not just send it to him yourself?

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Heyy thanks for drawing my name @Heliosphear! I LOVE the premium slaps, and this one will go to a good home. :house::blush:


It says one for you AND @MoBilly
Edit: I thought it said they were being sent separately, sorry

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I see what it says, lol


@Heliosphear thank you for the kind words!

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@JohnnyPotseed I haven’t seen @Mobilly over here yet and he’s going to Hospital Friday, wanted a back up for him to get a sticker should he not be able to get to this event. If he joins in I will send him one personally. :sunglasses: Just covering the bases. Thank you for support this event and many others. :smiley:


I’m plagued by the ‘disappearing likes’ syndrome…lol happens when I run out! so here ya go :heart: :heart: :heart:
It threw me there for a moment. I’ll forward it to him, no problem.