2024 New England/Upstate NY Outdoor Growing Discussion

I’m hoping it’s drier as well! Too much rain this past year.


Only bright side was never needing to water :sweat_smile: I still made out really well, probably lost about 20% to rot, most being the random strains I threw outside just because, all the strains I had specific for outdoor didn’t seem to mind, I was constantly out there shaking them dry though, and I even gave up on spraying bt for the caterpillars cause it kept getting washed off 🤷


I got a leaf blower to blower them off if they need it this year! Gotta be ready. I’m only putting 4 plants out in 20 gal this year. I only mess around with outdoor, my main thing is indoors.


:sweat_smile: I got a blower too, my schedules a bit of a mess though so the neighbors wouldn’t appreciate me using it at 5am before I leave the house, I do use it when necessary in the afternoons and evenings. I grow both in and out and I absolutely love my indoor coco grows, but the challenge of getting quality outdoor and the massive yields will always keep my outside. I usually grow in 2 yards with the max 12 plants each, this year I’m sticking to the one yard, and possibly a few plants in a neighbors yard to help me teach them :sweat_smile:


:wave: hey all you outdoor growers out there.
I SERIOUSLY need help. Have an issue and have no idea what to do about it.

Something is literally cutting my outdoor plants branches and leafs off.

It cut off a few branches and the cut it right in half overnight.
Then a week later it did the same thing to another one.

I have no idea what’s doing this.

I was thinking it was a deer, or slugs, but it’s leaving all the leafs it cuts off directly underneath the plants. Completely untouched other then the clean cuts it leaves !

No hoof prints in the wet soft soil.
The area is surrounded by large thorn bushes as well. Only way clear is covered over when not there.

Im completely clueless as to what this could be.

I’ve been growing outdoors for around 16 years and have NEVER encountered this before.

Plants were both about 2 feet tall before it came by overnight and did this to them.

Picks one plant and leaves ALL others completely alone.
After it cut one in half it picked a different one 6 days later and did the same thing.
One last week. A different plant this week.

I check everyday, so it does it within 24 hours of my last look.
I checked early morning and nothing, then dusk and nothing. Next morning I checked mid day, nothing. Went back at dusk…leafs left at the base of the plant and it’s cut in half cleanly.
It dosnt eat any of the leaves it cuts off either.
No nibbles on the leaves and it’s just a pile of em sitting there.

Please help me !! :pray:

  • The first plant it did it too was the small plant you see at the very bottom left of the first picture.
    Same exact issue.
    No hoof marks, no prints, all leafs left in a pile and uneaten

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Fuckin’ Karen!

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Do you have black bears near you?

No. Bit further north, but no never seen one anywhere in my area.

Typical Sasquach predation. Jk , dig right against the stalk and about an inch deep around. You would be looking for an inch long dark gray worm , cut worm. Have you had tomatoes around that area? Other than that, maybe rabbit or ground hog


2 Sundae Drivers, 4 Grape Sundaes, 2 Modified Macberry Moonshine bx via Cherry Pie and 2 Fruity Pebbles OG in Massachusetts.


I was told to look for those by another member. I went out and dug around each plant. About 3 inches down and sifted all the dirt. No worms or caterpillar looking things.

I really don’t know what to do.
Would a groundhog or rabbit bite it and not eat any of it ? Like would they munch on it and if they didn’t like the flavor just leave it ?
I’m so confused

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Is there a chance that is someone with scissors? Where that triple stalk is cut looks like one swipe with scissors. I don’t know of an animal that cuts leaves at the petiole. Only the cutworm.


That’s what I said to myself too !

It in the woods on private property tho. A few houses near by, but nobody would know that’s spots there. Plus they could just ask me :laughing:

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Nice line up!


I agree, those are some damn nice genetics you have growing :raised_hands:

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Thank you @Hashpants and @HappyTrees23s!


A trail cam might help you solve the mystery.


I’ve seen groundhogs leave these kinda cuts on my veggies before, I know it was the groundhog cause I watched the prick do it once, never my ganja though, and I’ve never seen them leave behind snacks unless they were chased away 🤷


Sometimes, if I pick a healthy leaf off or something, I’ll just eat it instead of tossing or composting it. I have gotten weed plants that give me burning and numbness in my mouth and throat when eaten raw, maybe the groundhog got one of those and bailed out.


Absolutely could be the case , maybe I can use the extra fan leaves as mulch around my veggies :sweat_smile::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: