2024 New England/Upstate NY Outdoor Growing Discussion

I think I’ve narrowed it down to cutworms…

Little devious bastards!

I hunted for em a few nights but never found em in the ground around my plants.

I don’t know what to do.

I placed staked around the stems, but they still took one out completely the other night. So I’m a bit pissed now.

Do you think spinosad or Neem would be a better option ?

I don’t really have anything else atm.


If you use spinosad please only use it at night after the bees are away.


What are your thoughts on Peppermint oil, it’s what I use at the moment mixed with garlic water.


I read up a lot about spinosad, and I absolutely love the bees. More so then trying to kill the cutworms.

Just don’t know which one of these 2 would actually prevent them from biting all the way through. I know Neem usually prevents deer from eating after the first bite because of the taste, but I kinda doubt it works the same way with insects.

I know the Spinosad will kill them, eventually, but I am hoping there is something that actually prevents them from wanting to pick my girls out of everything else.

I so far set up stakes running up the stems.
Placed a hollow plastic cup around each stem as well.
I’m going to wrap some aluminum foil around each stem as well later today when it cools off a bit. Feel really sick today and the heat is not making things any better.


Yea it’s humid out again. I’ve been laying down wood chips in our garden rows.


I can definitely try that as well. Do you think it will prevent them from continuing to chew through the stem ?

Or will it keep them from climbing up and or trying to wrap around the stems ?

I’m really upset they destroyed months of work overnight.

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Been having crazy temp fluctuations out here. One day it’s bright and sunny, but only reaches around 75. The next day it will be just as bright but reached up to 87.


Here’s the enemy:


To stop them you put plastic collars around the stem/trunk of the plant, you can make them from soda or water bottles. That keeps the larvae from finding the stems. Put a ring of diomatecious earth (DE) around the collar and dust some inside too, and then scatter cornmeal outside that. The worms will either eat the cornmeal and starve, get killed by the DE cutting up their shells (reapply regularly, DE is neutralized by moisture), and if they make it through that they’re faced with a big slick wall that doesn’t say food here


Heard someone mentioning wrapping aluminum foil around the base, wondering how well that works :thinking:

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Definitely scissors I think. Or a knife. Kids is my bet.

What about JP’s One and Done? I’ve heard nothing but success from indoor grows but unsure if it works outside.


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Cut worms usually eat newer plants and eat straight from the soil line. I thinks you either had a deer, groundhog, or rabbit eat your plants @HappyTrees23s . Just my .02


Do you know how damn long it took me to remember who asked me for snips. Quite a while lol. They are ready. Pm me and I’ll get them out to you tomorrow


:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: wait I resemble that also :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


Thank man, I appreciate the reply


I first thought deer too, but I found one the morning after we had rain, and I checked for prints, but no hoof marks in the soft soil.

Also it didn’t actually eat the plant. I just found the plant parts freshly cut up right at the base of the plant. Non of it was missing.


And I’ve taken some advice here. Sprayed some Spinosad carefully at night, wrapped aluminum foil around the thinner branches and the lower stem.
Also placed a thick stake to sit pushed up against the main stems.
AND I placed a plastic collar around the lower half of all the plants as well.

I also read someone filled the collar with vermiculite in order to keep them burrowing under and up the inside of the collar. Didn’t add it yet, but I might.

Then I took some blood meal and mixed it with a few gallons of water and poured it all around the outer edge of the garden.
I read it keeps deer and other animals away.

I didn’t have enough garlic or peppermint in the house or I would have tried that idea.

And tomorrow when it gets dark I’ll leave cornmeal all around the base of the plants.

Thank you all for the help :pray:


Green Mountain Grape coming along.
Green Mountain Grape is Purple Satellite X Proprietary Strain
Purple Satellite = (Oaxacan Gold Purple line X Purple Nepali Sativa)
The red/purple stems are normal on this strain.


Starting to get my trellaces up and strung. Wife helped string the first one


Chair is in Place,
Make it happen @Cannabiscrusader

I’m heading out to grind some sulphur pellets, for WPM control. Its that time around here…


Nice we did ours today.

This is our first year doing garlic, looks pretty good so far