2x2 20 Gallon Living Soil

Everybody looking happy and I don’t want to keep trimming these back so I shaved up the legs and flipped the lights to 12/12. Figure I can keep tucking if I need to during stretch.


Probably a good call, you gonna throw on a net?

Ye - I have the one net already but it was supposed to have way more openings so I’ve got another coming and I’ll install that one higher up and try to fill it up as best I can. I really wanted this run to be a max yield kind of affair since the cooler months make the entire process easier but if one or two of these are boys I’m definitely gonna have trouble filling up the canopy. Oh well, guess I gotta pop more seeds :slight_smile:

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The tub I had on top is slightly ahead of the other one, but both are putting on pins. I think the bottom tub got slowed due to the top tub heating up the roof of the bottom one and messing with the convection/air flow the first day or so when I still had them stacked. I realized what was happening luckily and put them side by side.

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Hey growmie? Whats shaking. Just getting back to your thread . Its been a crazy summer. Just making sure u have a circle in your hard line … when I first set up blumats I did this 20221025_025001

Well the far 2 never got enough water . Then I made a loop with the hardliners made all the

I know u said 2 pots but the only way to get them even pressure is with the loop back to the source
Drip_Clean_Famliy_green I won’t use blumats without it…

Lol just reading about your wine caps . Lmao I put 7 quart jars of fully colonized popcorn(cubes) . I had the exact same thing happen … week 1 its growing wow. 2 its really slowing down at least not contaminated. By week 3 the red wigglers ate everything except for the popcorn shells . I did do a semi successful run with store bought supersoil . Theres so much trich in the soils mycellium was greening up before 1st flush finished . Huge schrooms tho !!!


Hey dude! Glad to see you back. The supply circle is one of the few things I did right from the start with the blumats. Here’s what my set up looks like now:

The center carrot is the long one, but both carrots supply the entire string of drippers now. When I first set it up I had the center carrot/dripper on an independent supply and that left me with a pretty big dry spot in the middle of the pot when that carrot was closed. I generally have the blumats set pretty conservatively anyways so that I have some wiggle room to water in liquid treats and do deep watering as.

I ended up trying/using Concentrated Barley Straw Extract in the reservoir for a bit of insurance against buildup and it has been great. I looked at Drip Clean after you mentioned it to me but couldn’t find it in a nearby store. The CBSE is a pond product but like the Drip Clean the application rates are tiny. I won’t say it’s solely that product that’s working as I did stop putting nutritional stuff in the reservoir that would promote buildup but I think it helps.

I can’t believe how quickly the worms ate all that sawdust & mycelium. I added a LOT of sawdust when I did that :laughing: Knowing how much gypsum and sawdust is in this pot, I have been a lot more liberal with the nutrition type amendments. I had to bust out the monotubs this time around to make sure I actually got a flush for my effort :upside_down_face:

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Pins coming in hot. Didn’t have black plastic trash bags when I made these so I’m definitely going to get some side pinning. Oh well!

In the meantime, I’m making the racks for the fridge where the buds will dry. Just using the shelves that came with it as a template then I’ll tack some netting across to hold the buds and allow air flow. Should be able to get a lot more material in the fridge this go around using three shelves (2 big 1 small).

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Also… the second net came, and despite messaging the store before ordering to confirm it had the proper number of openings, they sent me an incorrect product. So at the store I took this twine length as a sign that it was the right tool for a DIY last minute scrog. Now I just have to figure out what to do with it lol

Looks like the suspected male is indeed a male. Will turn him to mulch. I’m outta mason jars or I’d ferment his ass :stuck_out_tongue:


Had some time to cut down the boy (so far) and start spreading the other two across the canopy. I’m gonna stop the training altogether in a few days and just let everything grow up. Hopefully no more boys… Did a small top dress with sprouted organic corn and watered in a gallon of water with 2ml AgSil concentrate, full dose of liquid organic 3-8-3 with calcium, 1/4 tsp cytoplus. I’ve been increasing the light intensity and want some insurance on nutrient levels going into bloom.

I extracted some of my super high quality compost on the stir plate and added it into the water before watering in. Depending how they respond I’ll adjust the rates and probably back off the cytoplus entirely- only using it for the transition. It came with their sample pack, being similar to TM-7 but with added seaweed and a bump to potassium. I like TM-7 but a little goes a long way.

Awesome pictures and thread!

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I love seeing the bounce back after training.

Monotubs cruising as well. Could definitely improve the build with hole sizing and placement but I wanted to get ‘em made and winged it with what I had on hand.


Today is day 7 since switching the cycle to 12/12. I’m going to do one last tuck session and a foliar right before lights off today. Planning on:

-Purified water, 500ml
-Purecrop1, 7.5ml 1.5% v/v (surfactant)
-Multimino, .5g or 1/6 tsp 1:1000 w/w (amino chelated micros)
-coconut powder, pinch/fleck (stimulant)
-fresh aloe leaf, pinch/fleck (stimulant)
-LABs serum, .5ml 1:1000 v/v (biology)
-CBSE, 1 drop (this stuff is potent!)

I like doing sprays like this, where everything is in a reduced concentration, but applied together. It’s tricky making smaller batches but it makes all this stuff last an eternity. I’ve been nursing samples for I can’t even remember how long.

Edit: before I spray this, I’m going to do a microscope assessment of the LABs serum by itself and then the actual foliar mix. I’ve been curious since getting the sample of purecrop1 how it affects microbial activity. From the company’s description I wouldn’t be surprised if it kills all the LABs or makes them go dormant but there’s a not so hard way to find that out :slight_smile:

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I scoped the LABs+Water vs the LABs+Water+purecrop1 and opted not to use the Purecrop this go around. The lacto was gone in the Purecrop mix. So I dumped it and remade it without. I’m going to repeat this again in the future, at the same dose and a lower dose, to make sure it’s actually killing the bacteria and if so how much is needed to be lethal. Final mix got sprayed on, now everybody’s droopy.

I’m struggling with the intake as well. I might just have to bite the bullet and get an intake booster to help get some fresh air moving. Could tie that to the dehumidifier pretty easy and take some stress off the exhaust fan. I could also try opening the bottom port to see how that does, but it’s up against a wall.

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Nothing but good news this morning. One confirmed girl and two tubs full of ego melting assistants. Gonna increase fanning to try and help with the fuzzy feet.


Two girls!

Life in a shorty 2x2… I envy you gorilla tent growers with extensions and outdoor madmen growing 6 footers.


Oi! Keep the 2x2 pride alive
:evergreen_tree: :evergreen_tree:
:evergreen_tree: :evergreen_tree:

This is our secret gang tag btw, don’t let the outdoor growers find out

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That gorilla 2x2.5 has a height extension for it, it’s pretty handy, I did real well with mine before switching over to the 3x3, if you’ve got the room for the extra .5’ in your life

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I wish… this tent is buried in a closet, wall to wall to wall to hanger rod :frowning: It’s such a rigged setup but it will make me really appreciate when I can spread out into a bigger space lol.

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