2x2 20 Gallon Living Soil

:evergreen_tree: :evergreen_tree:
:evergreen_tree: :evergreen_tree:

Gonna have to start tagging up the fellow 2x2ers :joy:


These kinda went faster than I thought they would… and I never went to get the dehydrator my pal’s lending me so I’ve got a hacked together setup to dry these. Two trays on a table with an oscillating fan and the dehumidifier on full blast. :crossed_fingers: Only harvested one bin, the other one is slightly lagged behind and I don’t have a ton of space left to dry.


Going to a show, might as well microdose and test the potency :grin: Got a joint of the Forum Stomper F2 rolled up as well. These hobbies just keep on giving back :slight_smile:


Holy shit. Fresh mushies are so potent :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: That tiny little pill produced such a nice buzz. Combined with the joint of the Forum Stomper F2s I had to sit my ass down twice during the show to keep my head on straight.

Meanwhile, the Caribbean Crashers are starting to look like Top City. I love this part of growing! I went ahead and increased the light intensity a bit more today. Just about 28-30 DLI right now. Would love to get up around 40+ in a week or two.


Got a nice stretch going :+1:t4:


Watered in a gallon with coconut powder, 2ml AgSil concentrate, BEAM + CoWoCo extract, 1 Tbsp sprouted corn meal extracted on my stir plate. The buds are coming :grin:



Kermit’s looking a lot thicker and healthier than when I put him in here. I’m hoping he feeds on the worms. That would be incredible I think I’m terms of both nutrient release and seemingly his health. I looked up some lizards the other day trying to figure out what kind he is and I think it’s Anolis carolinensis. I do feel bad that it’s just one lizard with nobody else to do stuff with but I was given a very serious “I don’t want lizards taking over the house.” So I guess I have to sneak em in :upside_down_face:


Upped the lights again this morning and they seem to be really liking it. I also recalibrated the blumat drip rate a few hours after they perked up following their watering. Seems like it’s a decent moisture to try and maintain. I had done a top dress about 2 weeks ago when I flipped to flower so I think the release of those nutrients is really coming around.

The poop loop bring’th the fruit.

      Book of Living Soil 4:20

It was mainly focused on P, but I included some broad stuff like kelp, a small amount of alfalfa for hormones, a few composts and some more peat/coir. I’ve got a nice ferment from a mix of all the plants that I chopped after last round. Lots of different species were in that mix so I used that to wet the dry ingredients.


Whole lotta stretching going on. Dialed the lights back just a touch after nudging them up again this morning. Was tipping on just north of 1050 umol.

As for the monotubs, they’re just getting the 2nd flush going now, so there’s likely another harvest in a few days. I think once those are done flushing the second time, I’ll take the strongest and try to flush one more time, maybe supplementing between round 2 & 3. The weaker tub I want to try a few things on, namely:

-pressing the block to extract any liquid possible from the mycelium
-blending the block in a small amount of water and mixing with dry amendments for a top dress
-feeding the block straight to the soil with the hopes of getting some amount of inoculation of cubensis
-fermenting the block with LAB serum
-insert more crackpot shit here


Pardon the white balance. I still can’t get this phone to function predictably…

Caribbean Crasher’s developing very fast. Overnight I’m seeing some early trichomes on all the tops & nearby fan leaves. This should be day 16 or 17 of flower. Also, I’m seeing the reservoir empty a lot faster, probably close to a gallon a day.

I applied a small amount of top dress yesterday of:

-Kelp meal
-Alfalfa meal (tiny dash for hormones and N)
-Rock dust
-Calcium bentonite
-Oyster Shell
-Montana grow
-Bone Meal
-Minerals Plus (very similar to the mix of above ingredients but with decomposed granite and lava sand)

I’m treating this mostly like grit for the worms to help them do their job efficiently. The bonus is that it’s a lot of good nutrition when it breaks down as well.

I used maybe half of that, if not a little less. As the worms start working it in I’ll continue to apply for grit. Can’t wait for the smells. With how well these are growing I’ve got some high expectations for the quality of the bud.


Found this green lacewing on our paper towel roll, so naturally had to move em into the tent :grin: Hopefully it will lay some eggs!


It’s been snowing in the tent :slight_smile:



Lights dialed back to 1100. They stretched even more and drank up half the reservoir while I was gone yesterday. Continuing to watch :eyes:


That back right plant has been developing a few days behind the other, but put on a way bigger stretch. The quicker developing plant has started to bulk the lowers. Been getting vaguely fruit/candy cereal aromas after touching plants, and more earthy type aromas when opening the tent.

Today I followed up the spent mycelium extract application with a mixture of the spent mushroom block and the worm grit mixture I made earlier. I watered that with a half gallon of water plus a beam/CoWoCo/mycorrhizal plus extract, 1/4 tsp cytoplus, 1/2 tsp coconut powder.


Hey that’s crazy sunny in there, must be fun to know

What are you using to measure ppfd? (Sorry if u mentioned it already)

I use the Photone app on the phone. I did catch a mistake with that reading I posted though- it’s not quite that sunny in there, I just had the light source selected as the sun instead of full spectrum LED. At some point I must have been taking some readings in the garden :laughing: It dropped by a bit when I switched to the LED setting but the plants also stretched so it’s probably close to a wash. They claim to calibrate the app based on your phone model but :man_shrugging: I figure as long as it’s predictably wrong to some degree, how bad can it be lol

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Kermit playing bud inspector. If I find his shit on the flowers, I might have to evict him :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:




Please pardon the ridiculous color of the pictures. iPhone sucks or I suck, but either way, all my pictures come out looking red so I reduce the warmth to try and make them more like they look IRL.

Broke a few doing the training but the canopy was way too uneven for my liking. Temps have dropped a lot around here so I moved the little dehumidifier in to raise temps and drop humidity.


So at some point in the last few days we had a power surge… whenever that happens it messes with the timers, as in they stop working. We also had daylight savings, or loss, wtfever it is. So after the time change, the lights were coming on an hour earlier because the timer wasn’t updated. Then the power surge happened and I reloaded the timers via the app and that adjusted the timers by an hour to the new daylight savings/loss schedule. But I didn’t realize that, and turned the tent on an hour early.

And so, the long and short is that a few days, maybe 2, the plants have gotten less than a 12 hour dark period. If they herm, I’m blaming this! On the bright side, it’s a stress test… right?? @NugLifeFarms420


They’d probably be going quicker if it was warmer but they’re still filling out nicely and drinking lots of water. Even after watering in every now and then, the reservoir trickles down steadily.

Also, I was reaching for my bottle of LITFA but I grabbed my FWIA bottle on accident. Go figure…

That’s sawdust mulch, hydrated using the spent mushroom compost extract, then mixed with some malted barley flour, some calcium bentonite, and a sprinkling of gypsum. The mixture was inoculated with the high quality compost extract then put over top of the soil. I later put the remainder of the worm grit/Phos. mixture on top of the mulch layer.