3-point leaves and stagnating growth

Hello comrades,
I have a weird looking plant and now I’m anxious this might be HpLVd or something. I started the plant from seed (it’s EEP from Helvetic Seeds, they describe it as a cross Erdbeer x Erdbeer x Purpurea 09). I planted 3 regular seeds in early march, they germinated a few days later, two of them female one male. All of the plants started flowering mid April when I put them from a tent to my balcony, also the pots where probably to small. A buddy of mine took one in his garden to get her revegging around mid May. The plant is building a lot of leaves most of them 3-pointed, growth seems slow. Here are some pictures.

What do you think. Thanks for a response.


I’ll let the outdoor growers chime in, but I don’t think it’s a virus. I see this when people start a plant inside then put it out in the spring. The plant thinks it’s midsummer and then realizes it’s not, then gets a bit stress out about it and throws these single or 3 fingered leaves.

Here in a weeks or two it should start back to flower again


I agree with revegging, don’t seem like a virus, I see grasshopper damage and curled leaves that could mean broad mites, I would have a check just in case … icon_e_confused|nullxnull


It’s going from flower back to veg. Your hours of light are longer outside, or you have lights outside that are keeping them from the normal light cycle(12/12).


Reveg without any doubt. Maybe a very heavy hand on N helping … idk.


100% it reveged


Thanks everybody for your responses. Would have been pretty bad if my plant had infested my friends garden with a viroid. I tell him to check for grasshoppers and mites. I just want to add that I had sown 12 seeds from which 11 germinated. I had three other strains I treated the same way as the above mentioned EEP. The EEP seems to be more sensible to environmental changes than the other 3 strains I’m growing. I have to add I treated them rough because I wanted to find out how robust the genetics are.


If you “treat them rough” during this critical “Light Transition Phase”, believe me, they will “treat YOU rough” with staggered growth, or complete shutdown. Too many stressors at one time is NOT a good thing…my 1 1/2 cents worth!! Continued success, SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


This year I actually had this happen, I got a cut from a buddy, who is new to growing, both plants began to re-veg. His cut was outdoor and mine was indoor. I found that I was way over lighting my plant causing it to stress out and cause 1 and 3 leaf lets. After lowering the light intensity and the DLI my plant snapped out of it almost instantly. His outdoor plant on the other hand is still stuck in the re-veg. What I think is going on with his is either his yard lights or a neighbors yard lights are intense enough to interrupt its light cycle stressing it out, hes kinda treating here like shes a tomato lol. Ive also had root bound plants begun to attempt to flower at the incorrect time on some genetics. Some plants just respond different to different stresses.

Best of luck.

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The joke is on them I like it rough. Kidding aside, I’m not entirely confident in my own strategy because I may be missing out on the full potential of a plant that needs a gentle touch. On the other hand, I have found two varieties (Green Poison from Sweet Seeds and Dream Queen from HSC) that appear to be insensitive to fluctuations in light and temperature (I also had two Texada Timewarp in the mix, one of which bloomed early).

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Looks like a good time to clean things up imo. Like that shaded center branch that isn’t revegging well. and the lower stuff thats gonna get left behind anyway once those two main branches get going. Shes about to take off either way, but it’ll speed things up even more if that stuff is removed.