Plant Re-Vegging 60+ Days in Flower... Should I Just Chop It?

I sprouted the seed indoors and set this plant outside about mid-march. I am located in Southern California. This plant was growing pretty vigorously and I thought it was going to be a yielder. A month ago I noticed it wasn’t really filling in and it looked pretty disappointing as far as trichomes go. I am now seeing single leaf sets develop and you can see the bud formation at the tip of the colas is very lacking.

It has probably been outside for 80-ish days now. “Supplemental darkness” is not an option for me.

Should I just chop it? There’s no point in letting it re-veg and then re-flowering is there? This plant is about three feet tall and is in 5 gallon hempy buckets (hydro).

Fwiw I used a loupe on it two days ago and trichomes were mostly clear and some appeared to amber and a small portion were cloudy


Since your at 80 day or about, keep it going until the trichomes are to your liking. You never know, this could be the holy grail or middle of the road herb.


If you cut some of the nuggs and let some of the plant reveg you will be able to sample what the plant will produce after revegging. I believe that when you moved the clone outdoors it began to flower but the days are getting longer right now so it is reverting to vegetative growth until after the solstice at which time the days will start getting shorter and the plant will begin to flower again. You can let it reveg but there are only ~3 weeks until summer solstice (and ~2-3 weeks to go back in to flowering after that date so it might have a good 5-6 weeks) so it might not get very large before going back in to flower.


how many hours of light does it get? if more that 12 it will go into veg on you. to flower it has to 12 hrs of light or less. enjoy your grow.

In North America, the equinox takes place the third week of September.

My indoor kids, used to 18/6, flower when placed outside this early. It is useful to identify males/females without taking cuttings.

They’ve started vegging again at this point. I am hopeful they’ll make it through the next 3-4 months without too many hiccups

Pretty sure that’s not a reveg my man

At least it doesn’t look like it all to me

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Really? You don’t think those single leaf sets at the top of the colas are signs of re-veg? I’m going to go take photos of other plants i have outdoor that also appear to be re-veg to me and show you

Here’s three other plants I also have in my backyard. They were set outside maybe a month and a half or two months ago.

Three different phenos types from two different genotypes (“soulmate” and “The White x Sunshine 4”)

These plants look awfully funky to me for being in flower don’t they? The one-leaf sets growing so much out the tips of the colas make me think it’s re-veg. It is isn’t it?


If they’re all related that makes the most sense

I’ve seen buds with similar look and structure

I don’t see any curly Q’s that would be an actual sign of reveg

However can’t tell you why that’s happening
Loads of things genetics included could be at play

However it is the time of year it would be starting to reveg so I guess don’t listen to me

That makes the most sense but it’s not full reverted yet

What’s your ratio at?? Could this be a sign of too much Nitrogen? :thinking: not having 12 hours darkness is going to cause issues I would think.

If you let it go full cycle on you, I would expect you’ll have a couple of monster trees/bushes come October.
When I was an outdoor gorilla we would still be sticking starts in the ground this time of year to replace anything eaten by deer and rabbits.
If it was me, I’ld pray to the cannabis Gods that the trichs amber up, hack the tops if they do, hack the lower larf, and leave some of way low stuff to re-veg and totally bush out.
Re-veg branches are weak and plentiful when the re-veg kicks in, so she’ll need support and aggressive pruning.
That’s me. YMMV

Actually only one plant is in hydro receiving Jack’s hydro nutrient water (the plant in the first post at top). All other plants are in living soil. So I’m pretty sure it isn’t a case of too much nitrogen.

there’s not much point in chopping buds if its trichomes is mostly clear? I dont want to harvest a lb of buds that are really lacking in potency haha

When the trichs are mostly clear you may wind up with a race-y kinda high from them.
Well, thats how my body reacts to it. Some folks dig it for a get up and go kind of high.
You can process low quality weed in a bunch of ways for edibles and tinctures.
But the plants might be kinda buggered.
Hang tight, I’m sure some other growmies will chime in with other options.

Can you show us a pic of the trichs?

Look like sugar leaves to me.

:green_heart: :seedling:

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Just a genetic traits in my eyes have seen it a few times, let them run.

Now that I think about it all three plants in living soil are three different genotypes that I am growing from seed: “More Cowbell,” “Soul Mate,” and “The White x Sunshine 4”. Also, the plant I posted in OP is actually from seed not clone. Going to edit that now if i can

Just scoped them again and they’re looking a lot better than a couple days ago. Time to harvest maybe?
Yeah I think Imma go back outside and just give them the chop now :smile:
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