Funny leaf structure

Hello- I’d research it myself but having trouble explaining this structure in a search bar.
These are blueberry gum clones. ~week 3 of flower. Week 4 since flip. I just got humidity in check dialing in a dehumidifier, first two weeks of flower were 80%+ rh and 78F+ degrees. Dehu too extreme and was down to low 30s rh and upper 80s. Leveled out now to 80-84 and 50-60 rh. I’m feeding jacks 3-2-1 5-12-26 part A 15-0-0 part B epsom salts part C at 100% strength. They are too close to the light for sure, but new growth on lower branches are doing the same thing. Growing in octopots in promix bx.

The mom does not appear to be doing it, she’s 1week ahead in flower, same general climate and feedings. Not in octopots tho.

Not sure if this is even a concern, but I’d rather ask and learn a simple lesson than not ask and learn a difficult lesson.
Thanks in advance! -SP


Could you have a look at the node sites and check to see how many leaves come out of them? To me, the picture says 3, when it should normally be 2. 3 is good news though – a triploid, or any polyploidal mutation, is said to increase yield over the normal diploidal arrangement of cannabis.

I’m currently veging a quadploid. It’s like my lucky 4-leaf clover :slight_smile:


Thanks for the reply. Node sights are mostly two, or staggered/offset. At least on the established portion of the plant. Not ruling out it’s not starting to triploid now as it does seem to be the case, but the new growths so tight and sticky I can’t get in there to confirm.

That being said the part that’s got me confused is the actual leaf structure. Where they’re coming out as spears more than fan leaves, again, not on the established part of the plant which is what has me asking.
PS good luck with your quadploid that sounds exciting
node spacing/grouping


You mean the single bladed leaves up top?

Have you double checked your light timers are accurate?

For the most part it looks fine to me, like it could just be genetic. but, maybe the single blades are a sign of reveg :thinking:
That’s all I got


That was my first thought. I can’t entirely see the triple-leaf structure, but the single-bladed leaves are extremely obvious; they’re signs of stress, whether from a reveg or not. A reveg would be my first guess as to why, without any more info.

Triploidy is a genetic condition; specifically, it’s a condition of the genetics, where a plant has three sets of chromosomes. There’s no visible indicator of it. What you’re talking about is called trifoliate - three sets of leaves, not three sets of chromosomes. :wink: It does increase yield, and triploidy has a chance to increase yield as well, but they’re not the same condition at all.


Thanks, yes, that’s mostly correct, and I have a habit of mixing the 3 terms up. Three, because “trifoliate” is referring to the compound leaf domain only, not leaf arrangement. That is, a clover or poison ivy is trifoliate, because they have three leaflets. Like myself, I think you also meant phyllotaxy, which describes how leaves are structured on the stem.


Fair enough. I guess it’s not trifoliate either then. :stuck_out_tongue: My main point was that triploidy is a chromosomal mutation, since people misuse that all the time to describe odd sorts of phyllotaxy now that marketers have started to capitalize on the idea that triploidy = better everything.


Like better fertility :stuck_out_tongue:


Not so much just the single blades leaves but yes reveg/stress is concerning. What jumped out the most as abnormal was how the blades are so tight and coming out like spears vs a typical fan shape. Like I said tough to describe in a Google search bar lol.

Reveg the popular assumption?
They’ve maxed out height wise and are nearly touching the light at some of the main colas. Light stress look like reveg? I’ve never had a plant reveg on me but I will look further into this now.

I haven’t confirmed my timer is functioning but that is alarming. According to my off-brand controller the light is off at correct times. I did lose power about 10 days ago.
I also opened the lower vent port to let my dehumidified air get drawn into both tents. The room is dark and unused other than for this, but there’s a chance the only basement window 30’ away that doesn’t get direct sunlight could be allowing enough light to get in to cause confusion. I’d be surprised, but I get surprised often.

Edit to add;
The two tents are side by side and no signs of this stress/abnormality in the other tent, including the mother the clones were taken from. Same nutes, only differences are clones(plants in question) are in octopots and are much closer to the light - and out of room to do anything about that unfortunately.


Checked on light scenario- timer functioning properly, pitch black on that corner of the basement. Only stress factors I can think of now are distance from light, and the recent fluctuations of humidity and VPD as I over corrected one extreme to another before leveling out. Will keep an eye on it and assume it’s just being funny.

Edit: Here’s my theory, as I’m not afraid to openly own an f up. Read about reveg, high N can cause it. I haven’t backed off the part B Cal-Nit which is 15-0-0, if anything I’ve been increasing everything in the 3-2-1 “program” very literally in the 3-2-1 ratio. I also misread the part of the 3-2-1 program that says stop using the cal-nit in flower. Assuming Octopot and reservoir are providing a more readily available source of frequent N causing the reveg/whatever’s going on. Mother in the fabric pot which is 1 week ahead in flower, is getting infrequent watering therefor not the same levels of N and therefor isn’t acting goofy…

I’m going to drain the res and remix without Part B.

Reading is hard :man_facepalming:
Thanks everyone for the input. Will update in a week or so.


Plants are weird. Most of the time we can manipulate them to grow the way we want. I’ve seen single leafs like that in my personal grows in the past. I’ve no clue what caused it and couldn’t correct it but I still ended up with bud in the end.
When you re veg you see this trait every time.
Maybe check your tent for light leaks???

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There’s no light in the room they’re in during lights out. Checked today, can’t see my hand in front of my face. I’m no light meter but it can’t be that sensitive. Leaning on high N or light stress and I can only address one of those. Draining the reservoir now