30 day roll, lets do this

Ah, yeah that’s pretty much how she was for me when I got her. Sickly slow runty looking thing that just never picked up. After the 91HPK hermed I just said fuck it and tossed it. I got both those and the Skunk Tangerine at the same time and that Skunk Tangerine was the same way for me when I got it, never really took off and looked runty so I also tossed it. When I got the Skunk Tangerine the 2nd time, months later, it was vigorous and grew beastly with no issues. So might’ve just been the timing or something with the first set of cuts I got, idk.

She definitely looks nice tho! Almost makes me wish I gave her a chance lol As-is though, I’m pretty much done with cuts/clones unless its significantly better than TK in every single way. If it’s not tastier, stronger, longer lasting, with an even better calyx-to-leaf ratio, more yield, etc… I don’t think I’ll ever be interested. Back to hunting through beans for keepers for me :yum:


Yeah for whatever reason it took three months for Tahoe to come into her own now I can’t stop her


Well, if I ever hit you up for cuts I can assure you I will do a big ass run of it. :+1::seedling:


I KNOW you would sir !!! Stand up dude you are!!! @ReikoX


You don’t have to convince me of anything brother, they’re yours for as long as you need. Also check your phone.


I actually wanted them today. Just checking back in my thread , the left side of tent 1 is at 8.5 weeks today.
Gonna take 2 plants down, will give me the 2 pots i need…so i can pot today.

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Replaced the dying single ICC with another ICC , topped the other 3, let this one catch up a bit

Have 4 BEAUTIFUL Tahoe getting too large for the Dixie cups. Have space under the Migro 250 to fit 4 mini octo’s. ONLY HAVE 2 LEFT :yawning_face:

Checked my dates, Tent one at 8.5 weeks, so i took 2 Wedding Cake’s down to steal their mini pots :boom:

They could have gone longer, but WC is EXCELLENT from week 8 on…so they bit the dust !

Now to let the soft pots dry out a bit, then stuff 4 Tahoe OG’s into them.

Complete with German Shepherd hair :see_no_evil: :see_no_evil: :see_no_evil:


Too bad one didn’t make the transplantation! It happened to my current Amnesia grow too, it is ‘only’ one plant but damn it sucks!

Good luck with a new one!

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Yeah, out of 8 only that one didnt take…NOT sure why unless her roots were not formed well enough.


Mostly a lack of roots is the case, it happens to my grows all the time. Waiting until the cuts have a bush of roots under their buts really pays off.


Wont make that mistake again, fouled up my schedule big time!!!


Agreed, next run i will keep my anxiety under control and wait it out!

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I am almost done hunting through beans too: I still have a bunch of seeds I want to blow through, SSDD, Blue Tara, suga suga, ppp are examples, but the list is getting shorter and shorter and so far nothing I have grown from seed has replaced the 5 keepers I have in my library. I have been keeping Frankenstein, 90s kush, and MAC1 around, and am on the fence with keeping them until I can get them through another round of flowering, but growing pre-hunted clones saves so much time and effort that it’s not really worth the effort of growing more seedlings IMO


Im with you on that

Hey Tom, got the funds to split a new cut with me??? 125 bucks each ??? I WANT the Original Federation Cotton Candy and i found it!!!



Sure! Although I am currently down for landlord maintenance, I am dying to get back up and I’d surely give her a run… was she checked for hlvd?

I’d prefer it were shipped to you, since I am down for a bit


Ok, all back to on schedule here, took the whole day, but now i can chill

Moms huge n healthy , only waiting on Pitts box to arrive before I chop them all back

Took two wedding cakes down so I could steal their pots they’ve been trimmed and are hanging tomorrow they’ll hit the Cannes troll

tent three at five weeks is looking great back to full size plants for me

ice cream cake is back to four lights set correctly

for wedding cake and for a beautiful Tahoe just placed into a tent for vegging lights or checked

now to clean up a bit I have a date tonight with an online lady I wasn’t really interested until she sent me this picture

not too shabby for 60 I’m definitely going to go meet this one wish me luck💥


Dude has kept it over 15 years, suspect it’s clean…im ready for her YESTERDAY!!!

IF we do it, when i send you a cut of it ill include the others u want, WC, ICC, TK…

Let me know ifn you can, if not ill ask around


I’m down. Hit me in DM

Actually… I just DM’d you

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You definitely need a genuine Trainwreck :rofl:


The original Trainwreck always put me to sleep and made me angry the next day after smoking it. And the Afghani smell, although not offensive, is not my favorite