30 day roll, lets do this

I was surprised you was in a corner that i’m aiming to move. I was thinking you was an austinian hipster ^^ You directly got a shit ton more credits when i knew this lol (Joking).


Just you wait till I have this new job. I’ll be over every day. Have to pass by on the way to work and home. But that’s at least 2 weeks away.


moving to Texas are you ???

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This part is serious yes, but specifically in your sector. Before they runned like chicken beheaded after the money of legalization, most of my true friends at Breedbay were Texans. It had an impact. And i need to get my car dialed by relic so … of course i need to change country for this. lol


Let me make the illumina-wings salute to prove i’m not bullshitting you ^^
If you know, you know.


idk but i can almost taste it



almost ready for grove bag


I agree with Holy that your ICC cut sounds much better than the breeders cut I tried. I did enjoy breaking out that old jar I had lying around, it helped me remember that I did like the high but it seems to lose its kick after a few bowls… the first rips after not having smoked it in a while were RAD! but later smoke sessions seemed meh and the next day I was puffing left and right trying to stay lit: My cut, or that particular grow, didn’t seem to have such a high ceiling.


makes me sad cuz i would have ran that wedding cake 5 times by now full ass mono crops. but thats the way she goes. how come i never see the ppl u sent cuts to here any more any ways?


Fuck it, you’re not made from sugar and i’ve the right to be a bit egoist sometimes. I’m burning inside since a previous season of your log to share with you what smoke report i’m just impatient to read from you. If ever you can get some clones … who know. Just a list, no influence or “its the best around blabla”. Just a hint to don’t suggest you to grow something you’re disliking by nature.

Most of them are hard to source to get the real deal, maybe a good soul here can help idk.

  • Thin Mint (the pastry you like full throttle, diva to grow, greedy)
  • Trainwreck (narcotic but tremendously dominating, chainsaw high/stone, sativa-ish, not zombie weed either, risky → quite herm, perfect to colonize the whole state with your DNA)
  • Grape Stomper OG (american treat for me in term of quality of smoke in my books, potency/terps is not exotic, classic)
  • SPG (a nightmare to grow and clone, but can’t be beaten in the fruity/sugar department to this day)
  • Agent Orange (the name speak for itself, very interesting high, not hipster weed) edit : i know for your dislike of the orangey weeds, but the high is really worth the ride. To make you sign the sale of the leather couch, i can add that it’s absolutely not sugared. Pure peel, almost bitter. Take the nose.
  • SCBB (good fat lady, reliable, pounder, will love your octos as fuck, binge rolling weed)
  • AK47 (fast, reliable, high then sleep, grow op weed)
  • a genuine ny SD cut … (a powerfull haze without being a haze at all, stink at one kilometer around both in grow and lit, eat whatever you give even your own blood if necessary lol, risky but easily manageable → late herm).

If ever you got one of the list someday and lit a fatty, please tag me. I want the premiere. For the sake of the fallen of Fort Alamo. It’s all i found sorry lol


Because I called all their asses out for the bullshit that they did and they just go away

i’m all about sharing and love to share but not when it’s for Curation and cataloging instead of growing.

why people feel the need to have 400 times more seeds then they can run in a lifetime is beyond me. why people will take in 25 different cuts in six months and never document a single grow on any of them is beyond me .

I shall no longer send my stuff to people who don’t intend to run it.

i’m sending this last round of clones to someone who is very well known on the site and I know will run these and I know will love them.

i’d offer them to 204 Mehdi smoke but he doesn’t live in the states.

if I ask someone for seeds or a cut you can damn sure count on me growing them and documenting them.


i have run Grape Stomper , ak47 , and Trainwreck .

Loved 47 , but not seen a good one since first round with the original sensi seeds 47

One of the phenos that I had I grew two packs of their seeds was just like the name implies you could feel it from one hit I’ve never had that since that grow decades ago

grape Stomper is very good but I like grape ape a whole lot better

I ran a bunch of train ride back in the day but never had a good one


Actually on the 47 (serious seed, buddy) on recent release (2023) and straight from the mothership. She’s wounded but don’t deserve the shit storm i often read about it imho. The Chronic yes, absolutely, and i don’t read anything about it equally frequent ^^

So fingers crossed for the rest of the list you have good people over here, tag me one day ^^


Next strain im gonna dive into is Do Si Do .
BakedBeans sent me some more of his F3 and also another version of it and a cross .

when they land they are instantly going in the dirt! SUPER IMPRESSED with the 2 i just grew


good morning bros and preach. still half asleep here


Well , one of my transplants aint gonna make it

potted 4 icc and 4 wc all fone except one icc😩

HATE when this happens , now gotta up pot another to replace the one icc🙈

probably yp potted that one too soon without enough roots :see_no_evil: MY FAULT damn it :boom:


we all get ahead of ourselfs. and always gotta be one lol… hopefully the replacement catches up quick


well it is What it is I wonder who I’m gonna replace her with

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who runs similar and is ready?


I had one more ice cream cake in a Dixie cup so she got the call

I’ve got four beautiful Tahoe’s in Dixie cups but I don’t have any more mini pots left I’m trying to convince Habbitt to let me borrow two of them for a few weeks until I harvest and I can replace them