30 day roll, lets do this

I deal with my tensions differently ^^ Someone here understand what i say obviously lol


not smoked all day time to get high I think some GMO should do the ticket


Good luck on your date, bud. Don’t get too ripped! :rofl:


The date is not until 8 o’clock and that’s a good thing because this GMO is kicking my ass

It has a real good cure on it now in the taste and smell is almost overpowering


Hey Tom did that guy answer you yet


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Have fun tonight

Can’t wait to try GMO

Not bad for 60 :eyes:


I think I said it earlier but I grew a bunch of it man in the 80s or 90s or whatever it first hit the scene and I didn’t care for any of it what I grew I mean

Whoa , gmo is super strong , im fried


Cloney hasnt replied yet, but his site has a phone number

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im totally HIGH as HELL


Could be because it’s my first smoke of the day but this crap just crumpled me

I haven’t had a cigarette all day and I’m about sick to my stomach and I had the heebie-jeebies so bad this seem to help it a bit and thank God I found my stupid ass Vape thing I mean my electronic cigarette thing



call it I tried that number from my cell phone and it just goes instantly to a weird sound

I even put back my caller ID on so as not to be blocked and tried it again and it was the same deal

Call it and see if they answer if they do tell them I’m trying to call them maybe they could call me

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I also get the three beeps… no signal or service terminated. Hmm. He may be on stoner time. We’ll have to wait. I am not seeing any posts from him for nearly a year :thinking:

Oh man I hope I didn’t get sent down a dead rabbit hole lol

i’m so stoned I hope I can remember the order in which I took each of these two pictures, all at 8.5 weeks of flower . Showing color change

First should be apple fritter

in two more weeks she’ll be totally purple and black

Cap Junky

Triangle Kush


Wow I think I actually got those correct I just impressed myself


Evening @HolyAngel

The masked mad gardener Rebel



Evening lol

Plants lookin great!

I just got home from work, bout to pack some TK and sprinkle some Swiss Thai Nevil 2 bubble on top :yum:


thanks man

TK is going so fat that she is laying all over the place and as stoned as I am I forgotten how far she goes but it’s got to be at least another couple weeks I think so she’s going to be a nice haul

well Randall just showed up I’ve now got eight dogs in my backyard

Oh joy I spent an hour today cleaning the pool so much for that


Well, now the dogs should be clean :joy:

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Hell yeah, TK like that is what we like!

Here’s my obligatory pics in poor lighting and edited on my phone lol

The dark chunk is the SSDD F2 #1 73, the rest is the STN2 x NH21/MM F2 73.


How’s Randall doing? Still not smoking any weed or has he broken down and smoked again?

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He was on Discord on the 24th, but not in the last few days