30 day roll, lets do this

Cloney does go silent sometimes, but probably best to catch him on Discord. He’s online a lot playing video games there. @CloneySoprano.com

I just traded him the Lemon G I am holding for an Ohio strain he just got called Illudium. He’s charging $1000 for that cut!!! WHAT?!! lololol


Jesus! $1000 for a single cut?! Does this cut cure cancer or something?


It’s the cost benefit of ownership… if you have something unique that nobody else has yet, like a unique strain, you can charge more for it until the market floods hit and its value goes to zero :joy:


Bleaf will give you a certificate for any clone over 2500 lol :joy: line up boys cash in hand lol


Beleaf had a beef with GMO when GMO paid his $multi-K fee for Chimera3 but then started dropping clones of it for $125 :joy: Freaking drama


hey Sharm can you step in for me and get him to talk to me please

I don’t do Discord I don’t even know what it is

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My ping was on Discord too, so we are tag-teaming him. We’ll get his attention!

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im going on a limb here but i aim for 10weeks with TK but only flowered once and am on my second run with her so if theres any recomendation as if 10weeks is enough or not im all ears


If I remember right I think I’d let her go 75 or 80 days doesn’t really matter I’m going to take her down when I have the right timing for the Cannatrol. The machine won’t hold that whole 4 x 4 tent so I have to stagger the harvest anyway why I took the two wedding cake today

in a week I’ll probably take the apple fritter and the junkie let the GMO n TK ride a bit . GMO HAS 5 more weeks :see_no_evil:


I also usually take the TK to 75-80 days


shouldnt be much to convince. helping each other out is what this community is about! hell i have given 3 month vegged plants away on here because i had no room all the person had to do was flower em out lol


i see some growers couting days others week is it better to be precise to the day or the week?

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Don’t forget to let us know how the date went Jet.


Good morning brotha :coffee:

Natural lighting on those plants have me drooling.

Put me in coach, Im ready to play today! :grin:

Im working out a schedule to get my perpetual game as good as yours :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

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if jet goes mia hes probly plowing the garden


I’d love to see the look on her face when she sees his garden :slight_smile:


Precise to the trichome ripening actually. I like her somewhere in the 10-20% amber range. On a good run, that’s usually day 77 give or take a couple days. Caleb/Nspecta of CSI Humboldt says ‘never before say 84’ but I’ve not ever gone that long yet.


two years ago i bothered to inspect trichomes but its become to dificult of a task with just one hand i now just let time go and hope its good


:rofl: :joy: :rofl: :joy: :rofl: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:

he has not smoke here around me

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