30 day roll, lets do this

Cap Junky is still kicking my ass @Jetdro . Dont like it as much as I like Dosido, not as strong but not weak either. Dosido still reigns supreme for me.


Was bored , started reading and looking at videos about THCA in the Farmville law and all these people are getting around it

bottom line is when these people are advertising THC a indoor grown hemp itā€™s our bud real bud

and itā€™s raw form our plants produce THC a not THC it takes decarboxylation to turn it into THC

so all the way around it is they get a hemp license they grow the same bud we are growing they have to have it tested two times once before itā€™s harvested once after and of course as raw on the plant it tests lower than the federal limit so they can sell it

I googled around and I found thereā€™s a place in town that sells it

I called up and spent an hour on the phone with the owner who turned out to be very cool and Iā€™m gonna go down there tonight and meet with him.

we talk openly I have nothing to hide as it turns out heā€™s been a grower all his life to

when he asked why I wanted to come see the bud if I have all of my own I had to explain to him itā€™s just like any stoner would I want to see what heā€™s got

I looked on his site heā€™s got all the strains you can name and he swears to me itā€™s real bud

I told him I would bring a sample of something of mine and he could try it when he wanted to he said hell with that just roll a joint we can smoke it in my shop we do all the time

my God the times are changing

I read off about 10 strains that I have and when I said ice cream cake he went crazy said do I really have it do you really have that lol

yes I have it and I rolled a big fat bomber to bring down and smoke with him and his girlfriend and a nice little bud for him to have

he said we could sample a bunch of his stuff so Iā€™m going to try the stuff heā€™s raving about called super Boof

and a few other he said

prices are $80 a quarter and 250 an ounce

this should be an interesting night Iā€™ll report back on what I found .


Gonna miss it chad. @Habitt

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Cool lineup, the galactic has sounds goodā€¦ canā€™t wait to hear reviews of the quality of his goods, although I am fairly confident it wonā€™t be up to par with your ā€œhomegrownā€ buds

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he told me it was all coming out of Colorado which kind of killed my big buzz about it because Iā€™ve been up to Colorado a couple times in the bud did not impress me


to be honest I really donā€™t care about all that was cool is Iā€™ll get to sit down with another stoner and get to be around all this bud and actually get to smoke in the shop like we shouldā€™ve been able to do all along

Iā€™ll bet once they smoke the ice cream cake Iā€™ll have two new friends


Hey holy what do you think will the bud be good or not ???

If you have a second look at his menu tell me what you want me to try


The best THCA flower Iā€™ve had has been the exact same quality I could get at a dispensary. Decent at best. Better than the street, but not even close to our bud.


yeah thatā€™s what I expect Iā€™m gonna bring a couple hygrometers and some bags and see if theyā€™ll let me test them I bet he wonā€™t



As compared to some of the stuff you show on here it kind of looks like poop brudda lol. But looks can be deceiving and i have been fooled before.


live smoke report Candy Runtz

in person it actually looks better than it looks in these cheap phone pictures I put a meter in there and I was shocked it was actually 61% it shows 60 but thatā€™s because I had pulled it out for a minute
Bud is not soft and crumbly but pliable and fairly dense

not dance like a wedding cake or ice cream cake but pretty good density like Tahoe I would say

even though it looks really nice and itā€™s at the right humidity level it feels weird in my hand it feels I donā€™t know how to describe it feels dead

smell is super nice but super super super faint

there is no stickiness or grease to it

Gonna see how it grinds in roll a joint


as I break it up and put it in the grinder at its core it is extremely dense close to what wedding cake does

I put about the same amount I wouldā€™ve it of wedding cake in the grinder it wouldā€™ve been a big chore to grind it with wedding cake as I grabbed it and started to grind it was a big chore but only for the first half turn then instead of being a arthritis inducing 1 minute grind of gooey sticky mess it kind of just fell through the grinder

two or three turns back-and-forth it was done and in the bottom

The smell did not increase at all in fact I could barely smell it below the grinding blade

Let me roll it and see how that goes

rolled well , see how it tastes and burns

as little as it smells itā€™s got a huge flavor and taste it completely coding my mouth with this back taste that I donā€™t know how to describe but I really like

well so far it hasnā€™t rang my bell like Junkie did this afternoon with me and. @Habitt
nor the wedding cake we had at the creek

but Iā€™ve only had a few hits let me keep smoking


First hit incredibly beautiful candy taste

like jolly rancher sweet

OMG the shit is delicious

Joint burning perfectly and slow

Boy I screwed that up some oh well youā€™ll get the idea

The high is coming on now itā€™s a nice mellow high joint smokes very smooth and itā€™s still super tasty a third of the way through it

I smoked about as much as I would wedding cake or ice cream cake or Tahoe or junky I want to see how it affects me

so itā€™s good weed. itā€™s very tasty and burns really well . it carries a decent buzz nothing special other than taste , but certainly not low end .

it compares well to some of the weed Iā€™ve grown this year or actually maybe last year but not my better ones .

if I grew this myself I think Iā€™d be happy with this product other than the funky way it feels and the weird lack of smell. The taste is very very good if you like the sweet type of taste which I do and the high is decent but like I said nothing exceptional.

I can tell the buds were hand trimmed and I can tell the genetics were good because of the lack of leaf in the bud itself pretty much all the strains the bud was broken down into about the exactly the same size Iā€™d break down to dry my Cantrall.

I hung out maybe an hour or a little bit more and made friends with the owner and his girlfriend and I wonā€™t go into it here unless anybody is interested but pretty amazing the loophole that he operates in

he has done it right and has all the licensing and all the proper credentials he even has a license to produce his own tinctures and salves and whatever else he wants on site

all the cartridges and concentrates he sells he creates himself in store and itā€™s all perfectly legal even here and will hang you for life Texas

if you scan the barcode on the thing you will see that jar is registered to his Business. he has exclusives on all the varieties that he carries and everyone carries the barcode they can be traced back to him to prove the legality

this might blow your mind it blue mine theyā€™re all coming from cookies

he buys it from a licensed grower licensed to grow cookies and given cookie genetics to grow and be sold as cookies. he also sells the exact same bud out the side door to the people in the THCA market like the gentleman I met tonight.


I thinked you will decarb it before ^^

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I donā€™t understand what you mean

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Heating this weed to potentialize it : decarboxylation

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I am heating it I rolled it into a joint and Iā€™m smoking itšŸ˜Ž

or I was smoking on it I put it out for a minute so I could find something to watch on TV and start to eat my giant sonic turtle blastšŸ’„

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keep a nug for the experiment . boiling point of THCA is around 200Ā°f, an oven is enough. then smoke it just after. can tell you if the provider of this THCA weed know his shit (the farmer/breeder).

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oh there is no doubt this is normal regular bud just like we grow

I just lit it again and it still taste great I believe if I could run across this plant even though itā€™s not as potent as I would like to taste is very unique and very good and I would least grow a good amount of it to put back

it would be excellent daytime bud when youā€™re out doing something and donā€™t want to be annihilated Itā€™s like smoking dessert

I hate to say it but I donā€™t think 95% or maybe 99% of the people who would buy this would be unhappy at all in fact I think they would love it


depend on profiles and receptors buddy. i need stuff like jack herer during the day, to ā€œsipā€ slowly a good hour from a blunt. Or i rather prefer nothing.

No doubt. Some of us are spoiled tho :yum: :joy: