30 day roll, lets do this

you jump into the runtz strains and your gonna find a whole nother rabbit hole brotha lol. prob 20 really flavorful lip smacker cuts around out there. u had me at jolly rancher also.


yeah holy if you didnā€™t grow and didnā€™t know the difference this bud would look spectacular to you you wouldnā€™t notice the lack of stick and you wouldnā€™t notice the lack of smell I donā€™t think

The taste is absolutely outstanding and the high is like I said middle of the road but acceptable

was a very interesting night I got to see all the cookies strains the dude was chill and after smoking my I C cake he let me open all the jars and play with the buds . he carries everything cookies has and I got to see all of them.

from their look and trim whoever is growing it absolutely knows what theyā€™re doing the buds were picture perfect the trim job was excellent and the buds looked very nice . none of them had any stick or glue none of them had a big smell end of the three or four we smoked none of them had a big hit like the ice cream cake did

his girlfriend took a big old hit off the joint of ice cream cake for her first hit I thought she was going to puke , lol she wasnā€™t paying attention to our conversation she was in the back of the room vacuum sealing the orders to deliver. they sell it all over the city with a one hour delivery and they use UberšŸ’„ she said that taste really nice which one is that she thought it was one of their stuff, lol

there was a huge difference in the way the ice cream cake hit and the way the one he rolled for us hit.
He rolled a giant cone of what he thought was his very best the boof stuff. it couldā€™ve been the nasty paper that he used to roll the cone but it really had no taste It was very smooth and it hit good but I absolutely did not feel it after smoking the ice cream cake.


so now I got to see the whole cookie phenomenon for myself and to be honest itā€™s not as bad as I thought. not in terms of potency itā€™s not going to rival any of my keepers not even close but being perfectly honest the 1/4 that I did buy of the runts is absolutely delicious and even though the high is middle of the road I am enjoying smoking it

I guess kind of like the way people would enjoy smoking a tasty cigar or wine tasting or tasting some cheese

The buds were very pretty and I understand the appeal to the non-growers who just donā€™t know the difference

in the time I was there two or three people customers came in and all three of them had bought the day before and were raving about what they had bought all three of them were resellers they were buying it from his shop and then turning around and selling it in their hood

I talked to two of them about it and they told me that it was way better than what they were buying on the street and flipping

so my conclusion is if you were a young punk and you grew up with the cookies revolution you wouldnā€™t know any better and you wouldnā€™t know superior weed

overall Iā€™d have to say it was decent weed grown very well just canā€™t understand the lack of stick or smell Hass to be the way it was dried or capped but the strange thing is it wasnā€™t bone dried it was at 61% when checked.

all of my keeper strains would stomp what I tried last night but I have to admit the taste on several of them was very very good as good as mine

so holy if this is what you have been smoking itā€™s a whole different animal than what Iā€™m growing I know there are hundreds of cuts of wedding cake floating around same with ice cream cake, One day I hope we can meet up and you can try some of mine


so I revisited the candy runts today. totally straight I hadnā€™t smoked anything until I tried it.

taste is excellent it is super smooth but I took seven big hits and I donā€™t feel it yet

I think Hollys got it correct on this cookie stuff At least what I got and tried last night is got the look in the taste but it certainly does not have the power of what I am used to it or what I grow


Yeah thats what I get everytime with every cookies cross Iā€™ve ever had. Doesnā€™t matter from the street, the dispo, a buddy that grew it. Iā€™ve had a couple that would make my forehead sweat after the first puff or two, but after 30 minutes itā€™s all gone. Feel sober again :confused: Then you take one hit of something you know is good, not cookies, and bam, instantly high. Works every time :joy:


Sooooo poop lol jking. Good on the dude for growing some nice nugs though. And i feel like when you left their establishment him and his wifey were probably like damn that was the best weed Iā€™ve ever smoked lol. Did you let him try any TK or anything along those lines.

Even here in VA a lot of the dispo weed is pretty but its like bottle rocket pot. Like Holy said gets you sweating in the first few minutes but afterwards youā€™re left there saying where did the high go.


no all I brought was the joint of IC cake and a small NUG I gave them

I brought the nugget so I could show them I could squeeze it without damaging it because you know they never want you to touch the bud

he was like why would you want to feel the bud Iā€™d like to feel itā€™s density to feel how it grew see how dry it is if it crumbles or it has some moisture in it

I handed in my little nugget I sit here feel this

he just kind of barely held it

I said no squeeze it smash it drop it on the floor and step on it

heā€™s like oh wow itā€™s pretty dense huh

after that he let me take the bud out of the jars and feel themšŸ’„

Randall stopped over today I was sitting out on the patio smoking the rest of that joint I rolled of the runts I had the jar out there with me because I was going to tell him about this THC a loophole and the stores I went to

I poured the bud out on the table and told him to take a look and tell me what he thought told him it was straight from cookies he looked at me weird and said what is cookies lol so he had no preconceived notions he only knows my weed

first thing he did was pick it up and smell it put it straight down and said it doesnā€™t have any smell

then he picked it up and squeezed it and said itā€™s not very dense and it doesnā€™t have any sticking to it

I was smoking a joint and he supposedly it quit smoking I havenā€™t seen them smoke but I hand of the joint to him and said here take a hit itā€™s pretty tasty

he took a couple of big hits kind a looked at me weird and said yeah itā€™s a nice taste I guess but it feels like Iā€™m smoking air

I asked him what he meant and he said it didnā€™t seem to have any kick to it like when he smokes mine it didnā€™t have any expansion it didnā€™t explode in his lungs and he didnā€™t feel anything when he exhaled

out in the light of the day looking close at the buds theyā€™re still nice but thereā€™s just something off about them I donā€™t know what it is a lot of itā€™s the fact that they donā€™t have any smell and they have absolutely no stick even when you break them up

I asked Randall to tell me what he thought about the feel of them I said to him they just feel wrong somethings just wrong

he picked up the biggest bud and squeezed it for a couple of seconds he looked at me and he said I donā€™t know but I get this feeling itā€™s dead


exactly the same thing I said the other day he wasnā€™t here he didnā€™t know I had said that

itā€™s kind of like theyā€™re fake like they were reproduced in a 3-D printer or something and something got lost in the translation

so after studying this bud for a day and a half I must conclude with our resident cookie expert. @HolyAngel , that this cookie stuff is just Boof, and when I use that term unlike the shop whose signature strain is Boof I mean it sucks lol

I just rolled a joint of ice cream cake and Iā€™m smoking it and thereā€™s certainly a big difference just in the way it hits and feels when you smoke it the ICC has big body and a lot of expansion and you know youā€™re smoking something

so holy how is it that my ice cream cake and my wedding cake are so much different ? from looking at the bud I can tell it was grown well I just donā€™t understand why itā€™s not sticky and why it doesnā€™t have any smell, yet itā€™s at 61% level.

I know my ICC came from seed so itā€™s not the same as anybody elseā€™s and my wedding cake came from Maine and Iā€™ve never heard of anyone else getting one from anywhere near there

maybe itā€™s old weed like really old weed and they just rehydrated it

now that I think about it I bet thatā€™s exactly what it is thatā€™s probably why it looks nice but doesnā€™t have the hit

I bet if I took some of it and pressed it the rising would come out super dark and greasy and hard to pick up the sure signs of old bud

but on the other hand you say youā€™ve got it from friends who grew it and I assume they didnā€™t give you old bud so Iā€™m really at a loss

unless of course my ice cream cake in my wedding cake are boof just like cookiesšŸ’„.

donā€™t think so because I know my weed pretty well and Iā€™ve shared it with plenty of people who didnā€™t think it was mids

maybe my wedding cake cut isnā€™t wedding cake but something else

and I was lucky enough to find a great Fino of ICC from the original seeds??


Lol I donā€™t think so lol



me either because I smoke this much of my ice cream cake and Iā€™m lit up really well iā€™m a seasoned veteran and it takes me at least four or five fire ups to finish a joint of this thingšŸ˜Ž


What up Andrew ??? Things rolling ?
getting close to a cut available for a friend?


Hell yeah, buddy. Theyre all big enough except ICC to take cuts. I could send at the end of the week if needed.

edit: maybe one or two off ICC but theyd be small.



Please send a wedding cake to pop a log

he deserves the ICC toošŸ‘


Definitely can do that.


Wedding cake and ice cream cake go crazy once they hit full stride in veg once they get going you can take a shit load of cuts off of them and they wonā€™t even notice I forget who else you have but those two arenā€™t gonna give you any trouble once you get them established


Yeah man, the WC is just starting to take off, time to pot her up. The ICC had a tough time early on, so should get big quick here. You also sent Tahoe, Fritter, Cap Junky (broke her stem and have cuts in the cloner), Mac 1. That Fritter is a beast, just doesnā€™t give a shit and barrels. fast roots and real fast veg. Sheā€™s going to yield I think. The others are getting there but ive got a few weeks to veg em so theyll be big enough to run.


Apple fritter yields out the ass she goes crazy in flower have to be careful she goes so fat if you grow her tall and big thereā€™s a very good chance youā€™ll get bud rot unless youā€™re absolutely spot on with wind movement

I have lost some of her to rot every time Iā€™ve grown her but her yield is so great it doesnā€™t much matter

iā€™ve got one now in the back of the tent at almost 10 weeks that is so covered in purple it looks black from the front of the tent

The cap junkie will go nice also she grows nice big fat buds they donā€™t stack but they grow nice size and she branches well

Once you make Tahoe happy and she hits her stride sheā€™ll make apple fritter look like a third grade shop project in terms of growth vigor she will absolutely take over a veg tent if you allow it

I have cut mama Tahoe back so many times she is now a hedge


I think the Tahoe suffered from a little reveg, there were some curled leaves and single-blade fans. But sheā€™s growing good, now. Iā€™ll post up an update soon, been hanging lights and moving crap around and Im almost there.


thatā€™s weird somethings up with that particular plant because she did the same thing to me she reveged all on her own and when I Gotter I swear it took four months to make it grow I had given up on her several times and finally after trying everything I knew I just stuck it in a mini auto pot and left it alone she decided to grow and now I canā€™t stop her I hope you donā€™t have to go through all that lol


The mutated leaves are lower down and all the new stuff is regular, so I think Iā€™m in the clear. I Just gotta make sure she gets 18 hrs of light I guess. My Logcake is like that, sheā€™ll start to flower under 16 hrs. Maybe an OG thing? or Sativa influenceā€¦I dunno.


I think youā€™re onto something there Albert


I had all my mothers go into flower under 16H of light a couple times now, most recently just in December and they have only now recovered :triumph: