30 day roll, lets do this

so last week I trimmed up two wedding cake plants to put in the Cannatrol I saved all the scissors hash but then I promptly lost the damn little ballšŸ™ˆ

today Iā€™m walking across my kitchen floor cleaning up the mess I made from taking cuts for Sharm pit and something sticks to my foot itā€™s the hash ball I lost last week.

about to get HIGH , lol , then hack my motherā€™s back , I let them get large and in charge so I could pull nice cuts for sharp pit now that thatā€™s over I can hack them back to a decent size


I got one stuck in the vacuum roller lol
Thought :thought_balloon: I lost it or the dog ate it


hell yeah i wanna see jakes romulan and get a jetdro smoke report inhale by inhale! absolutely loved romulan especially this grapefruit one we used to score. interested to see what his brings!


haha poor you and me been wanting to run all these cuts in here for a year while the ones who got em dont want em. way she goes but things happen im sure once things slow down in the summer we might snag a few and be ready for some winter fun


now that tickles my curiosity
my eyes are huge for mac1 ATM
w.c &dsd would be nice additions to my ā€œstableā€ also (dreams)
ā€œstableā€ more like a post with a leash


If youā€™re in Canada hit him up he should have all of mine unless he lost them


I think I solved that issue I sent them yesterday to Sharm pit I know he will run them and enjoy them and he is going to share them also. I think this time I made a good choicešŸ’„


Romulan lands today along with Bodhis cut of Goji , BOTH will run immediately

I love Goji , Excited to be running bodies personal cut , And Iā€™m also just as excited for the Jake cut of Romulan


100% agree!! In a land full of hucksters, Schmarm is as real as it gets! Not many people I trust anymore, but he is definitely one of them.


GOOD 420 day today :boom:

@herojuana.tom @SamwellBB

both cuts will go in rotation , SUPER HAPPY to have Dosido back in the house , will get planted this week

Thank you Baked BeanZā€™s :+1::+1:

note to clone sellers this is how you do it right cups only filled up halfway so they can be transplanted into real cups that have holes in the bottom label stuck deep down in the cup so thereā€™s no way it could be lost. leafs are not cut the cut has not been topped . thank you sir for always sending me nice cuts


:heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:


oh I donā€™t know if I trust him or not I just heard heā€™s on parole and canā€™t leave his house for five years so I figured heā€™d be someone good to hold it for me


by end if this month Herojuanatom will have my cuts too , he seems stable to me


The clones came so fast! Very nicešŸ‘Œ
And the beanz! Rad lineup, you should get some killer plants from those Dosidos genetics


Yeah they always do arrive fast when they come from him I guess weā€™re both in major hubs or something but it only takes two days

if I can find something close to what I just grew from the same seeds Iā€™ll be super happy

I think Iā€™m going to run his original F threes and the cross he sent me that sounds interesting put up the new version of his Do si do .

iā€™m going to go repot these new cuts and get them under a light Iā€™ll get them into Octopot really fast and should be able to give up cuts by the end of the month


Canā€™t remember if I posted up earlier in this thread, Iā€™ve been scrolling thru and catching up over the last few days. Very very very excited to see what youā€™ll have growing on in the works soon! Peace :frog:

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I wish I was stable!! Wait, what?



Yeah Pat , u b stable too :boom:

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if the send to sharmpit works out fine Iā€™m going to offer a couple more of the same deal send me the priority box with the self-addressed label inside of it and Iā€™ll send it back with something in it

I lost my amnesia haze core cut because I didnā€™t give it out enough I donā€™t wanna lose the wedding nor ice cream cakes

Plus Iā€™d like to see some other people run them


someone on here offered me a cut or permanent marker I canā€™t remember who it was they offered it to me but said it would be a bit before they could take a cut itā€™s been a bit



You know much about baked beans I got a pack in trade cause they sounded neat but never really heard of them? But it was a face og cross and blueberry o I believe sounded pretty interesting.

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New additions will be Romulan , Goji OG , and Do Si Do F 3 ala BakedBeanZ

WC , icc, Tahoe stay in rotation , I can smoke pretty much all three of those every day been smoking the WC and the ICC for over a year and Iā€™m not tired of either