30 day roll, lets do this

My girls go 2 to 2.5 x in stretch so i know where abouts i end up .


Does gmo always put out those blood red stems? It almost looks like you have a bug issue or a crazy deficiency going on.
Edit. Just realized this was 3 months ago, hope they made it to harvest :+1:

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Dude. The post you responded to states he was harvesting them the next day.


Took down the 2x4 tent yesterday morning . One Goji Pinesol, one ICC , and one Romulan , Under the Migro Array 4 250.

All 3 threw down , and im thinking in gonna switch to all 2x4 tents .

Only one row , no back row to fight , just put up a net or two , let tent walls support them like they just did in this run .

Goji covered the whole tent , with 3 foot long stacking buds going to every corner .
Romulan took the whole middle if the tent

ICC just did her thing growing vertical in the right corner .

Gonna buck all the buds in a bit , ill post up some pics


Ice Cream Cake


Goji Pinesol

As far as growing, looks, density, smell…ICC kicks Rom and Goji’s ass…lol

Cant wait to try the Goji, its different than last Goji’s i have run. Grew pretty much the same, but didnt “golf ball” her nugs .

Romulan smells most excellent

10 days ill give a smoke report on these 3


Gorgeous colors Jet! Well done brother



That Ice Cream Cake looks awesome!!! Have you had a chance to get that P Marker cut into flower yet.

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I had it five weeks in the flower and it just wilted and died out of nowhere. I don’t know what happened.


oh man that blows. hope you had a back up im sure you did. and i have to agree with the report ICC has the bag appeal locked up

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Wonder if that romulian is like the old stuff from the late 70/early 80’s?

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IDK, I swear I recall reading that federation lost their cut a long while back and had to revive it from seed and released it mixed with something like white rhino. I can’t remember what it looked like, but I can remember it’s greasy funkiness, I can’t wait to grow it to see

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That ice cream cake looks incredible. Bag appeal for days :heart_eyes_cat:

the one jet has is from romulan jake is that the same cut your talking about ?

Jesus, those look so damn good! You got me pumped for the ICC! You were spot on with the WC, so I think it’ll be my new favorite.

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My recollection is of a Romulan which came from Humboldt/Trinity county back around '92-'94, and a grape pheno that had the same underlying greasiness that was floating around Oakland around 2000, I haven’t tried this specific newer cut yet.


Several of my keepers taste good and have power 4 days in the Cannatrol

Lets see how Romulan (Jakes cut ) fares ?


Well well , maybe found another decent plant, lol . No green taste , not at flavor potential yet but taste pepper hash and pine . Surprisingly smooth .

Effects for me are like super sativa , with a little body now coming in to be honest .
Kind of a soaring high , super pleasant .

Yeah , very very heady , thinking it would spin the casual toker , little less than half joint has me pretty lit . Creeper , took a minute to come on , been done 5 minutes still coming on :sunglasses: No couch lock at all , def feel the Thai in this , def!

Super clean high , its good weed

i’ll try the Goji tomorrow


I am not trying to be insulting here, @Jetdro , but that red tray looks like it was swiped from Furr’s Cafeteria sometime back in the 1980s.


Ive had it longer than that i think🙈


it’s heavier than WC. It’s not a great all day smoke it tends to plant. People can get really high on wedding cake and still function not so much on ice cream cake.