30 day roll, lets do this

Well it works , quality built ,HATE the way it hangs , stupid ass design

Lets see what kind of par she can throw


nice i was wondering how migro’s light performed this is getting interesting


Well im about to go find out right now :boom:


Down for this ride. Buckled up


So ALL manufactors LIE Even Shane :see_no_evil:

Claims a 5 x 5 coverage in veg .
Lets just say this

Yeah if you want to throw 200 par :boom:
Nobody can tell the truth not one sorry motherfucker can tell the truth.

so here’s the truth for anyone looking at Shane’s lights take his suggested square footage and cut it in half.
Yes it COULD cover 5 by 5 , would look like a third grade grow however .

All is not lost however

Light is made WELL! Real well . Quality throughout . Dimmer works well , remote ballast is nice .
Light throws VERY EVEN light , VERY .
Spread across canopy is even tighter than my GLS lights .

Will NOT COVER a 5 x 5 area well
4x4 is pushing it but will cover it
3x3 is BRILLIANT 650 to 800 across entire 3x 3 area .

As it turns out , after culling , 3 x 3 is pretty much all i need . A 500 or 700 would have been a total waste of money for THIS PURPOSE . It only had this purpose , will not be used for anything else .

Love its looks , weighs nothing , remote driver is big and runs COOL . Heat produced from light is same as from my GLS models .

I shall keep it , 280 bucks , great uniform light numbers at canopy , ill just keep her over a 3x3 area


Lots of solid info here. Thanks @Jetdro


at that price im assuming you have the right to bare arm

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Price was fine. 280 to my door in one day. Quality is THERE, very very nice looking, no weight, just is a 4x4 MAX veg light, and a MAX 3 by 3 flower light.

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i was wondering wich model you had and upon researching i found the info in his shop in fairenessto shane it does state its good to flower photos in a 3x3 autos in a 3.5x3.5 lolll he just knows about lights not growing specific plants we cant bash on him for not being specialized in our needs


BULLSHIT…lights are made 100% , 100
% for growing BUD…PERIOD!!!


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
i get you but wut about the pepper guys

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He makes his PAr maps, for a 5x5 area at 4 inchs off canopy, NO ONE runs 4 inchs, NO ONE

Next light ill wait on GLS…


Grow light science?


i bought my geekbeast after seing his review and mjcoco’s par maps
its was one of the first bar styles put back then


Yes, have 5 , would have bought more but out of stock till next year

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I’ll have to check them out @Jetdro. Thanks


The thing is just so bad ass looking I may get another one just cause I like how it looks


I really don’t understand what’s going on with this fritter I took the cut maybe a week into the flip they hadn’t even started their stretch yet it’s been under 18 hours of white ever cents and look at the damn thing it’s gone down to single blade leaf I haven’t had the heart to look at the other one to see if it’s doing the same thing I hope not

WC is so pretty when her colors display early in veg

Caps Cut real real unhappy , just in octo , not found rez, gonna be ugly for a bit .

MicroArray three been up may be an hour and the power of the LED shows everybody praying already about time I kick those damn T5 to the curb, veg should rock now😎

now I have a super clean and functional mom tent I love it

Big tent , left in stretch , Wedding Cake , right
Lumpy , gmo , giesel, chemd like week 6


Looks great bro good luck with the new light


Thanks man, but just a Mom veg light, just sick of the T5’s, adjusting every day, cleaning the bulbs, their poor output compared to LED. Was a pain to deal with plants with the lights right on them and basically covering them. Got to where i hated messn with them.


Got light 18 " off canopy top, smaller plants in middle, tallers to outside, light pulling 231 watts from wall.
Fixture is small and centered, 100% out of my way, and can get to all plants easily. Can water without moving every damn plant now, reach all from my chair with the wand :sunglasses:

Par is 620 or so at corners, 880 in middle, super consistent all across the 3x3 area, prolly averaging 700 par, will raise light till pray stops, bet 2 inch’s. Will set at 600 across the top of canopy . Maybe even 500, its just mothers.

I have plenty of room left under the footprint too. I see, when this last harvest comes down, with Fritter, GMO, Chem, Giesel, and i KNOW my final Mother count, this lil 250 will cover 9 3 gallon Octo’s perfectly. Then im home free, no more dicking round in Mom tent. Let em rip, pull cuts, throw under the gls 300 off to the right for 2 weeks, pass on to the 640’s. Rinse n repeat. It’s about there, and auto pilot will BE SO NICE .

Dont OCTOPOT’s rule @Papalag