30 day roll, lets do this

:rofl: :metal:

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Is it Cole or






Morning Jet/pack and all cannabis freaks. :sunglasses: :metal:


Wanna burn through some seeds. I hate hoarding seeds, i now have the space to start them. The new veg light has given me plenty of room to start a bunch, and i am going to.

Plan is this:

I have a new Spider Farmer 55x28x80 on it’s way, basically a 2x4 with wiggle room for me and something i can stand in, a Migro Aray 4 like @Foreigner to place over it, and i just ordered some new to me, fabric bags, one gallon. I of course run fabric bags on my Octopots, but this is different, i will top water these.

Plan is start to finish in one tent. One light, one pot. Least amount of my effort, cause i have nuff to do with 3 flower tents in swing. I will start the seeds in Dixie’s, under the Aray 3, there is room, no need to fire up the Aray 4 just yet, waste of watts. Soon as they pop their heads, will go into the Spider under the Aray 4. Light will provide full 4x4 coverage, gonna crank it to em from day one too :cowboy_hat_face:

Will allow them to get adjusted, throw some leaf, then get turned early n small. Think i can pull an LB from the lil 250 Migro. Gonna try anyways.

Hard part is gonna be picking out the seeds from my collection. Lucky i do not have a @TopShelfTrees1 collection, but rather a mundane and small lot to choose from. Should be something cool in there, some uncle fester, space monkey, c99, cherry ak47 from ole reynard(lol) , bunch o stuff from a long gone member, santero stuff, todd mccormick old stuff, ill find some good things…maybe time for some Orange Goji…wait…no not gonna waste those on tiny plants…lol…what was i thinking, lol.

Figured out what to do with Ounces of nasty outside TK n Tahoe…pressed some early today, and it pressed fine with gold product…so…gonna have SMASH FEST here today, till i run out of bags, fill my Rosin tubs, put away the press for a spell.

So lazy day today, pressing outdoor larf, cleaning nuff dirt for 18 1 gallon sleeves, picking seeds to dunk.


an 8 gram pull and a 15 gram pull
see if same return , or what my press can handle well


Pressing flower? Looking good


Yeah , outdoor larf i have no other use for

15 g returned 1.4 or 9%
8.5 G returned 1.0 or 12%

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Inside the same plant returned 26 % or more EVERY pull

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Not bad for larf. I’m sure the flower pulls are much better. Don’t know much about pressing but looks great :ok_hand:


Ohhh love this!!! Those uncle festers would prob be awesome as a sea of green! I have 20 beans of them myself i wanted to hunt thru but never have time(and i aint got not topshelftrees collection either LOL)

Also these are my clones there doing same as yours right ? I cant figure them out

Put them under 20/4 instead of 18/6 to see if that helps


Now the hard part , picking who to run :see_no_evil:


Yeah that’s exactly the same look of reveg we’re seeing here.


thank you! i figured something was up. what do i do to fix it just wait it out ?

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Yeah just wait it out if it’s not rootbound. Take clones of the least reveg looking branches, they might grow out of it sooner. That’s about all I got :man_shrugging:


thank you once again brotha

A good problem to have. What is on the board of consideration?


write out a list with speech to text for us lol id love to see your entire selection :smiley:

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The approach I’m taking is I’m bombarding them with super high par and a heavy dose of N


Just put the bulk away , but have narrowed the field to these

What im choosing from , figure 45 seeds total

Yes gonna narrow these to 9 , then 5 seeds each