30 day roll, lets do this

Definitely worthy!!! Really REALLY like the taste of that Lost Cap. It’s one of those that you just keep smoking for the taste, and then, POOF, your holding an unlit joint, saying to yourself, I’m high, where did that come from.
Definitely a beautiful cross you did @Jetdro, worthy in anyone’s garden IMO.
Would definitely like to do a run of bubble hash of the Lost Cap, lots of interesting things to be found I believe.


Personally, i like her better than her Momma, Mac. She grows better, throws more weight, and has Mac colors and goo levels. Her fresh Rosin from my press is pretty tasty and head spinning .

I have Mom of plant your smoking , but also, in this “mini run”, which BTW is KICKING MY ASS today. Shit, 50 seeds is a lot to jack with…dirt, cups, trays, lables, space to put 50 damn dixie cups :see_no_evil:

Anyway, i have some Lost Cap S1 plants up, also a Lost Cap #2 , only the second of those seeds to grow. Both the S1 and #2 are healthy and ill get to see what they offer.


They will be in here. Plan was 3 flower tents, 30 days apart. Have 2 now, and plants set for third set in 2 weeks. The roll will be full in 2 weeks, then every 30 days or so one tent comes down, a new set starts.

All in Octopots so auto pilot for me, enviroment is set, so was bored. Hate holding seed, i personally believe it was meant to be sprouted. My collection is getting out of hand, and as they get old and forgotten, ill never run em. All these elite cuts are over in 2 more weeks or so, and ill go back to running what i like most . The 2x4 tent idea came to me while stoned as Hell in front of my PC.

Amazon is a dangerous place, lol. Im not a bargain shopper, my whole working career i sold funriture for 2 times it’s value to SMILING customers…cause we delivered in 3 HOURS!!! Same day, no wait 6 months to get half your order, HAVE IT NOW.

IMPULSE…thats me. Im not stupid, KNOW what i want, but can be influenced to pull the trigger rapidly when Amazon offers me the SAME SHIT ive been Googling for 3 days, at 10 % MORE, but…

Sign my ass up!!! :heart_eyes:

So was lit up…had my seeds out for some reason, and it hit me. Shit, let me see something

Tent 100 bucks
Light 220 bucks
Fab pots 45 bucks
2x4 and 4x4 bungie netting with hooks 45 bucks

Can always use another light :see_no_evil: :see_no_evil: :see_no_evil: :see_no_evil: Actually did not need another light, lol, but the Migro’s are so cool i just wanted another one . Always wanted to try fabric pots :see_no_evil: also.

HMMMM got shit ton seeds, got the room, its only a 250 watt light, weather is cooling A/c bill lower, this will keep it level, lol.

When can i have this stuff…its 11pm …oh tommorrow…


They got me again, but i win, i get what i wanted, paid 40 bucks more TOTAL than buying all over and waiting , but i will have it all in time for the seeds to sprout ,

So , un planned tent, thats how it happened, so i shall just place it here .


you cant take that money with you when its time to meet the lord so you mind as well spend it doing what you love and enjoy! not to mention you bring entertainment to like 20 of us while we watch. still think you should make a youtube :stuck_out_tongue:

shit you might need another 2x4x5 just for the seeds that end up being special for reveg shove em in there and leave for 2 months until you can get a clone.(pls do this cause your going to find a gem going thru so many beans)

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The real MAC1 is a triploid… but triploids are not entirely sterile. There’s a very small chance when breeding a triploid that the stars will align and chromosomes will all end up in the right place to form fully functional haploid or diploid DNA.


If all the single chromosomes pass to the same pole and simultaneously the other two chromosomes pass to the opposite pole, then the gametes formed will be haploid and diploid. The probability of this type of meiosis will be (1/2)x−1, and this proportion is likely to be low. All other possibilities will give gametes with chromosome numbers intermediate between the haploid and diploid number; such genomes are aneuploid—“not euploid.” It is likely that these aneuploid gametes will not lead to viable progeny; in fact, this category is responsible for the almost complete lack of fertility of triploids.

The fact that @Jetdro fully pollinated his MAC1 cut and got very few seeds is closer to proof that it’s triploid than proof that it isn’t, IMO.


Man what a long ass day , but its all done , just a waiting game now . Rather than move everyone for just 2 or 3 days , i fired up the Migro Aray 4 over the seeds , 20 % power maybe 15 inchs, 300 to 400 par . Had room in mom tent for them .

50 damn cups was a lot of work
time for a J :sunglasses:


Loaded up tight man. :sunglasses: :metal:


only till Sunday when 2x4 tent arrives , all fiddy going into it , Mom tent back to normal on Monday


I’m cleaning up the gauntlet. Zip ties, stakes stems and root balls.


Nice bro! Nice and clean and packed, my kinda grow


Ended up getting an aray 2 to test. Get rid of the T5. :upside_down_face: Impulse


new avatar???

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dude shld offer a 15% off og coupon jets gonna get him at least 20 of those things sold alone


This is fantastic…I’m loving it

Keep it up brother and thanks for sharing your journey with us


Great new start :+1::+1::+1:



Yezzir, please don’t hate on me or call me fake for taking so long to respond :wink: (long ridiculous story from yesterday) I figured it was time to use it to signify the new me.


Ahhhh what a life those gorgeous dogs have, Charlii would be jealous!


The pack looks like there having fun
