30 day roll, lets do this

Very nicely done jet
Other then some burnt tips and what looks like a little potassium deficiency starting in one or so pic
Great job :clap:


Flowers are looking great bro. :sunglasses: :metal:


Like week 7 or 8 on those?


week 7 yeah , Giesel gonna get tossed, shit growing plant not gonna yield, dont like her style . GMO starting to bulk, Chemd looks decent and colored, AF is killing it!!!


Lost Cake photos!!! Got thre females all different.


i like bottom girl
Look healthy good job
hope you get the vanilla haze pheno

I threw 5 down yesterday


Took clones of them so next few runs will be better. Hate the reveg single leaf bullshit!


idk if this was aired in the states in the 80s but i used to like this show and when ever i see your pups the theme song always plays in my head. the littlest hobo!


wow, lol , no never seen it ,

1 Like

might have just been a canadian show but the pack reminds me of it. nostalgia i guess



Awe the boyz



Great pics. Mercy photo bomb.


The new Veg lights have really made my Mom tent a nice place to work . They also very evenly light up my whole big tent , and stay out of my way , my favorite part .Ive a whole 9 x 5 area evenly lit , using 500 watts total ! Love it , plants like the leds way more than my old T5’s . With whole tent floor as canopy , and even at that , i can place plants anywhere , makes my life so much easier . Science and tech for the win

Substitutions were made :see_no_evil: The plants in octos gotta hit flower tent in 2 weeks time to stay in my roll, which i shall do :100:

Cant understand Apple Fritter :see_no_evil: 2 cuts taken like day 5 of flip , look like this . Appears they started to flower , then went into a WIERD REVEG routine Light timers correct , no bad lights , just puzzles me .

That shit aint flying in my tents , besides , look above , Mac and WC have found the rez, picked up their skirts , and poised to explode . Both :100:have legs under them and would just run over that Lumpy cut right now . When she is happy , she :100: keeps pace with WC . She was moved to left side under the Aray 3 until she figures out what she is gonna do. The other cut is in an octo already a week , looks the same . Replaced by an WC

CAP Junky , got as cut , had months , NEVER been happy , Octo is trying , been in a week ,
Im done with this plant!:boom: Fought me tooth n nail , fine bitch … you win , enjoy the garbage can :fire:

Replaced by another WC

So , gonna be interesting , Mac n WC gonna take the fuck off this coming week , while the two new WC octo transplants (came from pots) go into stasis for a week :see_no_evil::see_no_evil::see_no_evil::see_no_evil:

Oh well


Ill pull cuts off what i can for you tomorrow , get em rooting .

Momma WC gonna give up her top for you , be a super cut :sunglasses:

Caps Cut found the rez😎

WC has found the rez😎

420 done for the day . New 2x4 shows tomorrow , will pull the 50 seeds out of middle of Mom tent and place in it under the Aray 4 . Got it figured out , took 5 minutes . Bottom line is it will cover that 2x4 in as much light from corner to corner as small plants will be able to take . Gonna be a fun tent i hope , and a BIG learning curve for me

@ifish gonna need your help i spect . First run in soil (and its not even soil​:see_no_evil:) in maybe 15 years . This stuff im using is my octo mix , which is totally wrong for a one gallon pot top watering run :100:. Doesnt want to hold water , runs through it quick , gets loose when dry compacts when too wet . Just wrong , dont care , not making soil for this run , just not .
Ill learn to deal with it . Tent will be right , temps humidity airflow , light will be killer , so i will have to pay attention and watch the plants in this tent .
Fishy…thinking maybe every 3rd water just plain water??? Think they can handle one teaspoon per gallon 100 percent of the time???

Please chime in as this gets going . Seeds in ground now , so got time :sunglasses:


What up @Barrie84
Miss talking to ya


Can you just put on a saucer and bottom feed
If feeding from top 2 feeds then half strength feed , better than 2 then one water , not as confusing , still some momentum then


Beautiful healthy plants bro… Celebrating my oldest and youngest daughters birthday… Everybody’s gone so ill have some time of my own checking your beautiful grow my friend👍


Why are you not out with them


Right on brother. I will be happy with whatever. :sunglasses: :metal: