30 day roll, lets do this

If those damn fritter cuts had not done what they done I swear I think I’d fill up a couple of tents with those things this is what their mom looks like in week seven


I was celebrating there birthday at home all the family and friends are gone now so


Do you want them in another week or two right


That’s complete :fire:

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Wowsie looking very sexy


Yeah that is good. Don’t kill yourself. Its all good.


Issue has been I’ve been moving everybody around got this 30 day roll going it’s hard to get everybody ready to take a cutting at the same time because I don’t have enough space to hold everybody as moms at the moment
So some of my plants are just tiny little cuttings in Dixies


I like growing a lot. Doing what your doing would drive me nuts. Props.


First run of her , call me impressed big time. Pleasure to grow , vigor , week 7 buds are dense , sticky , really nice size at 45 days .
Her smell is nice , she will be like WC , a pleasure to trim… snip snip done .
Bettn she is a great smoke


what ya mean ??? The 310 roll isn’t that hard what’s been hard is all these damn elite cuttings do you realize I have to keep a mother or a plant of it going for 3 1/2 to 4 months while I grow the damn thing out to see if I want to keep it and with 12 or 13 that I have that is taking a lot of time and has filled my damn tents with cuts everywhere and gotten to the point where I no longer give a rats ass lol


Keeping mothers and shit. I don’t see myself ever doing that. A lot of work. Props.


I always work with mama s love it… It will cost you some time but it will pay out…


what I am tending to find out is all of these elite cuts are not a whole lot different than what I normally run and have been running for ages. None of them have been head and shoulders above what I have been growing. Yes some very good plants but nothing earth shattering .
Out of 12 or 14 that I am running I bet I’ll only keep three or four. other than Tahoe none of them yet Has struck me as oh wow I love this and going to keep it like some of the other plants are run have.
The ice cream cake from seed was one I said oh wow I’m keeping this and that was from seed and after I’ve been through seven or eight of these elites

Geisel is a prime example . Dont care how good her bud is , never gonna run her again in my tents. Doesnt fit into what i like to GROW.
Lot of it is how damn plant grows too . Standing next to apple fritter and GMO backing her up she looks like a cheap third grade shop project. GDP is tasty n good , but a RPITA to trim .Grows great , but ill never trim another .


Yeah, I find it hard to justify 250 a clone.


Most if the time it’s the hype… I prefer the older regular strains for sure way more pheno s to hunt


Think of it this way in order to find a lady is good is the cologne you got a buy at least a pack of seeds and anything really good it’s gonna cost you 100 bucks or so so it’s not really that far out of whack


Polo Black still kills it today.

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You know I was thinking about it last night over the years I’ve smoked two or three buds it just flattened me and we’re so good I have thought about them for half a century.

i’ve come to realize that that was a long time ago I did not smoke high-level THC weed all day long like I do now and I honestly believe that if I were given joints of those same buds that flattened me in the 70s and 80s and 90s I wouldn’t be all that impressed at the moment.

People talk about greening out on a couple hits or feeling like on acid or being so high they’re completely out of control well bud isn’t going to take me there no bud is going to take me there he’ll my killer bud with half a gram of rosin soaked into it doesn’t take me there.
Yeah sure I get high like really high but not like I hear a lot of people describe.

So I’ve got all kinds of hash and Rozen and good bud and what I’m discovering this year after running all this stuff is that I’m going to get high one way or the other either straight bud or put Rozen or hash in it so what’s becoming important to me is the taste in the flavor and the type of high that I get.

Certain cultivars like WC just take me to my happy spot has a lot to do with the terpene profile I think and just how that particular plant interacts with me. I don’t care how good the pot is like skunk tangerine which was extremely powerful if it doesn’t taste good I can’t deal with it. If I don’t like the flavor and smell from it if I don’t like growing it it just doesn’t work for me.

in three or four or five weeks I’m done with all the elite cuts and will cut back to what I really like and it’s going to be nice to get back to sanity and stop chasing the holy grail Cuz guess what there ain’t one​:boom::boom::boom:


What the hell does that have to do with anything because my voice to text said cologne instead of cut I figured you’re smart enough to figure it out


You’ll have to be a little bit lucky too, i think that the excitement too will i find something cool i this package