30 day roll, lets do this

@Jetdro GORGEOUS as always brother! Definitely some big ass nuggage on that gal we were talking about (AF) hope she is all you are hoping for :crossed_fingers:t3:


3rd tent goes to flower today :smiley: Leaves Mom Tent looking lonely, lol. GLS 300 is off, but wont be long, next set of cuts when i take some for Cole will go under her in octopots.

Chemd and Giesel coming down like Monday or Tuesday. Chemd is fat, sticky, stinky, and done already. Giesel sucks, lol. Hoping at least her bud makes up for a crap growing and looking plant to me, i have already trashed it’s Mom, no way id run it again even if its the Holy Grail…which my eyes, fingers, nose, experience, tells me she aint.

Chemd has been getting ZERO attention and no pics from me??? ONLY reason she is stuck in back, behind AF, and i gotta crawl the wall and undo tent to even see her. Last i looked, with my telephoto :see_no_evil: she was FATT N FINE. Thinking she has a shot at being good. Her buds are nice, ill get pics when i chop her, her stench is different, and she is sticky or was last i touched her.

Fucking LED’s, mean i love 'em, but these cuts n the GLS’s are forcing me to add CAL Mag to my mixture. All the elite cuts showing bad signs of defiencies .

Y’all use the reco rates??? @Papalag , @ShiskaberrySavior @HolyAngel and others???

Go to get my cal mag, which is 5 years old, got like a tablespoon of it…so…gonna foliar tonight with it, nuff for that, ordered a damn bottle of it from The Devil.

Fritter looks like she is throwing her first 3 blade…whew!!!

All 3 ICC throwing good new veg shoots, i got her !!!

Cool, AF n ICC will be offically in the house in a week or two :heart_eyes: I wanted both.


Bro I add 100 ppms of calmag every time in veg

I lower it to 50 ppms in flower


i haven’t touched calmag in a few years but I know some people running jacks that say they need it. Think @Joker was running it. I use solution-grade gypsum, calcium sulfate. About 1.5grams per gallon. With the maxibloom, I should be hitting around 150ppm of calcium through the whole grow, on top of the ~100ppm or so that’s in my tap water.

Also, i’m all out of likes again :cry:


teaspoons per gallon please??? @Papalag dont ph dont ppm, no meters


1/4 teaspoons per gallon =100
1/2 teaspoon =200 ppms

I just measured it and checked the meter

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only 1/4 TEASPOON per gallon??? They reco 3-5 mil per…5 mil is teaspoon.

Think ill go Tea per gallon at first, should be safe…


Are you both using the same brand of calmag ie same brand same concentrations ?
: )


Good point

That’s sounds reasonable


Yeah there’s botanicare calmag+ with iron. And then there’s GH CaliMagic without iron.


Foxfarm Bushdoctor Cal Mag 1-0-0 what I use.

1/2 tsp per gallon keeps it right there.


My calmag has extra iron


I’ve been thinking about the iron lately.

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If your new growth tips and first new fans centres / start of fingers are very light green / yellow then extra iron good

I think iron mag and sulphur is for terps as a bonus


Haven’t had an issue with this. Must be the benefit of mixing organic container mix with coco. “its soil not dirt” looks like fuckin dirt to me.

My water is very soft 40ppm no significant iron in my tap

Probably very clean water of the mountains nearby plus city has changed a lot of pipes to plastic over the years

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Mines 47 ppm. You and I have excellent tap. Ours comes right out of the mountains Mckenzie River.


You guys got pussy water my ppms are 190

East coast water


Great water we both have , luxury straight out of the tap and little to none limescale as a bonus @ColeLennon
: )

Kettles taps etc