30 day roll, lets do this

Tom might just be a better grower than you guys. :rofl:


I have been dialing her in for a while though, and I have a pretty good hand at stopping all the excessive stretching she had originally expressed. I can mistreat her and get her to stretch all to hell if that makes it being TK easier to swallow :joy:


That goes without saying…could be just the pics too…

Be COOL to see how MY TK looks in your place @ColeLennon

And ill take one for @herojuana.tom too when i snip yours , WC i mean for him :boom:


Looking forward to it. I haven’t done an indoor since 2008. Its like riding a bike right? :rofl: I’m sure I will have many bumps finding my way.

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Her spindly nature and stretch are easy to correct, i didnt have issue there either. Its the leaf shape, just different than mine …when did u aquire her??? @herojuana.tom


Nah! A grower is just a grower, I am just like all the rest… not the worst, not the best.


Maybe VW will chime in soon. He has one in flower that looks just like Tom’s. Little stretch, leaf variegation, same leaf morphology, etc. But his TK mom in veg looks totally different and exactly like mine and jet’s. I think he’s suspecting, and I definitely have been, that it was a mislabeled clone but idk for sure. It’s definitely an interesting conundrum. If she really does express totally different in a certain environment, we need to find out what the trigger is exactly. So far everyone I’ve given my cut too, has grown the same looking plant as me, when it comes to internodes and leaf morphology, regardless of different nutes or lights :thinking:


2 days ago i hit all the potted plants with a dose of 10 30 20…also foliar hit them, New growth appears good.

Ordered PH test kit…fuck the meters…will check my PH when it arrives tomorrow.

NONE of the Octopot ladies have the issue…ONLY the potted ladies.

Maybe my water changed, or i just SUCK at hand watering…thinking PH might be out of whack…OCTOPOT regulates it for me…

Ill check the octos tomorrow see where they are at.

HMMMMM…octopot…5.2 like hydro…or 6.2 like soil…HMMMMMM



Really like these new nets i got…several for my flower tents, one for the seed 2x4 tent also


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I don’t usually post any pics that aren’t 100% beautiful, but this is her at 9 weeks today… she has been flushed for 16 days and will come down this sunday. Yes, early, but I need the space and like her fine at 9 weeks. Sadly my moms were under fluorescent for a month and started to flower and now they are revegging :joy: Dammit!


I took mine at like 77 i think, could have taken at 9, next run i will.


Was just checking out ChemD. Super pretty all hiding behind AF, her buds are ROCK HARD, fat, very very colored up. She is DONE. So is Giesel(good, get out of my tent, lol) .

ChemD is ceertainly looking the part…gonna whack her n G soon as my Cannatrol is open for business…currently drying an outside Lost Cap.


She is totally fine at 9 or 10 weeks! Maybe my growing style differs? I get my plants to stack hard by growing them big and then cutting them the hell back so that only the bottoms are left, give her 3 days to a week and then throw them into flower… all the energy from all the stretchy stuff I cut off goes right into the new growth which doesn’t stretch like it would if I vegged it longer


You flush huh…


Yes, I had discussed that with you previously. 19 days minimum. I don’t notice any difference if I flush less than 16 days… they don’t start to fade for the first two weeks, then they fade nicely into senescence


9 weeks is way too damn racy for the TK cut I have.

Flower looks kinda similar :thinking:
Here’s some of mine


i see senescence with zero flush, full rip till the end.

More than one way to skin a MJ plant



EXACTLY what mine looked like, exactly…


Oh for sure! Flushing just gets me there ~2-3 weeks earlier than natural. I force a young death versus letting them die of old age


Gonna try n get some ChemD pics , she is buried in back, hard to get to …