30 day roll, lets do this

WOW, if it’s day 53 CALL ME IMPRESSED with ChemD AND Fritter…specially Fritter!

Thanks @Trailer …coukd it be 53 days…woukd make Tue/Wed like day 58 , 8 weeks!!!

Comming back to me thanks to Holy…i ALWAYS flip on Friday…so i flipped on the 1st.

So today is day 56…Wednesday next week day 61…let her go till Friday…9weeks.

Mystery solved, thanks Angel!!! :sunglasses:

Works for me…gotta stagger loads in Cannatrol, have new lil ones needed space,.

Gotta work this way. Giesel is done, and im done with her, be HAPPY choppn her skinny ass.

ChemD and Giesel come down Friday, 9 weeks
Apple Fritter comes down 10 days later, day 73 or 75
GMO 10 days after that…day 85 or 12 weeks…if it aint good at 12 weeks in, i dont need her


around 1800 ppm for me and that gets rid of my cal mag issues when i under feed some strain like 1200 all the way thru others need to get 1500+ or i get slight mag def


going to double check mine later im sure mine is double that. or i could be giving my 4 2 1 dose, but pretty sure im 15/1800

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only one thing to do swap a cut each and run side by side on all 3 ends you jet tom! good for science and i get more awesome material to read! if it ends up being a mislabled clone that would be kinda funny


Since this cut is on its way to me. You guys need to figure out if this is a TK or not. :rofl: I will just call it the mystery cut until you guys find out. :yum:


1800 wow that’s like 3.6 ec @204medismoke ? Or are you 700 scale
You got a pic of a plant on 1800 ppm feeding


I’m curious also. Do you start low and baby bump to get to 1800? If so how long does that take? @204medismoke

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My cut is same as Holy’s and Tom’s is suppose to be too. Whoever mine is, she is excellent and will make incredible medicine for you !


I’m just fuckin with ya.


I know…just bored…lol

Ok Amazon shut down…just ordered like 100 bucks o shit for the plants… :see_no_evil:


Gushmint test run fun (hopefully) - #81 by Tappy this should take you right to some pics about 13 days ago.

im not sure which scale but im sure my tap is 140-180 and i fed 4 2 1 most of this grow minus last 2 weeks just 4 - 2 no epsoms

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I dont care if its called cat poop.


seedlings around 300 ppm then after a couple feeds i start raising yeah. usually go 300 to 500 to 800 and then right to around 1500. if i do see any burn i do back off and go one feed 1200 until run off and then build back up very much a by feel not science grower my whole life. and when things go wrong i message @HolyAngel LMAO


I like to start low and bump 25% every feeding until I see it. 1800 I don’t think I’ve come close to that. I don’t check anything. If they like it I say go for it.


going over my log i think 1500 was the peak of this run… so i might have mis spoke 1800 and meant 1500. i appologize and need to keep better notes lol


Your leafs are very dark green , some clawing also and burnt tips

I think you are just masking the defs with high n , dark green leafs that hide what’s really going on

Maybe : )


very well could be. and agree leafs were very dark and thick at some points of this grow. wonder how much potency and yeild or taste im effecting ?

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Lots : ) I would say


Plus you must be rattling thru nutes like crazy ( money )

thanks for even saying that because thats something i never would have thought about otherwise. now i can try and dial this next run with them better i kept 6 of the 14 to re run and will try and see how lower but more frequent does.