30 day roll, lets do this

using jacks lol i had enough to last me the last 4 years lmao

Now it will last you 8 : )

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i am out of cal 15-0 0 thoā€¦ got enough for one more run maybe!!

Buy some calmag and Epsom

You would also be best changing to jet and paps feeding regime

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What jacks you got ( npk ratio )
Then jet and paps can advise what else to get : ) I donā€™t live in us Iā€™m eu


I still think the plants are deficient on jacks alone, though Iā€™m not sure in what. Maybe phosphorous? or maybe its my tap water? tap is like 100ca:50mag by itself. My plants always look like they have issues on jacks, whether i do 3-2-1 or 4-2 or 20-20-20, whatever. I donā€™t get the lush green growth like I get on maxibloom and gypsum. Tho supplementing the maxibloom with jacks has give me even better veg results. Jacks alone seems like itā€™s a high N, low P feed and thatā€™s usually what I see the results of. See a lot of dark purple/red stems and petioles along with yellow/bronze leaf edges. I donā€™t like that. Havenā€™t been able to come up with an answer to that in a few years now. So I just stick with the maxibloom.

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im seeing certain. low P on straight 20 20 20
ill be adding in 10 30 20

The new plants seem to be much more affected or is just the new lights

will check ph before adjusting however


Calmag ( extra n ) plus 1/3/2 veg
Calmag plus 20/20/20 stretch
Calmag plus 1/3/2 start flower
Every week up ppm by adding more pk13/14
Then calmag plus 0/12 /26 ( jacks new one )

Thats the lowest n I would go , thatā€™s tweaked to perfection

High octane feeding shedual


Do a trail octo on the side

Be fun to watch

N def is easy to spot and correct , worst case senieo you lose acouple of lower fans along the way , no biggie


Then the next grow you know what to adjust and at what stage for perfection : )

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Iā€™ve seen this product if I recently didnā€™t just buy 5/12/26 Iā€™d definitely would give it a try

I use 20/20/20 in early veg with 15.5/0/0 and Epson salts

Seems best fit for me

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Try vegging with cal nit and Epsom with 1/3/2 , a test plant

It will just be a lighter green looking but will have more p and k in it ( p for roots , k for plant health = vibrancy green colour )

Great for mums too

You have everything there to do it


Just what i shall do :boom:


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One gallon bag


The 0/12/26 is my next purchase.

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@Joker , you should swap some with @Papalag

Be nice to have the option of 6/12/26 and 0/12/26! So you can adjust if plants fade too quickly or not quick enough at finish

The last thing you want is fade to go into sugar leafs befor your trichs are cloudy kind off , or the opposite plants stay green till the end , the latter not as worrying but itā€™s nice to have nice fade at end , satisfaction of total control and a visual finish of the grow , conclusion

Will feel nice having total control of the finish , box ticked

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Im curious now whats your top 5?

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Are these different octos from your norm?

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taking your cuts right now @ColeLennon


yes, these cost 11 bucks each all in with the fabric bag included !!!