30 day roll, lets do this

Man it was decades ago I don’t recall that they were cheap I went to a screen printing place I want to say I pay maybe 100 bucks for all all three

So in the end i traded that big bag of shake for this

I dont know about that ROI , could have Rolled 80 joints and gived them away, or made butter

Looking at it under my 16 Power Loop it looks terrible


The “mini octo’s” are just so cheap, i could not help myself. I will soon have 12 :speak_no_evil:
Took a page from @ColeLennon and gonna try these 2 gallon bags he found

Thinking is:…12 under single GLS 640, soon as rooted cuts hit rez and go vertical, flip. Plan is 2.5 footers, no work for me, no netting, just fill n go…thats my plan anyways :star_struck:


That’s a good one. Looks like milk .


I haven’t found any cheaper than that . Let’s say I wouldn’t go any cheaper than that because of the quality.


They are EXCELLENT quality, super heavy, stretched tight tight. I bought them local at a screen printing store, why the have LPI marked on them. Was a STD size and LPI for them, why price was good.

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I like the bushdoctor supplements. Cal Mag, Microbe, Kelp me Kelp You. They work great and they make the rest of my shit PH Perfect 6.3-6.5


That’s my plan also. Just want to take as many cuts as possible when I loli pop them. I will probably FIM them once. Maybe.

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Do you use Octo’s?

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I’m going to run these. 3x3 with an HLG Blackbird


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How are you growing now? Reason I ask is your ph. I hit 5.8-6 when using the Octo’s. Just wondering what everyone else runs.


I haven’t used them yet. I don’t PH anything. Great tap that is 47 PPM. I just use my Bushdoctor supplements and Mega crop 2 part. Comes out 6.3-6.5


Soil likes 6.0 -6.5 best. Hydro liked 5.2-5.5 best. I find Octos like 5.5 to 6. IF you PH i would at 6 and no higher for use in these. Yours will most likely be feeding from the soil fed by the wicks rather than thrwoing much roots to the rez. I find if enough moisture is available to the roots in the bottom of your pot, they generally will not invade the rez very heavily.



Good call @joker, rez feeding systems def need lower PH than soil feeders.

The cuts he will have grow very well, he gets them to flower in any kind of shape he will be set for a killer harvest, i cant wait to see it. Glad i made the deal i get 1/2 of what he grows… :speak_no_evil:


These ac infinity with wicks roots will stay in the fabric bag. I’m not wrestling with PH. I’m just not going to do it.


I concour!

I ran a little setup exactly like what your getting ages ago. Was a “planter” with plant i bought at Walmart for like 6 bucks. Same design, but tiny like size of 18 OZ dixie cup… Had small top section for soil, then bottom was it’s rez. Had a wick that was stapled to top, which hung into the bottom, like your design.

Plant grew WELL!!!

Yanked it, placed MJ in it. TOOK THE F OFF IT DID!!! Like an octopot growth!!! Pulled it 3 weeks later when it was huge, and needed a fillup 3 times a day…lol. Rez hels like 3 oz’s if that.

THOSE things will ROCK…my cuts will rock…your a stay at home dad, to dad, lol, you can stay on top of them, you have the chance of pulling off a perfect beautiful GROW SHOW SUPREME on this run. I, personally, think you shall achieve just that.

You got One N Done??? IF NOT, ill include when i send cuts. USE IT 1 per week, ALL VEG, maybe first week of flip, then leave em be. They will be CLEAN coming to you. Been hit least 5 times now, cuts will be “dunked” before sending too. All my ladies are happy, cuts will be too.

I recently got A/C infinity’s “bungie cord” netting. Comes with hooks, is SUPER heavy duty, easy up, easy down, i suggest you get a 3x3 for yours just in case, like 10 bucks. I will use them from now on, way better than the POS strings, and better than my yoyo’s. Still use a few YOYO’s…on on main stem down low holding plant vertical .


I want to mix my nutes and roll… What do think about me using distilled water for my cuttings to clone? I know I’m going to be fumble fucking my way through practicing cloning.

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You can clone in anything man. You don’t need any special Walter. 5.5 - 5.8 some like it higher. I always get my roots started in water… I’ve made my own machines. You can do it with a simple water bottle.


:sunglasses: :metal:

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That’s all I did it one time I’ve never had seeds. I had bean bags. I would get clones or have my own.

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Appreciate it brother. I want to make it simple.

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