30 day roll, lets do this

I figured that out when I couldn’t find it. I won’t download that shit on my gear.


Im VPN’d and PROXIE’d out my ass, im safe, been DLing em 10 years no issues. New service is fast too, DL the movie in 51 seconds, converted it in 3 minutes with Handbrake , so saw it, 5 minutes later i can watch it, GOTTA LOVE TECHNOLOGY


so couldn’t sleep been up since like four was bored started digging around on my phone went to Instagram which I never go to and spent two hours reading stories of the lineage of marijuana and reading all the people warring over who created what and what what actually is lol.
just amazing to me all the hooey and horseshit and old wives tales and stories appears if the weed we are growing doesn’t have some crazy story behind it it couldn’t be any good lol.
no it couldn’t be hash plant it’s got purple in it no he didn’t say that he said this no that’s not the way it went down that’s what everyone thinks but this is how it really went down I know cause I was there LMAO

and all this shit happened in peoples basements hidden rooms and garage’s. people running thousands of seeds and hundreds of strains stoned all day long smoking their product lol. i’m a tiny little homegirl I can’t remember what I grew three months ago let alone if I was growing hundreds of plants and had operations in five different spots yeah they all remember that specific one plant and the stories behind it

they went through the washing machine and only one survived

they came from a ounce of bud bought at a concert

it was found up in the Himalaya mountain growing under a rock sheltering it from the wicked cold

for years they grew along strawberry plants and took on their aroma LMAO that’s the best one yet you lying scumbag lol I saw him online somewhere the other day hocking weed at 1000 or 1500 an ounce

I think I’m gonna get really really stoned one day make up some wild ass story name a strain after the story and just pick one of my killer plants to be that strain lol


My weed was germinated in the feathers of an albatross while is flying across the Hawaiian islands! This is why it gets you so high!






Stoners love a good story or cool name or word

If nature does it it must be fine


You know we should have a thread where we all come up with ridiculous stories and name our new strain


Wait till all the old school growers are no longer with us…all the stories will become even more buggered with nobody able to confirm.

Master Thai gave sub-cool some seeds from 1966 and he’s the one who found the skunk in his teenage years…or some goofy shot like that…it’s coming.

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This bud came from a 3000 acre field in Columbia that was struck by a freak lightning storm every single plant except this one was destroyed

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Oh I can only imagine I’m telling you I want to invent one myself lol

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I like this idea…lol…oh, my…the stories we would read.

I used to like weed legends but as time goes on and the stories change or “evolve” you realize that most of it is “lore” designed to sell seeds/cuts/weed. These legends are not real history but marketing tools. Nobody wants to buy some bad seed you found in a random ounce but if I say it’s from the Himalayan mountains it’s straight fire!


:yum: You know how to party :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

Plants look great too!


If you really start digging hard and looking at old shit and finding old videos you can see these dudes talking these stories in their trailer homes standing over a sink of filthy dishes with the dripping faucet in their slippers lol


Bro!..how much $$$ for your himi beans!!! :fire::fire::fire::fire:

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I’m actually sucking on moon rocks as we speak or as we text or whatever the fuck we’re doing


Gotta wait for my albatross to land but I could let a pack go for $5000…just for you….exclusive drop….



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do you know if I’m not mistaken when they’re born they head out to see and I believe they spend their first three years flying over the ocean without ever touching land so I guess this bird was flying along and some stoners in a little Cessna flying a big load across pitched out a roach which had a seed in it and it landed on the albatross which was 2 1/2 years into its first journey lol when it came to land the plant was beautifully finished and cured

Man moon rocks at five in the morning there’s a really good idea


Thats stuff would rock my world in the morning. I’d be hugging the coffee maker.